The ‘Game’ by Bryan
Supporting inter-collegiate relations.
So last week, I made a trek out to the school down the street for The Game. This was my first time in all four years that I’d been at MIT that I had the chance to go to the game.
We started off by visiting the undergraduate party for food galore.
My friend, Steph ’07
Me and Elyse ’07 (I have a weird dancing face)
Mitra, Steph, and Me
Now the game was one thing, but I think we decided that the more clever competition was in the t-shirt designed specifically for the game.
(Disclaimer: These photos are in no way intended to discourage you from applying to Yale.)
This really is not just a rivalry of two schools, MIT is in the mix too.
MIT has a long standing tradition of hacking the football game.
From Wikipedia:
The most famous exploit was carried out at Harvard Stadium during the second quarter in 1982, when a Harvard score was immediately followed by a huge black weather balloon, previously installed under the 45 yard line by students from MIT as the letters painted on its side proclaimed, slowly inflating until it exploded, spraying talcum powder over the field (Harvard won, 45-7).
This year was no exception:
See if you can spot the hack.
This is made of wind, that must have been so much fun. I got a kick out of giant weather balloon exploding on the field.
M.I.T. – 1; Harvard-Yale – 0. That last hack was perfect. Subtle, yet hilarious (and perhaps true?). Things like this really just reinforce how awesome M.I.T. is.
Well done I say, well done.
HAHA I love it. MIT is like the wizkid prankster school of all the smart colleges. Does MIT usually side up with Harvard or Yale, or just watch the game for fun?
Ahhh MIT’s my dreamschool on so many levels =)
The MIT student streaking across the field this year was kinda lame, though.
hahahaha that was good one. i wonder if any harvard students were offended by it…
We were rather amused by the streaker, too. Although the “huge ego” thing – not visible unless you had a camera with a good zoom lens. Not to mention that many of the friends I was sitting with were convinced that some of our fellow Yale students had been the ones that, er, modified the Harvard shield on the scoreboard…
Darn, I lost The Game.
those shirts too funny. i like the monopoly one. haha.
those shirts are too funny. i like the monopoly one. haha.
…and the yale & poop one…
I think you should post pictures of the shirt Elyse facebooked…. dare you!
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