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MIT student blogger Chris M. '12

Train(wreck) of Thought by Chris M. '12

Hallo everybody. As it turns out, video editing is a very time intensive project hence (most of) my absence from the blagosphere. BUT I’ve got something pretty cool in store, so don’t give up hope just yet. :-)

BUT I had to share a particular incident with you today as I was walking back from working on psets. I walked by the LSC announcement board (LSC is a group that screens movies on campus) and one of the movies was called: “Sin No Mbre”. Puzzled, I stared at it:

“Sin No Mbre”

Now I don’t speak more than a large burrito worth of spanish, but here’s what I thought.

Sin No Mbre = Sin Nombre—> Sin (“number*”)—–>O/H—->OH—>Two components in liquid rocket fuel—>EXPLOSIVE action.

I can almost guarantee you that’s not the logic the advertising commitee went with, but effective nonetheless. I want to see this movie now.

*Nombre is actually “name”, numero is number, but whatever I felt like I’d solved the Da Vinci Code before it was so easy Tom Hanks could do it.

16 responses to “Train(wreck) of Thought”

  1. kimd says:

    Where does the H come from? In 0/H

  2. Su ('14?) says:

    hahaha that’s funny!!
    That would be a cool advertisement.
    I go to school next to UCSD and as I was walking past the math building I saw a sign promoting Del Taco (a mexican fast food place) and it had “Del” written with the mathematical symbol del
    LOL I thought it was funny :D

  3. Anonymous says:

    In Soviet Russia, Rocket launches YOU!!

  4. Chrism says:


    Sin (x) = Opposite/Hypotenuse, abbreviated O/H.

  5. Banerjee says:

    Hallo Chris, that’s an insanely good riddle! Keep ’em coming!!

  6. Lauren says:

    I love the logic used to turn Sin No Mbre into EXPLOSIVE action. raspberry

  7. joemill says:

    love it learning spanish but “sin” should be in trigonometry. smile

  8. lool thats soo funny!! I looled so much n even rofled! hahahhahahahahhahahahahah

  9. “sin” means “without” in spanish. so the movie title meant “without name”. that’s how awesome my three years of high school spanish has made me. tongue laugh

  10. Rishabh says:

    haha,six degrees of seperation between “Sin No Mbre” and explosive action.BRILLIANT THINKING.seriously,MIT rocks…..

  11. Luiz says:

    Haha! That’s really clever! Your derivation of the title is so much better than its literal translation.

  12. Evan Kroske says:

    I’m sorry, I can’t resist telling you ‘mbre’ is obviously a misspelling of ‘more’. I’m sure that everybody else thought that was just too obvious to state, but I couldn’t resist.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Actually Evan, you’re wrong. The movie is “Sin Nombre” the capatilization of the stylized letter “M” makes it look like a space between “No” and “Mbre”. Next time, try resisting until you “obviously” know what you’re talking about.

  14. Cara says:

    You know, with that logic, Sin No Mbre would make a great name for a burrito.