What should I be doing now? by Matt McGann '00
Tips for regular and early applicants.
If you are applying to MIT this year (early or regular), here’s an update on what you might want to be thinking about:
For Regular Action Applicants
- Schedule your interview now.* The deadline (December 1) to schedule your interview is fast approaching! You can find the contact information for your interviewer (Educational Counselor) on the MyMIT website. [If your interview has been waived, don’t worry about it, we understand that we can’t be everywhere!]
*Even if you are applying elsewhere via an early decision or single choice early action program, you should still schedule your interview now, since the interview scheduling deadline falls before most schools notify. Having an interview with MIT does not violate early agreements. You do not need to have submitted your application Part 1 by the time you interview, but you must have registered for MyMIT.
- If you qualify for a fee waiver, please request one. Requesting a fee waiver does not negatively impact your application. And if you qualify for a fee waiver, your family needs the $65 more than we do.
- If you are interested in playing on a varsity sports team at MIT, please contact the appropriate coach or fill out the recruiting form. If you are interested in our music community or our arts community, consider sending in some of your work.
- Be sure your standardized test scores have been sent to MIT. Our College Board Code (for SAT and TOEFL) is 3514 and our ACT Code is 1858.
- If you haven’t yet given your teachers their MIT recommendation forms, what are you waiting for? Teachers get very busy this time of year, respect their time!
- Try to get your application components to us in advance of the January 1 deadline, if you can. It will save you and us some angst in the long run.
For EA Applicants
- I hope that if you haven’t already done so, you’ll begin working seriously on the applications for other schools on your list. It’s an unfortunate fact of life that, in all likelihood, more than 6 of every 7 early action applicants will not be admitted when EA decisions go out in a few weeks. This includes many really fantastic students. Some applications will be outright turned down, and others will be deferred to regular action for further consideration (and some of those will be admitted during regular action). It’s not easy or fun for us to have to give bad news to so many students, but it’s a reality that we all must live with. So, do yourselves a favor this week and work a bit on your regular action applications. As I like to say, plan for the worst, and hope for the best.
- As the year draws to a close, start talking with your parents about financial aid applications. For more information about this, check out the Financial Aid website and also Daniel’s blog.
I hope you’re having a great senior year so far!
Are you going to email us the EA result on Dec. 9? Up to this point, have you decided the EA admitted list yet?
What is this “other schools” you speak of?
Is this Cat in Hat?
What should I do…I see that MIT still has not received my ACT scores, and they are better than the SAT! MIT was my designated school both in June and October. Is it something with ACT?
I am very worried about my SAT IIs. I am preparing from Barron’s, and from that book I feel I will not be able to score highly. I get around 10 wrong in maths test, same around in physics and chemistry. Please those of you who have given SAT II, help and guide me.
And Matt, if I plan to play at varsity level in soccer and tennis but I am not very sure as to how good I am so what should I do? Help.
I am also at a loss as to what these “other schools” could possibly be… Who would want to go anywhere else? Of course, I have a unique situation which allows me to focus my application efforts this year…
My EA app has been in since two weeks before the deadline, and I’m counting down the days… December 9 at noon, is that still the plan? Patience escapes me at this point – I’ve never wanted anything so much in my life!
I took the SAT II, and I don’t know how true this is, but I heard that at least on the physics exam you only have to get 45 out of 75 (or 80?) right to get a 700. And I got a 790 on the math 2 and I skipped like five of them. So I wouldn’t stress too much.
There are 75 questions on the SAT physics test. according to sparknotes, if you get 53 right and 22 wrong, you’d get a 700.
Hi I have a huge question. I took november SAT. I did standby and did not recieve my scores today. It says check back Dec. 1st. So if I check then and then rush scores for EA MIT (already did once) will they recieve it in time before my application is reviewed? I really do think I did good on this SAT and want to send it in for EA.
Dear Mr. McGann
Since I left High School I have been taking individual classes at the local university, and I was wondering if I should apply regular or as a transfer student, since I haven’t actually been enrolled at a program at the University, only individual classes?
Also, since I’ve already applied once before, should I use the same EC interview, or have a new one, since it wil be the same person doing the interview as it was last year. Will it be better for my application to use the great interview from last year, or get a new one?
