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MIT staff blogger Matt McGann '00

Class of 2012 Night at the Movies by Matt McGann '00

'21,' the MIT Blackjack Team movie, opens this weekend... who's in?

As you probably know, the movie 21, based on the true story of the MIT Blackjack Team, opens Friday in movie theaters across America. In case you haven’t seen the trailer or the commercials, you can watch it here:

To celebrate the movie release, I am declaring this weekend to be

MIT Class of 2012 Weekend at the Movies

So how’s it work? Well, the most basic idea is, go see 21 this weekend! But wait, there’s more…

Please take a picture of you (and any MIT ’12s with you) and send it in to me (or post it on the MIT 2012 Facebook group). Please include names of people pictured (I’ll only publish first names), and any reactions to the movie or favorite scenes/lines. I’ll post the results of the “Weekend at the Movies” here on the blog on Monday.

Your picture will get bonus points if:

  • you are pictured with other MIT ’12s (use the admitted students meetings or the Facebook group to make plans)
  • you are wearing MIT stuff
  • you are holding “Brining Down the House,” the novel on which the movie is based

If you are an international student and 21 has not yet opened in your country (see release dates), you can still participate! Simply rent (or download) ‘Good Will Hunting’ and all the same rules apply as above.

So, who’s in for the movie weekend? Who’s excited for the movie?

34 responses to “Class of 2012 Night at the Movies”

  1. Anon says:

    What about waitlisteds? Can we participate too since we still have a chance in May?

  2. Paul says:

    *gasp* First! Oh my god I am so happy…


  3. Chris says:

    nah midnight is too easy, try for “morning pi”, if you find somewhere that’s showing the movie beginning at 3:14 a.m. I think you automatically win.

  4. leah says:

    are those the only countries its showing in?? how can it not be showing in korea???

  5. Anonymous says:

    I can’t wait!

  6. Chelsea says:

    I’ve wanted to see this movie for so long! I’m so pumped.

  7. Lauren says:

    Lol!! I’m so doing this. Anyone up for another Boston-area prefrosh gathering??? hahaha :-D

  8. I’m so in! I’ve been waiting for 21 to come out since I first saw its trailer. lol, but I think I’ve got a bit of a technical problem. I can wear the MIT stuff and hold up the copy of Bringing Down The House, but the MIT Class of 2012 part snags me. Think a ’12 transfer hopeful can join in? ^_^’ Just kidding. After this, I’m gonna be pumped for Wall-E!

  9. Steven says:

    NO WAY. So like, I started to arrange a meet with two other MIT prefrosh in my area yesterday. We are going to go see it probably on Monday.

  10. Chris says:

    I’m game, and don’t underestimate my picture taking skills. I’ll be decked out in MIT regalia holding TWO copies of “Bringing Down the House”

  11. Connie '12 says:

    “you are holding ‘Brining Down the House,’ the novel on which the movie is based”

    Brining? The House must be really salty. smile (Get it? Brine is salt water.)

  12. Vivi '12 says:

    Strange, I was just interviewed about my opinion about this upcoming film by my school’s newspaper team. Apparently word has already gotten out and about my MIT admittance..?

    Either way, I’m psyched for this movie. The trailer has awesome camerawork; I’m bought wink

  13. Anonymous says:

    21 looks so different from the actual book of bringing down the house…also didn’t they film it at Harvard?

  14. Connie '12 says:

    I think it was filmed at Boston University (verified by Wikipedia).

  15. Isshak says:

    Paul, please tell me you’re kidding…

  16. Yuzhi '12 says:

    Argh! I’ll be at Hawaii for FIRST Robotics this weekend…. =/ no time for movie. Although, I WILL be in Hawaii with a MIT’12 and we both got matching baby blue MIT lanyards

  17. Anonymous says:

    you are pictured with other MIT ’12s (use the admitted students meetings or the Facebook group to make plans)

    you are wearing MIT stuff

    you are holding “Brining Down the House,” the novel on which the movie is based

    sniff sniff… i smell a shameless plug…

  18. AUGH! The stupid hick theater near my house shows it RIGHT after school–RIGHT in the middle of Track practice. Ahg well, at least they have it.

  19. Viva says:

    i’m so down smile calling on all angelenos!

    do we get bonus points for going to a midnight showing?

  20. Rachel says:

    Excited!!! Unfortunately…I do not 1. have MIT clothes 2. have Bringing Down the House or 3. have MIT ’12 friends.

    But I’ll be there anyways. = )

  21. Paul says:

    Isshak – Yes, I was kidding. I am not a fan of “first” post, although occasionally it is pretty amusing. wink

  22. Anonymous says:

    Every MIT ’12 student is your friend!!! smile

  23. Natalie says:

    I am super excited about the movie (loved the book) and am definitely going to see it!

    Sadly, I don’t know of any prefrosh in the Richmond area to go see it with…

  24. Viva says:

    what if by wearing MIT gear we meet MIT alums? bonus points for THAT?

  25. Rachel'12 says:

    bay area + MIT/math get togethers = win

    hee the logs performed at my school today smile pretty good recruiting plug

  26. Omar '12 says:

    Oh I’m so in! I’ve been waiting to see this movie for a long time.

  27. Anonymous says:

    so when will some enterprising MIT student create a secret society that dominates blackjack a la “21”?

    i mean, MIT has the hacker mystique about it, but a blackjack secret society?

    take that, skull and bones.

  28. Li '12 says:

    In order to get “bonus points”, does everyone in the picture have to be both holding the book and wearing gear? (or can we mix it up? :-D)

  29. Anon9 says:

    MAN OH MAN!! I WANNA WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! Hey, what if you aren’t allowed to take pictures (no pictures/film)?

    Hmmm… how to sneak my camera in…

  30. |Lex! '12 says:

    I didn’t think going out of my way to go to an admitted students gathering would get in the way of something…. I totally forgot about “21”…. Oh well, I’ve now got solid plans for Sunday that involve a book store and a movie theater.

  31. DBrunell says:

    For anyone really looking for an adventure the LHC (large hadron collider) is opening its doors on April 6th, go see a movie then spend a day on the border of Switzerland and France. Although, it’ll be a week late for you but 21 doesn’t open up here in germany till the 5th, my perfect weekend plan! smile

  32. Emily says:

    The writers/producers didn’t really follow the book, but it was enjoyable nevertheless.

    I posted our 21 picture to the facebook group =).

  33. Roman says:

    Impressive smile