We’re Bringing What Back? by Jess K. '10
I don't think so.
[ETA] (I have actually seen snow before. MIT students are not actually so dumb that they don’t know what snow is. Except for Keri. Who lives in Florida, anyway??)(No, don’t answer that.)
Dear Bryan,
I woke up this morning excited to verify the existence of this thing you call “snow”, but was greeted by clear skies and even beaming sunlight.
Please stop telling malicious lies. Thank you.
Well someone got to sleep in this morning. =P
Definitely snowed here in Erie, PA! I can certainly attest that is indeed real (much like Project MK-Ultra!)
Speaking of Erie, during my EC interview, I was told I was the first applicant to contact him (mid-October) in the area. Did anyone else apply from the Lake Erie region?
Hey, it definitely snowed in Boston…but only really really briefly!
Hey, it definitely snowed in Boston…but only really really briefly!
Late for physics, posted after classes. My bad.
:( It was snowing while I was waiting for my school bus at 6:35AM (I live in MA). The bus came late, and I was really wet.
So, I must say that it snowed plenty, but I am glad it dried up. No shoveling for me!
Aww what a teaser…hopefully the snow will come soon.
“We’re bringing SEXY back..yup”
Is there a (practical) way to make artificial snow?
Dear 16.07,
Thank you for causing me to stay up all night working on you, thus enabling me to walk home in the beautiful falling snow at 8 a.m.
P.S. Don’t fail me plz.
Hey, it definitely snowed in Boston…but only really really briefly!
O Snap
geez y’all… it’s like, 80 degrees two days ago down here in texas. be happy!
Well, it actually DID snow out here in the Midwest last Friday…to the point that we had our first snow day since 2000. Which was pretty awesome.
But I’m about done with that whole “cold and ice” thing.