T Minus One. by Shannon M. '12
(Class of 2007’s Ring)
The Brass Rat is MIT’s class ring, which is earned at the end of sophomore year but premiered early during spring semester. It’s one of the most recognizable rings in the world, based on shape and the prominent beaver on its bezel, but the specific details of each class’s Rat are chosen by a Ring Committee, or “RingComm,” a group of 12 people chosen at the end of freshman year to represent the class in designing the class ring (and plan Ring Delivery, but first things first).
There’s an extensive entry on Wikipedia; I would link to all the entries about the Brass Rat and Premiere/Delivery, but I think I’m just going to tell you to go here instead and start reading. Back when she was at MIT, Mitra ’07 was a member of her class’s RingComm. It’s all kind of a big deal around these parts, and wouldn’t you know, it happens to be the start of our sophomore spring semester…
That said, these fools and I make up the 2012 RingComm.
We have been seeing each other a lot, lately.
We haven’t really slept much.
We’ve kind of been obsessed with other peoples’ Brass Rats. (“Wait, Alice, can I try on your ring? I’m deciding which size bezel I want. Geez, the 2011 rings are uggg… oh, come onnn, I was just trying it on.”)
… And we’re really excited for tomorrow. Because tomorrow is the Class of 2012’s Ring Premiere, and we’ll be premiering the final product of 10 months of work– the best Brass Rat MIT has ever seen.
OUR Brass Rat.
*cue “Countdown” by Europe*
It’ll be as awesome as ever, I know. =)
Wow! How long have you kept this a secret?
I do remember last year’s ring committee selection controversy. Of course, that was all forgotten after the ring was revealed.
This year too, I’m sure people will be expecting a lot of you all. After all who doesn’t want their ring to be the best?
I hope you do a blog detailing the features ring(something similar to what Snively did).
Ahhhhhhhh so excited, no lie. =D Our brass rat is going to be gorgeous!
Rings!! Yaaaay!!
fools? who you calling fools?
omg soooooo close!
we still need to decide what nail colors to get!
@Alireza: Can we have a private discussion using E-mail?
Why not? I entered it in the post response.
OMG! it doesn’t show anything.
here you go: [email protected]
@Alireza: You must use Tor. GMail is blocked by the government these days. You must know about the green movement. You may arrested if you try to use it much without Tor. Tor make you anonymous. i hope if our next speech can be in GMail.
What are the criteria for selecting ring committee members, and how many people usually apply for it?
Ring Premiere tomorrow at 8PM
Kresge Auditorium! BE THERE!
What do u mean by Tor?
I havent seen anything in my GMail yet.
yeaaaaah this is gonna be great. Go Ringcomm! Go Brass Rat 2012!!
except that the 2011 rat kicked ass…
@Alireza: Go to “http://www.torproject.org/” and see yourself.
Thank you so much!
Then lets have the conversation over email.
I clicked on your link and all I get is a black screen and the words “Premiere- can you handle the excitement?” Am I not doing something/doing it wrong?
Your bio is by far the most interesting of all the ringcomm members’.
Just sayin’.
Still two men.
A bit disappointing.
Hello Shannon Di,
Hey Thats Great !!
The Ring Comm members also look good !!

But in “these fools” picture, you are also included there !!! HAhaa
… great !!!
And Amazing !!
The Brass for 2012 looks awesome! I just love all of the hidden symbolism hidden throughout it! Definitely one of the most looked forward to things if I do get accepted