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An illustration of Kris's profile. She has light skin, shoulder-length brown hair, and is wearing a red jacket.

Under the Dome by Kris Guay

A full day of free fun at MIT

Ok, so you know how Chris is always talking about free food? Well, I seem to have a thing already for free events at MIT.

I’ll cut to the chase.

On April 30th, from 11am – 4pm, MIT will be offering 160 different FREE activities as part of its day long Open House (also the kick-off event to the Cambridge Science Festival)

What kind of free things you ask? How about a puzzle hunt at the MIT Museum written specially for MIT’s 150th anniversary by members of the National Puzzlers’ League

Or an exhibit of cameras that look around a corner, and a “glasses free’ 3D display at the Media Lab, or a bunch of physics demonstrations. I also hear there will be blimp racing somewhere? Oh, and glass blowing! I caught a glimpse of artists in action on one of my first days wandering around the basement corridors of the infinite. Check out Peter Houk”s beautiful glass creations.

There isn”t much left I can get my teenagers to do with me on a Saturday anymore. My soon to be 18-yr-old will be on the am airwaves with his teen radio show at 9:30 am. And after that,

I”ll be chillin, mom.

But I”m dragging my skateboarding, gauge-wearing, artsy younger teen to the Glass lab for sure.

A day of science? Seriously, mom?

“No, not just Science. Only a day at one of the coolest institutions in the world, with your very cool mom, how about that huh?’…


“Oh come on, I”ll also buy you a burrito.’


Hmmm. So maybe Chris has it right after all. It is all about the free food.

**So if you think you may be going too, be sure to register with us. I”ll see you there.

3 responses to “Under the Dome”

  1. Anonymous says:

    burrrriiito… yummy

  2. Rakeback says:

    My old father always joked about free food being his favorite food:)

    Besides that the Open House sounds to be extremly interesting.