The Latest Updates by Matt McGann '00
Updates about MyMIT and the EA interview deadline.
So, MyMIT is back up, and things are back to normal around here. (Or at least as normal as things can be less than two weeks before the early action deadline)
As Ben has already noted, we have extended the deadline by which Early Action applicants should contact their Educational Counselors (ECs). The deadline to contact your EC is now this Monday, October 23. I do recommend contacting your EC this weekend, if you haven’t done so yet.
The MyMIT hardware failure did not affect the data of the vast majority of applicants. We have personally contacted the small set of students who were affected by the problem.
For those of you who are applying, I encourage you not to wait until the last minute to finish and submit your application. Things happen — computer crashes, big storms, earthquakes, etc. We’ll always be flexible in the case of an “act of God” delaying your application, but it’s better for your peace of mind to complete your application in advance of the deadline.
Now is also a good time to check in with those folks who are writing recommendations for you. Sometimes a kind and gentle reminder can be helpful.
Otherwise, I hope you have a great weekend! And for those of you celebrating, Happy Diwali, and Eid Mubarak!
Thanks for getting the site up so quickly and for the Diwali wishes. I have a problem, however:
I cannot access the application tracker! Every time I click on it, it asks me for my user name and password. So I input it and it just takes me back to MyMIT and the cycle starts again! What do I do?
Hi, Matt,
It seems that there are no test seats until January for the TOEFL exam. Would it be OK to do it in January?
I have the same problem as Gauri. Any ideas?
my name is samuel alade i want to study in this university i have made all the possible research
About the application tracker problem: I’ve run into that a few times as well. Here’s one thing that worked for me. Try logging out entirely by using the logout link at the top right and then log back in again.
Also the Online Application & Tracking link on the left sidebar seems to work as an alternate work-around to this problem as well.
— Arkajit
Thank you very much for your Diwali Greetings and wish you also a very bright and prosperous
Diwali. Can I get a few sample essays so that I can get an idea as to how the essays should be written ?
Thanks for the news, and Happy Diwali!
I was wondering if it is easier for girls to get into MIT? I know you have 45% of your class as girls, so do you accept more girls than guys? And, what is your girl acceptance rate?
Thank you!
hi matt! i am an international student who plans to apply to MIT this year. i could have applied last year, but i decided to take part in an exchange program, so i am applying this year. the problem is that i had already entered my home address last year, when i still was in my home country, Venezuela, and now I am in Belgium, and though I have changed my permanent address, the Educational counselor that was assigned for my interview lives in Venezuela, and therefore it is impossible for me to contact him for an interview. What can I do to get a new person for my interview? thanks in advance!
thnx matt 4 the diwali greetings.
Hi Matt,
Do we need to send a copy of the official score report for our AP scores or is listing them in Part II enough?
Also, would it be alright to submit Part I online and Part II on paper? And is it ok if the paper version still has the ***DRAFT*** header and footer from when you preview the application, or is there a way to suppress that?
Thanks for the Diwali greetings!
Eid Mubarak to you too. =)
[That just made my day.]
Thanks Matt for the warm wishes, and thank you for the update!
Quisiera estudiar en el MIT y quisiera saber cuales son los requisitos para esto ,porfavor envienme los requiitos
primer requisito: hablar ingles
lo demas lo consigues en la pagina de admisiones
I was just wondering if an applicant is allowed to exceed the 500 word essay limit?
And thanks for the update!
Hey Matt,
Oh my gosh… I was reviewing part two of my application and wanted to preview the PDF format and I accidentaly submitted my application.