Victoria’s Secret Update by Snively '11
Ok, quick update to my post immediately below this one. Read that one before this one, otherwise this one won’t be nearly as exciting.
Ok, so, now when you go to vote for MIT you get this lovely screen:
Two of the things I love, finally joined together.
Um…. can we get a link?!!?!
You’re missing an ‘s in the subject line.
Thanks for the exciting news! Sadly, it appears that the MIT line isn’t up for shoppers yet (I tried). Maybe I’ll get a pair of Boston College yoga pants in the meantime.
I just voted and didnt get that! It just says your school is currently #4
i really like their hoodies…
@ Ehsan:
The site is a lie!
It worked!!!
i didn’t get that either when i voted :x
My friend just voted. Apparently we’re in 4th.
OMG! I’m so happy!
yaaayyy!! we rock!
what would we ever do without MIT lingerie? lol
LOL. This whole thing was hilarious.
hahahah it’s crazy how much i want mit to win this. i just think it would be hilarious.
what an’s?
I didn’t get that screen when I voted either.
Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!
We rock!
Victorias Secret-0
An apostrophe-s. It’s fixed now.
I was just able to vote right now and it didn’t say that.. but it was funny to see the little bubble in the corner saying “Tech schools we’re watching your Votes… And we’re on to you.”
MIT and Pink Lingerie…two things on Earth I’d never made a connection between.
hahaha, I am most definitely getting MIT apparel when it’s released :D
lol…maybe they’re tricking the MIT ip users with that “already part of the collection” message
or spoiling you guys with the news..idk!
Every body vote for it. I want this almost as bad as I want to go to MIT for school.
This is sooooo awesome. I don’t know why you’re getting that message though, because I voted for MIT twice today, on two different computers. Does anyone know how many schools they are adding to their line and when the voting ends?
Wow – are they serious?!
Oxymoron much?
i soo wanted to buy MIT thongs :( no fair
I just wanna make it known that I’m here at Simmons and we were all over that voting site.
Now all I have to do is get accepted to MIT to be able to wear the VS MIT stuff.
I didn’t get that screen either.
Are you sure it isn’t just because MIT’s IP addresses were blocked? or some weird glitch?
I did not get that message either- and I really want MIT to be part of the Pink collection- a sweatshirt from VS (with the MIT logo) would probably be the only thing this middle-aged mom could bravely wear in public without holding her breath, and not have her family die of embarrassment for her.
lol i can’t even get on to the site with my 18.* ip address :(
Pure genius.
i’m just wondering if this happened, how many people out there who weren’t aware of the competition would do a double take when they saw someone wearing victoria’s secret and MIT logos on the same clothing item xD
yay!!!.. i wonder if coop will get some of it..so i don’t have to run to the mall
Is it just me, or is anyone else grossed out by the idea of MIT *thongs*?
Oh wait. I can’t find it. I think they lied. =[
i don’t understand what is this post all about?