Thank you in advance
Michael B.
You rule, admissions officers!
Where will the notifications for early action applicants be posted? MyMIT?
decisions, from what you guys have been telling us, are in a little over a week, and my application tracker still shows that my standardized test scores have not been received. i asked that all of them be sent to MIT when i took them.
should i do anything?
I am now in serious tension! My SAT scores have been delayed; my interview has just shown in the system and now 6 out of 7 don’t get in!! Jeez I have been called the most cocksure guy and I’m literally quaking in my shoes ( It’s about 9 degrees Celcius right now). Oh well, a few more days to go!
[MODERATOR’S NOTE: please don’t use swear words on the blogs]
And to add to my previous post, I can feel the despair and the despondence set in when I think of the EA results. Hell, till like five minutes back I was dreaming of taking course 7.01 first thing and going on for course 9 and doing Spanish and then Mandarin ……(You get the picture) Had I been an asthamatic, I would ahve been living off an inhaler… (Don’t mind me, just trying to bluster away the tension) And I always seem to do that when I’m inches away from hysteria. As far as other schools go, I have been using my workload as a good excuse, now once the resukt comes, I may have to work on my apps again. (Groan!)
I was wondering what would be considered a good score on the SAT II tests. I have asked for the scores to be sent directly to MIT, but feel that I could score better if I gave the tests again. However that would involve me taking the test on the January date (as I am already giving the SAT I test on the decmber test date). Would the score be acceptable if I did give the SAT II tests agin in January?
Also, regarding the interview, i have been trying to contact the EC in my area for over a month now. He doesnt respond to emails, nor is he ever available at the phone number posted on MyMIT. What should I do?
Sorry about the long comment here…but I am really nervouse about applying to colleges, especially ones like MIT where the competitions bound to be tough…
I would be grateful for any help. Thanks
Hey, I was wondering a similar question to another person’s above. I took the November SAT Physics a second time as a standby. I did not mark on my application that I was taking the November SAT because I decided last minute. Would the admissions people still consider my November SAT for EA or no, or is there anyway to notify them that I have taken the November SAT?
My son is applying to MIT EA and I have been reading these blogs with great interest and amusement. My son, on the other hand, has not been reading them. He has too many other things to enjoy in his senior year of high school to obsess over college, and whether or not his SAT II scores are “good enough” (which they probably aren’t. Oh well…I guess he shouldn’t have gone to that dance the night before the bio exam…).
Kids, you have to CALM DOWN! Believe me, if you don’t get into MIT it won’t be the end of your world. Twenty-five years after not getting into my top college choice, I am, believe it or not, successful, happy, and still smart (I was then even though Princeton rejected me, and I still am now and I have a Ph.D. from another Ivy League school to prove it!). To paraphrase from a great 70’s disco song, “You will survive…” Now get away from your computer and go outside and play!
Hey all you Early applicants out there, I set up a countdown clock to the EA decision (currently projected to be 12:00 noon EST on dec 9th) at http://www.whitehatdesign.com to give you a better idea of how close we are!
I wrote it in javascript and PHP, so the clock is synced with my server’s clock and should be accurate within a second no matter what time zone you live in. If you find any errors in the code, or just wanna chat, e-mail me at dryawgmoth_at_gmail.com
Anywho, december 9th is just around the corner, so good luck everyone!
I completed all my applications awhile ago =) Why? My goal was to finish them by Dec 1st – one, to have them out of my hair, and two, to get them done before MIT decisions. I figured that if I got rejected, I’d be too depressed to finish them, and if I got accepted, I wouldn’t care to finish them (MIT’s my number 1 and I’ve already talked to my parents)- but I didn’t want to leave them incomplete because I just don’t like not finishing things.
Sorry for the ramble, but I’m nervous about decisions =)
Oh, and how I did it?
Blew off homework.
Just kidding!
Well.. sorta
I agree with someone’s mom. I would love for my son to realize his dream of attending MIT. He has done all he could and it is now up to someone else. He is nervous but not stressed. Good for him! If he is not accepted, he will be disappointed. That’s life. Relax….its out of your hands. Be proud of the fact that you are the quality student that has the resume to apply to a school like MIT. Enjoy being where you are in your life and good luck to all of you.
