The Calm Before the Storm by Mikey Yang '05
After 6+ months of planning, over 2,000 prefrosh and parents are headed toward Cambridge, Mass...
So…the past few weeks have been CPW central for me – working on matching up all 1,063 of you coming this weekend with current student hosts, and planning the Closing Remarks and Variety Show. After all the “day-before” craziness today, I thought I’d take a little break to relax and write a shameless plug for the event I’m running!
You all should definitely come to the Closing Remarks and Variety Show Saturday night. Details:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
6:00-7:30pm (Doors open at 5:30pm)
Kresge Auditorium
Link to the online CPW schedule entry
There are going to be 8 really amazing acts at the show (in alphabetical order):
– Bhangra (dance, Punjabi)
– Chorallaries (a cappella, co-ed)
– Imobilare (dance, breakdancing/hip-hop)
– Logarhythms (a cappella, all-male)
– Rambax (music, Senegalese drumming)
– Resonance (a cappella, co-ed)
– Ridonkulous (dance, hip-hop/modern)
– The Sharpe Brothers (juggling, diabolo)
(For those that don’t know, “a cappella” is basically making music with only voices, no instruments. Rockapella is probably one of the most famous examples of a cappella.) Kim actually used to be in the Chorallaries, and I used to be in the Logs (back in our undergrad days).
These are, of course, just a sampling of the 60+ performing arts groups at MIT. There are also a lot of other cool performances going on throughout the weekend, like Next Act, Caribbean Steel Pan Jamboree, All A Cappella Extravaganza, and the 7th Annual Battle of the Bands.
(Click here for a full listing of the arts-tagged CPW events.)
Anyways, come to the Closing Variety Show, and say hi to me at the CPW Help Desk, Student Welcome, Meet the Bloggers, and other stuff throughout the weekend!
Have a safe trip, and we’ll see you soon. Less than 14 hours ’til CPW begins!
hey …i don’t really believe there is also going to be bhangra .
i love bhangra …
@ comboy,
CPW refers to Campus Preview Weekend, which is for admitted students to get to know the campus and experience the MIT culture =]
Toooooooo pitiful that I can’t come awwww T.T
Calm? what calm? =)
Alberta, timestamps read your response was 70 minutes later. see what happened during 70 minutes
what about stewdents who can’t suffer from non-mit culture, i’m tired of this uncultured non-mit culture.
i wish shops were open in these 70 minutes, so i could buy some fresh culture to make yogurt. but it’s almost morning now.
won warning thomas sit tub
thomas sit on tub one warning
i just played with last sentence
six words in last three sentences
and it is almost morning now
what actually CPW is? it’s a shame not to know what it is (3.14 – 3) * 10 hours before its occurrence.
applying some pressure on my mind and some other rotation and spinning around…
does it have got anything to do to MbC
during that 10 seconds of redirecting think about M and W, b and P, C and C
is there mickey-mouse pencil-holder to drinking-glass transformation event at CPW?
well, i realized it’s still leaking. although i heat on oven to make the surface warm and then fill the holes with gun-glue.
this time it’s a lot better, i still have glue, but i can’t drink anything with it yet.
@navdeep: oh, there will be bhangra for sure!