Speaking in MITese by Paul B. '11
A language all our own.
Almost every time I return home from MIT, I find myself mentally translating certain MIT concepts or words or course numbers when I’m talking to my parents or friends. Things like “I just got back from my 5.112 lecture in 10-250” or “I have three psets due every week this semester and it’s really hosing” or even “I’m doing a UROP in Course 7” don’t mean much to people who’ve never been exposed to MIT. To MIT students, those words and abbreviations and numbers are part and parcel of our culture, with unambiguous and precise meanings. But to my friends and even, to some extent, to my parents, it’s like I’m talking a foreign language – speaking in MITese.
But what else would you expect from a school where virtually everything, from the buildings to the academic buildings, is numbered?
One reason I’m writing this entry is to help bridge the gap between MITese and “regular” English. And beyond that, I also want to showcase this phenomenon of “speaking in MITese,” because I personally feel it’s one of MIT’s most interesting – and yet also most understated – features.
Keep in mind that this guide is just an introduction; I chose to focus on the aspects of MITese that are (in my opinion) universal across campus and of particular interest to prospective students and incoming freshmen.
More comprehensive guides do exist, in both printed form and online, and I assure any aspiring scholars of MITese that you will find plenty of material to interest you. Advanced scholars may also wish to pursue the Jargon File or MIT’s Acronym Wiki.
With that said, enjoy this glimpse into the wonderful if sometimes confusing world of MITese!
The Essentials
Athena (n.) – The MIT campus-wide, Unix-based computing environment; appropriately named after the Greek goddess of wisdom.
beaver (n.) – MIT’s mascot, chief engineer of the animal kingdom.
Brass Rat (n.) – A conspicuous hunk of gold that most MIT students and alums wear on a finger; colloquial name for MIT’s famous class ring, whose design is unique to each class.
cruft (n.) – (1) Old, mostly-useless junk. Being able to take cruft and make it work again, or do something new and useful, is a badge of honor and a prized skill. (2) Term for alumni who remain socially active at MIT.
Dorm Rush (n.) – See REX.
Engineers (n.) – The proper nickname for MIT’s 41 varsity sports teams.
FSILG (n.) – Catch-all term for MIT’s 27 fraternities, 6 sororities, and 4 independent living groups.
hack (n.) – (1) A clever trick or prank designed to amuse and intrigue people. Examples range from putting a firetruck on the Great Dome to subtly sabotaging the Harvard-Yale football game to many more. (2) An inelegant shortcut to get something done quickly, such as in a computer program.
hack (v). – (1) To explore ordinarily inaccessible or unknown parts of the MIT campus. (2)
hacker (n.) – (1) One who hacks. (2) One who pulls hacks. (3) One who goes hacking.
Harvard Bridge (n.) – The Mass Ave bridge from MIT to Boston, which measures 364.4 Smoots plus 1 ear in length.
Hell (n.) – Rather less affectionate name for MIT.
hosed (adj.) – Flooded with work, as if attempting to drink from a firehose
IAP (n.) – Independent Activities Period. The month of January at MIT, and one of the best times to be on campus.
IHTFP (expl.) – (1) I Hate This F***ing Place. (2) I Have Truly Found Paradise. (3) A paradoxical sentiment, frequently experienced by MIT students, combining the two previous definitions in a varying ratio.
Institute (n.) – Affectionate name for MIT. Sometimes shortened to ‘tute. See Hell (n.)
living group (n.) – Generic term for “where you live,” encompassing all of MIT’s dorms and FSILGs.
Mass Ave (n.) – Massachusetts Avenue, one of Boston and Cambridge’s main thoroughfares, which also happens to run through the middle of MIT.