Well said! I couldn’t be prouder of my son, no matter where he ends up in college, and I couldn’t be more impressed by all of the students whose entries I have been reading over the past few weeks. You have all done your best and I am sure you will continue to do your best and will do much good in the world in the years to come! In the end, that is what is important.
Yeah, funny how mom’s are, once again, right. Currently applying to MIT but I seriously don’t think anyone needs to be ‘worried’, ‘depressed’ or in ‘Holy [Moderated]’ about not getting accepted. It’s an experience just like everything else that we go through in life, if you can’t deal with the pressure of applying … i’m sorry to say, MIT might not be for you (hey, the MIT life isn’t going to be easy)
However,’another mom’ may not be right since in some cases it might not be the resume but rather the guts we have to apply to MIT
I have a friend who’s pretty much become obsessed with a single university (i.e. checking their mail constantly for a reply … despite knowing that replies come out in march or such) so I’ll be giving here as I gave him … Relax, Calm down, it’s probably too late to improve your last years grades and so whats done is done …
btw, Good Luck to all other applicants …
Dear Mr. McGann,
I have one question. When are you actually making admission decisions.
Thank You,
Dear Mr. McGann,
Uhh…2 questions actually…
1. Did you recieve the students’ November scores?
2. How and when exactly do we get our admission decision?
Thank you,
!Best of Luck everyone!
Hey Matt
I am an international student, therefore I wrote ‘SAT Subject Tests’ [Math Level 2 = 800, Physics=800, Chemistry=770]. I will write SAT Reasoning and TOEFL. Which one of the two, SAT Reasoning or TOEFL, would you consider during the admission process; moreover what if there is a big difference in SAT score and TOEFL score? For instance: if I get 2000 in SAT and 110+ [out of 120] in iBT TOEFL, would the low score in SAT decrease the chances of my admission to MIT despite a relatively much better TOEFL score; please note that English isn’t my first language, so while I am sure I’ll score 800 in Maths in the SAT Reasoning Test, I won’t be able to score equally high in Critical Reasoning and Writing Section. I have written a paper; might I submit the paper or should I submit a summary of paper?
dear dan beard,
your countdown should be in binary.
Sorry about the swear word. my apologies
To those of you who say so, the reason I’m “stressed” about a rejection is not because of low self esteem, or an inferiority complex or anything else. Only because I know that MIT will be good for me and vice versa and that I just hope whoever reads my application should realise that. And I cannot believe that anyone who has applied is not stressed! I mean workload is fine, mine’s a killer; but as I drive to the gym or wake up or fall asleep or anything and my mind wanders to the future; I can’t help but wonder…… And that is what my worries qualify to.
Hello Mr. McGann,
I applied EA, but in the case I get rolled over, I would like to send additional recommendations. I have two problems. One, my school requires me to give my teachers the recommendation forms before I find out my actual EA decision. This means that recommendations may get to MIT even though I might already be accepted or rejected. Two, I know three teachers other than those two who originally submitted recommendations for me that I would like to write an MIT recommendation for me – but I don’t know if three more might be too many, or what an acceptable amount is.
I’ve e-mailed admissions, but as the recommendation deadline for my school approaches, I figured I could try this incase an answer could come sooner. I’m sorry for any inconvenieve.
Thank you!
Melissa H. =)
ok Ana, here you go. A binary countdown clock just for you ^_^.
lol-I love the binary clock.
I have to ask you all- Do your friends and family get sick of you saying outloud your own countdown? Cuz I do it so often that it’s come to this point: I’ll say guess what? And then glance at the clock. The person to whom I am speaking will roll their eyes and smile, and I will happily chatter away about just how many days, hours, seconds, and sleepless nights are ahead. I’m not going to sleep Friday at all, and for me it’s 9AM since I’m Pacific time!
And Matt- do you know how hard it is to work on other apps? I mean, I have been, every free block, but it’s so tough when all I can think of is…MIT admissions…what will happen? But life WILL go on either way, so there it is!
I did my interview yesterday!!!!
very cool interviewer!!!
Ankit Chandra
Gaborone, Botswana
appreciated =)
So. . . I was really surprised that it turned out my SAT IIs were absolutely horrible even though my SAT I is a-ok. Does this happen a lot? Was it probably a bad day? How detrimental will it be to my app?
