Status Pic, As Promised by Ben Jones
Still bearded. 4 days to go.
Ask and ye shall receive! Here’s a pic taken this morning that will demonstrate the beard in its full glory:
4 days until mail/shave day. :-) NICE
Still bearded. 4 days to go.
Ask and ye shall receive! Here’s a pic taken this morning that will demonstrate the beard in its full glory:
4 days until mail/shave day. :-) NICE
OKAYYYY. I have to first post here THANK YOU.
My shave day will be after I get in at MIT…
Even if I would have to wait untill graduate studies
[Do not ask what would I do in the case of double rejection. I think I would have to brake my promise!]
Actually, you look really nice in a beard! …it goes well with the earing :D And I bet it keeps your chin warm during the winter too?
your beard reminds me of an individual who also happens to work at a school… springfield elementary that is…
are u irish by anychane Ben?
So did you take that picture yourself or did someone else take it for you?
The only reason I ask is because that could be quite an interesting favor to ask from a colleague (“Can you take a beard status picture for me?”).
Jpsi – that is dedication!!
Kathy – thanks! Is does keep the chin warm, an added benefit. Glad we don’t read apps in the summer!
NoCreativity – No irish, unfortunately. It’s one of the few things my “mutt” heritage lacks.
Patrick – The other “E. Jones” took it for me. And that’s exactly how I phrased it to him, actually! LOL
lol @ Ben.
The beard makes you look pretty bad-ass, more so than the picture of you on your other blog.
I still can’t grow a beard, but… when I apply next year I’ll shave a fatty MIT on my head if accepted. shave it bald (start over) if deferred, and… well that’s as far as i want to think.
keep up the good work ben!
ben is wicked hot. and probably wicked smaht too.
It sure sounds nice to hear someone say that, and it sounds even better and comforting from an admissions counselor.
It’s kinda like sports. One reason I think I’ve never had a good athletics coach for either basketball or soccer: No coach I’ve ever come across has cared about the WHOLE team: the athletic stars, the 6th man-subs, the benchwarmers and the weaker ones. It always saddens me to see the motives of some of the coaches: 1) WIN 2)WIN 3)WIN.
What I mean to say is, thank you for caring about ALL of your applicants. Thank you for being interested in every one of our applications, reading our stories, delving into our worlds, and writing entries like today’s to keep our hopes up for the future. Even if I dont see you at MIT this fall thanks for taking interest in ME!
i guess that would be about YESTERDAY’s entry on power! lol
Grateful – no, thank *you*! Your post means a lot to me.