Mystery Hunt (n.) – The (in)famous weekend-long mind-crushing puzzle competition held annually during IAP.
pset (n.) – Problem set, usually given weekly or biweekly; occasionally written “p-set.”
pset (v.) – See tool (v.)
punt (v.) – (1) To slack off, e.g. by checking Facebook, playing Rock Band, or blogging; often contrasted with tool (v.) (2) To skip something, e.g. a problem set or meeting (“I’m so hosed with 8.022, I’m going to have to punt this 7.013 pset…”); generally bad things happen to students who punt too often.
REX (n.) – Residence Exploration; the time during Orientation for incoming freshmen to explore dormitories to discover which living group suits them best. Pronounced like the dinosaur, never “are-ee-ex.”
Smoot – An unconventional and nonstandard unit of length equal to the height of Oliver Smoot ’62 (5 feet 7 inches), whose body was once used as a yardstick to measure the Harvard Bridge (n.)
Tim (n.) – Name given to MIT’s beaver suit mascot (get it?)
tool (v.) – To work very diligently on academics; often contrasted with punt (v.)
tool (n.) – One who tools.
UROP (n.) – (1) Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, which cultivates relationships between students and researching faculty; among the first of its kind in the US. (2) A student who participates in research through this program.
unit (n.) – The basic unit of MIT academic credit. A normal class is worth 12 units at MIT, which indicates that the class should require approximately 12 hours worth of time each week (in the classroom, in the lab, and outside of class).
wanking (v.) – self-indulgent pontificating or arguing, full of sound and fury but generally signifying (and accomplishing) nothing; the verb form is wank
Some Important Places
77 Mass Ave – 77 Massachusetts Avenue; the colonnaded primary entrance to campus.
Big Sail – official name of the steel sculpture by Alexander Calder south of the Green Building; according to MIT myth, it was built to block the force of wind coming off the Charles River towards the The Dot – the circle of grass between the Green Building and the Big Sail. Officially (i.e. almost never) called McDermott Court.
Great Dome – one of MIT’s most famous landmarks, not to mention a frequent target for hackers and tourists alike; sits above Lobby 10
Green Building – tallest building in Cambridge and home of Course 12; Building 54.
Infinite Corridor – A hallway through the heart of the Institute, stretching from Lobby 7 (west) through Buildings 3, 10, 4, 8 (east). At one point believed to be the longest contiguous corridor in the world, the Infinite is occasionally treated as a highway.
Johnson – Johnson Athletics Center, where some of your finals will probably be held.
Killian Court – The large and picturesque courtyard in the middle of main campus, surrounded by Buildings 1-4, Building 10, and Memorial Drive. Location of the freshman class photo and Commencement. Pronounced “kill-ee-un.”
Kresge Auditorium – One of MIT’s nicest auditoriums; the exterior is one-eighth of a perfect sphere.
Little Dome – baby cousin to the Great Dome; sits above Lobby 7
Lobby 10 – First floor of Building 10, opening onto Killian Court
Lobby 7 – The large, open atrium that houses the famous inscription of MIT’s mission: “Established for advancement and development of science, its application to industry, the arts, agriculture, and commerce.”
Stata Center – Odd, vaguely alien cluster of towers and other structures. Properly, it should be pronounced “stay-tuh” (rhymes with “beta”). Building 32.
W20 – The (Stratton) Student Center, yet another building more commonly referred to by its number than its name.
Z-Center – Zesiger Center, part of MIT’s comprehensive athletics complex.
6-120 (“six one twenty”) – lecture hall located near the end of the Infinite Corridor
10-250 (“ten two fifty”) – Newly-renovated lecture hall in the center of campus where many freshman GIRs are taught
26-100 (“twenty six one hundred”) – large lecture hall located just off the Infinite
34-101 (“thirty four one oh one”) – lecture hall with bright green seats
54-100 (“fifty four one hundred”) – main lecture hall in the Green Building; accessed by stairs or the “Lower Level” in the building’s main elevator
3.091 – Solid-State Chemistry (“three oh nine fun”)
5.11x – Introductory Chemistry
7.01x – Introductory Biology
8.01 – Physics I: Mechanics
8.02 – Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
18.01 – Calculus 1: Single-Variable
18.02 – Calculus II: Multi-Variable
18.03 – Differential Equations
x – In this context, used to indicate a family of multiple similar subjects, varying in either difficulty or emphasis. All 7.01x classes are approximately the same difficulty; but 5.112, for example, is harder than 5.111.