Those are my questions for today.
I have applied to MIT.
now its time for the teacher recommendations and the school report to go in.
and an interview
my EC is MR. Mubashar
hope he turns out just as good as Ankit Chandra’s
college fever is runnig high here in Lahore.
and MIT was in my dreams yesterday too!
I want to wish luck to my best friend HINA KHAN
for her SAT on the 2nd of December.
Go! HINA show them all.
Also all you early action applicants
Your future best PAL at MIT
When I first got my MIT forms, the essays, the fill-outs… I was ecstatic. And for nigh on 4 months I filled out those forms, carefully editing them to perfection, reading it slowly, fastly, making subtle changes… giving it to people to read, making changes on that… till October 28, several days before it was due. On October 28 i realized my mistake.
For the 4 months of my making and editing the application, I had slowly turned myself into something I wasn’t. It was very very hard for me to see… and even worse to acknowledge. I appeared perfect in all my forms, flawless, like a god. Their was no way the final product resembled who i was, only what i wanted the admissions staff to THINK i was. So i did the only thing i could think of… I ripped up my essays, my forms, and threw them into the fire. I’m still not sure weather I made the right decision or not, because that left me with only two days to write an application to remember. This was a problem. A real problem… so… I decided to take a measure that would ensure everything I put on the application was true. I took It all from my Myspace. Its actually very enlightening to think of something that sounds as crazy as that. Countless people (my mom included) have constantly berated me into distress for using Myspace to get into MIT. They think its laughable, so what… Its me. People just seem to think its crazy. Down right dumb. And, I agree. But it was my last resort, a resort that only my lab partner understands.
One of the things about me… is that if something I need hasn’t been made… I try to find a substitute, or make it myself. But one of the things thats downright impossible for me to do is use something that doesn’t work. And because of this, I’m always creating phrases like, Lab Partner and freelance inventor. A lab partner is someone who knows who you are, someone like a best friend… but more than that. A lab partner stands by you through the good times and the bad, the easy material and the rough, they listen to what you have to say… giving advice they know you’ll like, or dislike. They’re not afraid to tell you when your full of scat, or when your a pot of shining gold. They tell you their ideas, while listening to yours, they will offer assistance when they know you need or want it. They offer up their critique… knowing that sometimes they, like yourself, will receive answers they don’t want. The truth. I myself want the University that accepts me to be a lab partner.
Is it normal for people to turn themselves into something they’re not in the application process? Or is it just me? And if so… is it normally caught?
Hi, What should I do if my EC is out of town until after the deadline to schedule an interview? It is my fault; I contacted him two days before the deadline(one day after I got his contact), but it’s still before the deadline and I didn’t know he would be away. Does this mean I “chose not to have an interview”? what should I do?
Woooo MIT! Woooo 6/7! Woooo 8 days!
Dan Beard, your counter rocks. Good luck everyone!
i recently came to hear that mit and other ivy league universities do not take more than one international student fromt the same school!!!!
i want to know whether this is true or not….
can somebody please answer my query???
Hey Matt
Can you give admission to a student whose SAT I score is Hey Matt
Can you give admission to a student whose SAT I score is < 2000 but SAT II Scores are perfect???
Hey Matt
Can you give admission to a student whose SAT I score is less then 2000 , but SAT II scores are perfect.
Hi Matt
I would like to send my SAT II scores only, as my ACT scores are much better than my SAT I scores. According to collegeboard.com, it is not possible… Is it going to penalize me? Should I send an email asking them not to consider the SAT I scores? Also, as I said, I just received the scores this week. I am afraid that by the time MIT will receive myofficial scores, it will be too late (I applied Early Action)..
Thanks for your time!
Good luck everyone!
Hi Matt
I would like to send my SAT II scores only, as my ACT scores are much better than my SAT I scores. According to collegeboard.com, it is not possible… Is it going to penalize me? Should I send an email asking them not to consider the SAT I scores? Also, as I said, I just received the scores this week. I am afraid that by the time MIT will receive myofficial scores, it will be too late (I applied Early Action)..
Thanks for your time!
Good luck everyone!
