We bring the sketch to you! by Snively '11
The internet is full of weirdness!
I don’t know if you’ve heard of this website, but there’s a new invention on the internet, and it’s called Omegle! The theory behind it is chat-room-esque in nature, except it’s a 1 on 1 conversation, and it’s with a complete and total stranger. Most of these conversations consist of
You: Hey
Stranger: ASL
You: 19/M/Cambridge
You: ASL?
Stranger: Lemur
You: wtf, bye
You: I like turtles
You: I want your body.
Stranger: Yeah baby!
Today (more specifically tonight), something really awesome/sketchy/creeptastic happened. A dozen or so of us were sitting in our floor lounge, playing with Omegle on our 60″ HDTV and server, when we decided to tell the random stranger that they were talking to a room full of MIT students. As it turns out, they had a friend that was just accepted to MIT EA. I’m not sure how much info I want to give away on the internet about this particular subject, but . . .
Friend or poke me on facebook so we can sketch on you more.
-Conner 2
wow. Brittany and her omegle
wow! that sounds cool
EA :(
EA :(
Psssh, Omegle is old. Chatroulette is the source of awkward conversations with internet strangers of the future.
“60” HDTV and server, playing Omegle.”
You crazy kids and your dang newfangled devices…
And I see what you did there, Lemur…
Why can’t I have that kind of luck on Omegle? D:
Haha! This site is hilarious!
I even came across an 88 year old woman from Somalia!
……and she expects me to believe that!!
Wow! How lucky can one get in such a random thing as Omegle?
I have a friend who lives in a town called ‘Mars’ (literally translates into Mars). Needless to say he’s the butt of every joke concerning earthlings, aliens, space travel, NASA, …etc.
Guy 1: The exam was so difficult you’d think the teacher brought the questions from Mars!
Guy 2: Great, ask *insert my friend’s name*, he lives there.
I tried a chat…
After reading the post, I tried omegle for the very first time.
I: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: u boy/girl?
Stranger: fm where?
Stranger: Yng/old?
I: …
Stranger: school/college?
Stranger: I from denmark … you?
I: I from mars … you earthling ?!
*disconnect* (he/she disconnected)
That is actually a pretty awesome result I’d say. Majorly coincidental though
I started using Omegle just after reading this post and you were right. It is a lot of
Stranger: “Hey”
You: “Hey”
Stranger: “asl?”
You: “17 m Trinidad”
*User has disconnected*
Stranger: you female?
Me: no
This was my first “conversation” on omegle
heey, this site is crazy
Does ‘asl’ mean ‘age, sex, location’?
You: heey
Stranger: asl?
You: 18 f poland
Stranger: Poland?
Stranger: Is that a country? :3
SKETCHY!!! lol
Omegle is sooo last decade! But it’s still very, very, very fun. hahah
You: knock knock
Stranger: whos there?
You: it’s disco
Stranger: disco who
You: disconnect.
You have disconnected.
YEAH! Chatroulette rules!
you’re like a year late on this.
Snively, My friend you have no idea how massively u have advertised omegle.. I bet they payed you a LOT of money !
Exactly! just like Yan raised the sales on waterproof shoes.
Tat vas azum (That was awesome)
kills time
You and I still aren’t cool, “bro.”
ha omegle.
it got boring after a while
though I’ve actually had some decent convos on there before
oh cool, that site is sooo funny
iwant to run into an mit person on omeglee!