GIR(s) – General Institute Requirement(s). Pronounced “gee-eye-our(s).”
HASS – Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Pronounced “hass” (not the word “has”).
REST – Restricted Elective in Science and Technology. Pronounced like the word “rest.”
Science Core – The set of GIRs consisting of two semesters of calculus, two semesters of physics, one semester of biology, and one semester of chemistry (in MITese, 18.01, 18.02, 8.01, 8.02, 7.01x, and 3.091/5.11x).
See also hosed, punt, and tool.
Living Groups
GRT – Graduate Residence Tutor; graduate students who actually live in each dorm on campus and serve a variety of roles, from peacekeepers to mentors to providers of free food. Pronounced “gee-are-tee.”
Housemaster – Members of the MIT community who are responsible for providing adult leadership and some extent of oversight to each dorm, in addition to being residents of the dorm’s community. A dorm’s housemasters are usually a professor and his or her spouse.
House Manager – MIT employees responsible for overseeing the upkeep and condition of each dorm. Among other things, they’re the people you call when you need to get that light in your room replaced or when you want permission to paint your room/loft your bed/build a giant roller-coaster in front of the dorm.
RA – Residential Assistant. The equivalent of a GRT, but for FSILGs.
RLA – MIT employees that serve as a valuable resource for a “zone” of 2-3 dorms, providing a range of services from helping with party registration, serving as a mediator between students and administrators, advising house governments, supporting Housemasters and GRTS, and planning events at dormitories.
Living Groups – Dorms
BC – Burton-Conner
EC – East Campus
MacG – MacGregor
McC – McCormick
NH – New House
500 Memorial Drive – Next House
NW35 – the New Ashdown community
Random Hall
SH – Senior House (“Haus”)
Sponge – Simmons Hall
Living Groups – Fraternities
ADP – Alpha Delta Phi
AEPi – Alpha Epsilon Pi
ATO – Alpha Tau Omega
Beta – Beta Theta Pi
Chi Phi
DKE – Delta Kappa Epsilon
Delts (DTD) – Delta Tau Delta
No. 6 – Delta Psi
DU – Delta Upsilon
Kappa Sig – Kappa Sigma
LCA – Lambda Chi Alpha
ND – Nu Delta
PBE – Phi Beta Epsilon
Phi Delts (PDT) – Phi Delta Theta
Skullhouse (PKS) – Phi Kappa Sigma
PKT – Phi Kappa Theta
Phi Sig (PSK) – Phi Sigma Kappa
Pi Lam – Pi Lambda Phi
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
SigEp – Sigma Phi Epsilon
tEp – Tau Epsilon Phi
OX – Theta Chi
TDC – Theta Delta Chi
TXi – Theta Xi
ZBT – Zeta Beta Tau
Zeta Psi
Living Groups – Sororities
AXO – Alpha Chi Omega
AEPhi – Alpha Epislon Phi
APhi – Alpha Phi
KAT or Theta – Kappa Alpha Theta
Pi Phi – Pi Beta Phi
SK – Sigma Kappa
Living Groups – Independents
ET – Epsilon Theta
Fenway House
Student House
WILG – Women’s Independent Living Group
In the interest of full disclosure, I want to mention that some portions of this MITese-English guide are inspired by How To Get Around MIT, the student-produced handbook to the Institute. Often called HowToGAMIT for short, the handbook is distributed to incoming freshmen each year at no charge.
