Susan Hockfield’s Private Concert by Snively '11
La la la la la la la laaaaaaa!!!!
Yes, we are this cool.
We perform our drinking song, in capes, for our president.
Also, last year, the Marching Band was a bit more destructive. As you can see, Alex (a prefrosh then, an ’11 now) decided to shatter a light with his sousaphone.
lol. Trouble in the hallway XD
God, I love the MIT Marching Band. They are officially the coolest marching band EVER.
They came to a field hockey game this year, and played “The Final Countdown.” Let me tell you, you have not LIVED until you’ve heard a marching band play The Final Countdown.
5th– YAYAYAYAY!!!!!
Okay, so im 6th.
Off-topic question: When is it “too early” for a teacher to fill out an evaluation form?
My pep band plays the final countdown! I love it.
An off topic question, but how do we contact the MIT admissions office. They’re not responding!
@’12 Hopeful
If you were trying to contact them during CPW then you probably had some difficulty. Also, immediately after CPW is the only break in work they ever have so a bunch of admissions staff is taking a really long vacation. You can try e-mail but you may just have to wait.
Oh yeah – the marching band was rehearsing the final countdown when we were grading SAT diagnostic exams…good times, good times.
I was totally there
woo same here!
My son was one of the prefrosh who joined up with the Band. President Hockfield, with (I believe) her husband and sister, were totally surprised but clearly entertained. The stop at her home seemed spontaneous . Snively went “above and beyond” by climbing a wall for this shot!
Snivel, that is such a cool first post.
Was the woman doing the rock thing with her hand Susan Hockfield ? Wow, that is so cool.
that was funner then the lastest hack.
btw, thanks for the comment on my blog
at least he wasn’t electrocuted!
wow alex, im sure mit thanks you
@ Snively
Thank you. I’ll wait. no problem.
was that a hook ’em?? or Rock ON by that lady who came out?
Good luck for the Wednesday test, Snively! ^^
@Senna ’12
Thank’s Senna, I’m studying for it right now.