Hi Matt
I would like to send my SAT II scores only, as my ACT scores are much better than my SAT I scores. According to collegeboard.com, it is not possible… Is it going to penalize me? Should I send an email asking them not to consider the SAT I scores? Also, as I said, I just received the scores this week. I am afraid that by the time MIT will receive myofficial scores, it will be too late (I applied Early Action)..
Thanks for your time!
Good luck everyone!
Sorry for posting a question regarding Graduate and Transfer admissions on an Undergraduate blog, but as I couldn’t find a similar page for the same… here goes. I’m doing my 1st year in Aerospace Engineering from the Amity School of Engineering, Noida. Though we have an excellent campus and fantastic facilities, due to bureauctatic troubles, we aren’t accredited with the AICTE. Is it possible for us to apply to MIT or any US college for Transfer or Graduate admissions? Be gentle.
To those who worry as ,much as I did(/do!
1. Stop obsessing about scores. If theyre up to a certain level , leave them.
2. It’s not only about the scores. Otherwise, why would they give out an app?
And stop worrying, MIT believes in an all round person. Check out Laura’s or Mollie’s first entries to be sure!
(An EA Hopeful)
Hey Matt!
Wanted to know how I can put up more than 2 SAT Subject test scores. I took three and got the same number of points in all. Collegeboard has sent all three, is that enough?
Can we take the ACT in Feb. for RA? There’s no Jan. test date.
Sylva – my SAT math was 50pts higher than my SAT II math I and 60pts higher than my SAT II math II. I know what you mean =( I’m sure MIT will be able to see past a bad testing day.
hey Matt
I’ve registered to “MY MIT” a couple days ago and it says in my dashboard that “Your Educational Counselor’s name and contact information will be posted in this portlet within the next week . Please contact your EC to schedule an interview as soon as possible thereafter. Thank you!” . and the deadline for scheduling an interview was yesterday. I’m an international student and I don’t know what to do.
hello Mr Mcgann
i created my account on mymit on 26th of dec,and interview portal said i would be given my interviewer’s contact information within the week.now the deadline to contact the interviewer has passed but the portal says will be informed within the next week.what should i do?can i still get an interview,or will it be waived?or is it too late?
hello Mr Mcgann
i created my account on mymit on 26th of december,and interview portal said i would be given my interviewer’s contact information within the week.now the deadline to contact the interviewer has passed but the portal says will be informed within the next week.what should i do?can i still get an interview,or will it be waived?or is it too late?
Hi Matt, I am an international studetn from el salvador who is reaaaallllyy intrested in MIT. However I am really worried about by SAT II’s; I just took them today but when I was driving to the testcenter I had a car accident! My scores on math wont be more than 600… Do I have a slight chance to get in? PS – I have high toeffl scores and straight A’s in IB Math Higher Level (really tough)
Hey Everyone, I just set up an Unofficial MIT Admissions forum so we can all communicate in one place, instead of clogging up the blogs.
Have fun, don’t stress out, and most of all good luck!
Thank you for your advice! Although my ACT scores are somewhat decent, my SAT II scores are down in the gutter, so at one point, I told myself that I shouldn’t even apply.
However, my dad gave me some nice “words of wisdom” if you will: you only apply to college once in your life. (well as an undergrad at least) Even if you are rejected, at least you had the guts to get a rejection letter!
MIT is an amazing college but it may not be the place I need to be. If I don’t get in, I hope to be able to frame my rejection letter! (well, maybe not literally FRAME it but i will definately keep it!)
I really like this blog system! It assures me that I’m not going through the hectic college app process by myself! Best of luck to all you guys!
I have a couple problems:
1. I have contacted my interviewer 3 times. The first time to told me to contact him later. The other times he just hasn’t responded (I sent him an e-mail monday and saturday (today)). What should I do? Technically, the deadline has now past and he hasn’t set up an interview date yet, but this is not my fault: I contacted him a month in advance, then a week in advance (based on his suggestion). Should I phone him perhaps?
2. Also, one of my teacher evaluations has not been processed, and it was sent in early November , according to the teacher. What should I do about that?
I am an international student from Nepal. I took my SAT I on Dec date and am planning to take the subject tests on Jan date!!
Which subject test combination do you recommend-
“Maths(IC),Physics” or “Maths(IIC), Physics”.
