Things by Alexa J. '20
A collective end-of-the-semester brain dump
Breathe in, breathe out. Wow. I’ve barely had time to breathe let alone blog. I wanted to do an end-of-the-year reflection but thought it would be better for other people to just write a blog for me (although some are also my own). I’ve collected here some of the responses from a very small sample of the MIT population, mostly just the people I interact with regularly, so this is really only a snapshot of the diverse thoughts and feelings that exist in the MIT bubble. It’s a little long but I wanted to show you it all: the silly, the poignant, the ones that I really connected with, and the ones I hope you will connect with.
Things that make me happy
- When dining has my favorite muffins for breakfast
- Waking up in time for breakfast
- Naked brunch
- Regular brunch
- Sushi in Maseeh Dining
- Yamatos – all you can eat sushi!!
- Domino’s at 2AM
- When it rains and I get to wear my rain boots
- When it rains and I get to wear my waterproof flip flops
- Warm weather
- When I get to Mass Ave when the walking symbol is on
- Resting heart rate decreasing
- Puppies
- trying new things! From rock climbing to coding
- Killian court, even with the tourists
- The sailing pavilion got a couch
- Spontaneous picnics with the team
- That new gorillaz album
- Taking a 2 hour nap
- Going to bed after a long and completely exhausting day, knowing i can get enough sleep that night
- binge watching rom coms till my eyes literally cannot stay open
- Running the Mass Ave-Museum of Science bridge loop
- Junot Diaz teaching creative writing (he won a Pulitzer!)
- realizing that grades aren’t the only thing that matter
- eating my heart out after disastrous midterms
- Late nights psetting and even later nights with my favorite people
- Reading all day instead of doing urgent school work
- Getting a bad grade, but still realizing how much I’ve learned to get to this point
- the impending summer where i will explore more of boston and be more free
- Having a killer final project
- When my exam score is above the average
- Planning out classes for next semester
- Thoughts of going home
- Walking through the infinite and talking on the phone with my parents
- the friends i’ve made here
- the things i’ve learned
- the things in the future that are yet to come
Things that depress me
- Psets
- 5.12 (Organic Chemistry) psets
- 5.12 exams
- Anything related to 5.12
- talking about grades
- Resting heart rate increasing
- The show I’m binge-watching is leaving Netflix on June 1 and I have finals :(
- Sushi in maseeh dining
- Cold weather
- Boys
- Girls
- Losing friends :(
- the work that layers on back to back to back to back and my life seems to go from pset to pset to paper to exam and before i know it the semester has gone by and i question whether i’ve cherished it
- i fail a test I spent the last 30 hours studying for, what’s worse, my friend that studied a total of 2 hours gets 95%.
- Feeling like I understand absolutely nothing and there is no amount of time/effort that could make sense of anything in my brain
- Getting killed by your final projects
- Getting fat
- Getting sick and not being able to take time to deal with it bc of work
- Wildly depressive mood swings :(
- Parents/professors assuming that if I don’t do well it’s because I didn’t try
- Professors that are bad at teaching
- The MIT Administration
- Having weird relationships with family or parents as you change and grow in college
- Having weird relationships with family as they change and grow while you’re in college–remarriages, divorces, new births.
- Anxiety
- the uncertainty of the future, growing old, and growing apart from the ones closest to you
- Insomnia
- Being a $1000+ flight away from the people you love
- Feeling lonely, because there aren’t the people that love you unconditionally here
- Feeling like there’s no way you’ll be able to work hard enough to be adequate
- Overwhelmed sometimes (all the time)
- History classes
- People bashing the humanities
- people bashing other people
- seeing people comparing themselves to others
Things Off the bucket list
- Lasers/using lasers to slice through objects.
- Became the president of a dorm
- Built a CPU in 6.004
- Learned how to CAD (computer aided design)
- declared my major
- Found a cool new UROP i love
- Learned to program
- started taking pictures again
- Montreal road trip!
- Skydiving
- White water rafting
- Made a bird costume out of paper
- Got pretty fluent in Spanish
- Met new awesome people and made some new friends
- slept with a cat
- Rode a bike in a suit in the rain
- sang in an acapella group
- Started feeling really sure of what I want to do after graduation
- Realized how much i love my friends
- cooked food with good friends
- Discovered a new academic interest
- Acted on a love interest
- Challenged myself to love more, to let go, to live, to do more of what I am passionate about
Things to do for the future
- get over imposter’s syndrome
- Abandon STEM and become a super-hipster philosopher
- discover my true passion and live every day to the fullest doing so
- take a grad level class
- cross-register at Harvard :)
- fly somewhere exotic with friends over spring break
- Take the time to smell the flowers
- Explore more of Boston especially the food
- Sleep before 2am
- Take a nap on killian
- Pass 8.02
- Launch a startup
- Go to medical school (possibly)
- Get my brass rat
- Get a boyfriend
- Get a girlfriend
- Get a friend
- Learn to be more social
- Stop being so stressed
- Focus on the great things about MIT not just the sucky things
- Get a job
- Paint murals
- Do an exercise
- Decide my major and not switch lol
- find myself a husband who can cook and jam out to music and laugh at my bad jokes
- More road trips
- the long, sleepless summer nights that are occupied by warm conversations instead of psets
- read the books that have been collecting dust on my shelf all year, i just want to live in a library for a few months and read
- finish the pirate’s license
- learn more japanese
- Graduate
- Do an internship at a large company
- Research in CSAIL
- Travel the world
- See and pet a sloth
- Go to Cape Cod and relax on the beach
- Mend my relationship w/ my parents
- Laugh a lot
- Make sure people know how important they are to me
- Make a real impact in the world