(Shameless plug: Class of 2012, you can and should get your copy of How To Get Around MIT this week. Just look for our table on the first floor of the student center. We’ll be around more or less regularly from 9am-5pm.)
Like most other frosh, I received a copy during my Orientation last year and loved it – so this summer, I decided to get involved in helping produce the next edition of HowToGAMIT. I ended up volunteering to be HowToGAMIT’s treasurer – as well as editing HowToGAMIT’s own, much more comprehensive glossary.
What are your favorite MIT terms and idioms?
sorry, had to do it.
Aside from being obnoxious and claiming first, that was a very comprehensive and helpful post — especially the info about the course numbers. Thanks!
i ask that every comment following this one enter shapes as their names.
and i liked Tim because it resembles time, which is the perpetual force of which MIT prevails through.
I can’t understand!!!!
Very nice. This is getting bookmarked.
Some errors: Improperly formatted HTML link for the definition of Hack; no definition for Kresge Auditorium
@Albert: Clearly that’s because Kresge needs no introduction.
More seriously, thanks for the corrections.
I was standing in front of a mirror during CPW and there happened to be a poster of TIM the beaver behind me, and of course his shirt says TIM in perfect capital letters, and I finally understood the full geometric fun of his name. It’s not JUST a palindrome.
Great post, especially for us parents of incoming freshman. Pronunciation help would be helpful in some cases. For example, we’ve seen HAAS in multiple mailings to our son this summer. Is it pronounced /hass/ or /hoss/? Also is REX pronounced /R-E-X/ or /rex/? Thanks!
A 2012 Dad
On the hacks site, there is a whole list of truly delightful versions of IHTP; its awesome!
I’d say that I seem to have caught on the Jargon way too seriously- enough to get blank stares from teachers/classmates at school when I’m jabbering about the Jet Prop Lab, or 18.xx or the Infinite Corridor. Way to go, Paul!
PS: I think ‘phenomenon’ is misspelled, or maybe its just saccades:-)
On the hacks site, there is a whole list of truly delightful versions of IHTP; its awesome!
I’d say that I seem to have caught on the Jargon way too seriously- enough to get blank stares from teachers/classmates at school when I’m jabbering about the Jet Prop Lab, or 18.xx or the Infinite Corridor. Way to go, Paul!
PS: I think ‘phenomenon’ is misspelled, or maybe its just saccades:-)
God Paul, when are you going to blog about the rules/ethics of a hacker. It’s very important.
Can you explain why Simmons is such a controversial dorm? I’ve heard other nicknames besides “the Sponge”. My son ranked it first in the Lottery and is happy to be there this week (for FPOP).
Isn’t Student House also an ILG?
Bright green seats in 34-101? Are you kidding me? They are dull and dingy.
Bottom left photo here: http://www.eecs.mit.edu/images/EECS classes copy.jpg
Besides typing in all capital letters?
Just checking in using my cell phone (isn’t technology wonderful?), so while I can edit my entry this way, my time is limited. Apologies for any errors in this comment I may make in haste.
’12 Parent #1: Good suggestion! I’ve added some pronunciations and will finish the rest later tonight.
’12 Parent #2: Simmons is also occasionally called Waffle House, and its residents are commonly known as Sims or Poriferans. Simmons certainly does have an interesting history…but the only recent controversy that comes to mind was a debate over whether Simmons’ dining hall should have an a la carte system or an all-you-care-to-eat system, and that was worked out relatively painlessly (albeit with a lot of wanking). Was there some more specific issue you had in mind?
Ehsan: Soon.
Anon: Oops! My apologies to the Student House residents; the oversight has been corrected.
[GIR(s) – General Institute Requirement(s). Pronounced “gee-ee-our(s).”]
Missing a “y” in the pronunciation of the “I” in “GIR(s)” as “eye”?
Indeed, it’s not a palindrome at all.
@Anon: The dangers of editing on a cellphone! Fixed.
This is an awesome entry!
