The reading season begins by Matt McGann '00
I came into my office on Friday and guess what was waiting for me?
That’s right — the first completed folders of the year. The brown folders are your complete admissions files; the green cards associated with each folders are the summary cards (or “E-3 cards,” I have no idea why they’re called that). For the next month, the admissions staff will be reading carefully every sheet of paper in your folder and summarizing the case on that summary card. Then, in a month, we’ll bring all of the cases together and make decisions for each case. Finally, we’ll put the decisions in the mail; you’ll wait for your decision in the good old US Mail. It will be an exciting month.
By now, I’ve read my first folders of the year. It is not hyperbole when I say that all of you are just so, so awesome. It is incredibly inspirational to read about you and see just how many amazing students are out there. As I said to one of my colleagues in the Admissions Records Office today, the future of this country is promising and in good hands.
Yes, it’s Saturday, and I’m working. Much of the Admissions Office staff will be working 6-7 days a week this month, and considerably more than the usual 9am-5pm workday. This afternoon when I went downstairs to the Records Office, sure enough, there they were working to assemble more folders for the admissions officers to read.
And speaking of working all the time, I’m going to get back to reading your folders. Have a great weekend, and for all you early action folks, relax! Go have a picnic! (And if you want butter for your picnic bread & butter, may I highly suggest the folks at the Vermont Butter & Cheese Company… you may not think about butter the same way again)
Not the same few colleges: The Claremont Colleges in Southern California, including Pomona College (whose admissions officers sat next to me at a college fair last week in Chicago), Scripps College, Claremont McKenna College, Harvey Mudd College (home of the awesome “Junk Mail” marketing campaign), and Pitzer College. Much like in Boston, the ability to have so many colleges right nearby is a really great thing. Plus, you get all the benefits of a small college environment with all the benfits of a major university.