Take the Math II. It is a more respected test – the Math I test is, I believe, similar to the SAT I Math section. I don’t even think MIT accepts Math I as a subject test.
10 calls; 2 recieved but rejected.
3 emails.
No response!!
still no contact with my interviewer
Deadline ….Elapsed!
What am i to do ???
the guy is completely INACCESSIBLE!!!!
well!!! worry !! Maybe some other time!!
Right now i am just attempting to locate my interviewer via an high-tech Alien space satellite!!
keep your fingers crossed guys!!
this one’s pretty close!!!
10 calls; 2 recieved but rejected.
3 emails.
No response!!
still no contact with my interviewer
Deadline ….Elapsed!
What am i to do ???
the guy is completely INACCESSIBLE!!!!
well!!! worry !! Maybe some other time!!
Right now i am just attempting to locate my interviewer via an high-tech Alien space satellite!!
keep your fingers crossed guys!!
this one’s pretty close!!!
I’m an early admission applicant, and I sent in my mid-year grading report over three weeks ago, and it still doesnt’ show up on the online application tracker!!! What do I do?!?!
Wow, doesn’t it seem like our lives are coming to an end? For most of us, we’ve been working for 4+ years to get in to MIT. Good luck to everyone.
So I’m usually just a lurker around here. I read everyone’s blogs but I rarely post a comment of my one. However, I do have a few questions. One, can one submit supplemental recommendations from say, a coach, etc? What about supplemental papers? Also, can one submit the Jan. SATs for admission?? I’ve already taken them this month, but I’m taking them again in Jan. so I just wondered??
Thanks and good luck to everyone who applied early app.
Hi Matt,
I am a new person like you. Actually my family decided lately to apply to MIT, so I couldnot get enough time for the preparation for SAT1 I ama nepalese and have got V560,M780 and W630 on the SAT 1 and will be taking the SAT 2 on Jan 27,will the admission officer consider it. I have taken the TOEFL and have got 280+ in it. Will the TOEFL substitute for the SAT 1?
I had a name mistake on the TOEFL will it not be linked to your system ,what can i do now. I have even had the interview and it was a great time with him.
I look forward ton hearing from you very soon.
i recently came to hear that mit and other ivy league universities do not take more than one international student fromt the same school!!!!
i want to know whether this is true or not….
can somebody please answer my query???
Hello everyone,
I’m a parent who went through this process last year, in addition to all the wonderful advice already offered, I’d like to add a piece of my own…
If MIT believes a student can handle the work at the Institute (the numbers), it will then review the application looking for true PASSION…
So each student *must* ensure their application shows true PASSION for lifelong learning and doing which goes very far in showing MIT the student will be a good match for the Institute. This is KEY.
Each student’s app will be read from the standpoint of PASSION so students need to have other people review their apps looking to see if a true PASSION for lifelong learning and doing shows or could be shown better.
Just adding my $2.00 (it was two cents back when I was applying to colleges).
If you believe you’ve had a lifelong PASSION for learning and doing, then relax and enjoy this month of December.
Those students deferred, go back and try to show your PASSIONATE nature for learning and doing — think of the deferral as an extra opportunity to better showcase PASSION which helps prove the student is a good match, a good fit for the Institute where everyone from students to staff to educators are PASSIONATE about their work.
Good luck to everyone.
hey mr. matt
i am an indian student and have completed my schooling in 2006.i am really keen on applying to MIT for admission in 2007 in engineering and have even registered on mymit.but still i haven’t applied i.e. filled the form. one thing i am concerned about is the sat tests since requirements say all sat tests be complete by dec. and i haven’t even registered for that.next nearest sat test is on jan27-2007.so if you could be kind enough to guide me through this and also please let me know whether i have to take the sat sub tests also with the reasoning one in jan only…or just the reasoning one as of now and sub tests later by june…in short just guide me………pls
My account is locked and I’m having trouble calling MIT. What should I do?
Hello Matt,
I’m from Venezuela and I finished high school this year. I would like to study engineering and I have registered at my mit, but I really don’t know if it’s a good idea to send my application at this time and I don’t know what else I have to do. We are having a very difficult situation in my country, and I’d appreciate your concern and advise about this subject…
Please, I really need your help fast, cos the deadline is approaching…