Waitlist by Matt McGann '00
MIT admitted some applicants from the waitlist today.
At approximately 4:30pm today, we did something we haven’t done in 4 years: we notified 30 students by email that they have been admitted from the waitlist.
Thanks to some good yield prediction this year, using the waitlist became a reality. We worked all day today as a subcommittee to determine how many students we could take at this time, and which students to admit. It was extremely difficult! I had thought we were done with tough decisions for the year, but there were at least a few more.
Will we use the waitlist again this year? It is too early to know. In a week or two, we’ll once again look at where we are, and determine whether we will use the waitlist again. Until then, I don’t know.
Also, we will begin notifying some students on the waitlist that we will not be able to offer them admission. We offered a spot on the waitlist to just under 400 people, and most of those people accepted a place on the waitlist. But it just isn’t ethical to keep that many people on the waitlist at this point, so within the next week many students will receive a letter informing them that they will not get off the waitlist, and wishing them the best of luck at the college they’ve chosen. We will keep some students on the waitlist for another few weeks until we are fully satisfied with the class.
For those of you who were admitted from the waitlist today, congratulations! Feel free to use the comments to introduce yourself to the rest of your class. And for those of you who didn’t receive good news today, remember Ben’s words from regular action. We’ll see how the future unfolds.
MIT admissions officers, you really made my day.
I thought this whole college-choosing ordeal was over, but it looks like I once again must agonize over the next 4 years of my life.
Not that I’m complaining. At all. Thank you for reconsidering me!
random question.
but what happens if they already accept offers from other schools thinking that they better accept be4 the May 1st deadlines…
that would definitely definitely suck if they found themselves bound to another school, wanting to come to MIT.
does this happen much?.. or no?.
cus to me it sounded like something that would happen pretty often.
Does it mean that the # of transfer students next year will be single digit again?
I did not recieve the e-mail. I am sad.
Everyone should reply to some college by the national reply date of May 1st. But when students get off the wait list at some college they desire more, they let the first college know that they aren’t attending after all (perhaps at the cost of losing a deposit payment, perhaps not) and then perhaps that college has to go to its wait list to admit a few students. This happens every year; every college expects this to happen. Replying by the national reply date holds your place at some college that you desire based on your news to that date, but wait lists exist because sometimes people still change plans after the national reply date.
Hearing of this makes me fear that my reply somehow wasn’t received or recorded… I have yet to receive the NBM or any confirmation of my acceptance, so I’m waiting with anxiousness for the package to come. See you all soon, hopefully!
Quentin, according to the system, you’re officially enrolled in MIT ’10 – no worries.
Congrats Quentin! I haven’t received any news whatsoever either, and I have been fretting about the whole thing as well. Perhaps I too should just keep waiting for an e-mail or an package or something?
wait… oh he was already accepted wasn’t he? hmmm I guess congrats to all who were accepted through waitlist! And how do I check to see what my position is after this round of waitlist take offs?
I am so happy for myself and every one of those 29 others who got taken off the waitlist. I also wish everyone else the very best the world has to offer at other great institutions. Thank you MIT!
Wow! I’m in! Thank you MIT-admission guys, thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery much. Matt a special gratitude to you. You can consider that you payed me back the lunch bill:)))))))
I too, like quentin, am waiting for some sort of confirmation that my reply to acceptance was indeed recieved. I know that these things are probably still being mailed, but I’m getting anxious whether something funny happened between my post office and the cambidge one. Is there a way for us to check whether MIT got the letter, or do we just have to wait patiently for a reply?
– Ted
Congrats, everyone!
Happiest man on the earth!
MIT made my day too….
MIT’10 here I come…..
This is Arka from India.
Those of you who are anxious over the NBM…mine only came today, and I saw some people post that they got it over the weekend. Call admissions if you’re worried (I wasn’t sure my reply got their on time); they’ll double-check.
so, what’s the exact percent yield this year?
Congratulations to all of you who got off the waitlist
That sounds so cool. =D congrats everyone who got off the waitlist(you better come
Oh wow, that’s a great feeling. The only problem is that the letter was sent to my house instead of my school – Montana instead of California! I have to wait a few more days to finally convince myself that this is real, but thank you so much to everyone at admissions!
It’s posts like this one that make the heartbreak of turning down MIT a little happier
Congrats to the kids who got off the Waitlist, I hope you choose MIT and I am incredibly happy that your massive journey has ended on a positive note.
That said, to those who weren’t selected from it I wish you the best of luck at your respective colleges. MIT might not be for everyone (me included), but in all honesty I will you the best of success.
And Matt, thank you for making the admissions process infinitely less scary. I was tough to decline such an awesome college, especially after your superb blogging skills but MIT is definitely a grad school possibility.
Good job to the new members of MIT’10! Now, Matt, can you pleeeeeease talk a little bit about transfer admission for those not admitted off the waitlist….may the dream never die! How many students applied for transfer admission this year? thanks much
How many students were accepted at MIT’s MITES this summer?