@Future MIT Student
1) Buy a guinea pig
2) Carry him to MIT every day, let him drink from the moat, and then carry him home every day.
3) He will grow larger but you will grow smarter and develop unique ways to transport your guinea pig to MIT.
4) Write an essay about your guinea pig and submit it in your application.
5) Receive your acceptance letter, jump for joy, and make sure you don’t land on your guinea pig.
Also, do NOT visit collegeconfidential. It has been known to cause guinea pigs to have heart attacks.
No. I’m not doing drugs. For some reason I just felt like typing about guinea pigs.
UGH, Snively! Now what am I supposed to write my essay on!
Man I’ve been meaning to grab that book for a while. Ugh, I need to remember to stop there tomorrow. Will I forget? yes.
In other important news, I got quizzed today about course numbers by Long and Emily. I held my ground. I was proud (until I scraped myself up playing baseball >.Man I’ve been meaning to grab that book for a while. Ugh, I need to remember to stop there tomorrow. Will I forget? yes.
In other important news, I got quizzed today about course numbers by Long and Emily. I held my ground. I was proud (until I scraped myself up playing baseball >.<).
OMG, I LOVE MIT! (Just got here a few days ago)
@ Snively
Omg! Snively this is classic. You totally made my day. Thanx a bunch for being so funny.
Ps. Are you sure you don’t have a mac; there’s one in facebook profile pic.
Typical Snively:-)
Finding out the true meaning of IHTFP was one of the 101 things for class of 2012!! it should’ve been harder than this to find that out
Snively be careful next time 
I wish I could actually write my essay about a guinea pig. It would be so much more fun then the generic college app. essays….
“A paradoxical sentiment, frequently experienced by MIT students, combining the two previous definitions in a varying ratio.”
even our MIT-ese word definitions are mathematical.
@Alex: HowToGAMIT is going to be sold in the Coop (both locations on campus), so you can pick up a copy there even if you’re not an incoming freshman. (The book is also distributed to incoming grad students.)
@Maryam: The true meaning of IHTFP is an experience, not just a definition.
@Caroline: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5ohtlewREI
Awesome post! My favorite so far.
I have a quick question. Any chance of finding a copy of HowToGAMIT if we’re not incoming freshmen? Thanks.
Yeah…my parents for a while refused to speak to me because I couldn’t avoid using numbers and/or acronyms. They don’t like MIT culture very much.
Reading this is fun. But there is so much more to say about MIT…
Small example: 3.091 and OCW and Bill G
Received: 2/27/2008 1:12:12
Name: bill gates
Email: [email protected]
Subject: Feedback
Referring URL:
You wrote:
This is an amazing course.
Don Sadoway is an incredibly good teacher. I learned a LOT from these
lectures and the other course material. Thank you for having it on line.
I could make minor points of improvement but they wouldn’t be major.
OCW Response
Thank you for your recent correspondence about MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW).
We’re glad you find the course materials useful and interesting.
With virtually all Institute courses now available, OCW represents an
unprecedented digital educational resource. MIT OpenCourseWare has been
joined by dozens of institutions worldwide sharing courseware freely and
openly through the OpenCourseWare Consortium (http://ocwconsortium.org).
The MIT OpenCourseWare Team
So parents, you can, like Bill G follow the courses, psets on OCW. It’s free !
Bill Gates on 3.091 “Everybody should watch chemistry lectures — they’re far better than you think. Don Sadoway, MIT — best chemistry lessons everywhere. Unbelievable.”
verify this by checking the Seattle pi
Nice, Paul. ^_^
For some reason, non-MIT affiliates have trouble comprehending our need to number the campus bathrooms. Makes perfect sense to us, right?
>>> Can you explain why Simmons is such a controversial dorm? I’ve heard other nicknames besides “the Sponge”. My son ranked it first in the Lottery and is happy to be there this week (for FPOP).
Because they have sex there…. with robots!