Ring Delivery 2021 by Cami M. '23
meet me halfway
On October 10th, the MIT class of 2023 had Ring Delivery. Ring Delivery typically happens in your sophomore spring, to mark not only the arrival of your brass rat01 The MIT undergraduate class ring. but also the halfway point of MIT.
Obviously, as a result of the pandemic, we weren’t able to have a ring delivery in the spring. But because our RingComm02 Ring committee - a group of students in your class year that works on designing the brass rat as well as hosting things like ring premiere, delivery, and various study breaks and hype events surrounding the ring is really freaking cool, we were able to get it rescheduled for this fall.
It’s been something I’ve really been looking forward to, especially since I love dressing up and looking nice. But also because I think the brass rat is really symbolic, not only for me but for a lot of MIT students. It represents making it half way, as well as is one of the main symbols to signify you actually attended MIT. In a way it makes me feel more like a real student, even after all these years.
Enjoy some photos from the night!

me and emma s. ’23 doing our signature frat boy poses

surprise there’s another one

aidan c. ’23, raymond t. ’23, and aiden p. ’23 posing in front of the water hell yea lets go laddies

married to the ‘tute

emma s. ’23, eva s. ’23, and i looking like the powerpuff girls lets goooo

just gals being pals

me familia

dphie takes on ring delivery!!

- The MIT undergraduate class ring. back to text ↑
- Ring committee - a group of students in your class year that works on designing the brass rat as well as hosting things like ring premiere, delivery, and various study breaks and hype events surrounding the ring back to text ↑