huh...there are some lowercase letters in the title. that's odd.
Thanks Yuliya for hosting this blog! I’m not out off-campus, so I have to post this anonymously…
MIT is hella gay, and lots of cool gay events are happening during CPW! If you want to learn how to be gay@MIT or want to meet some Super Dope gays on campus, consider coming to these events!!!!
But first I want to give you the scoop about how gay things are organized on campus. There are four main clubs:
G@MIT (Gays at MT)
This is the first and oldest lgbtq+ club on campus! I’m like half involved (um yeah…that’s the most apt way to put it haha), and we do a bunch of cool big events throughout the year like a Intercollegiate Valentines Day Ball and a Coming Out Ball to celebrate coming out day!
Queer West
Queer West is my FAMMMMM! I am fully (maybe even more than fully?!) involved and absolutely love it! I have made some of my closest friends through this club! Queer West started about 5 years ago in response to the general cultural divide between East and West Campus. This is honestly something that really deserves it’s own (or even multiple posts), but a shortened (and not at all nuanced) way of putting it is that East Campus is more gay than West Campus. So Queer West came about to Make West Campus Gay Again (this is our unofficial official motto).
This is a club that is for LGBTQ+ folk in fraternities and Sororities! They host super cool events, but I’m not involved because I’m not affiliated in any frat or sorority.
Parrot Fish
This recently became a club, and I have also not been involved yet, but really want to be! They are the gender fluidity club on campus!
Fun Fact: The exec people of all these four clubs have a GAY ™ group chat where we are slowly* planning to enforce our gay agenda on all of campus. (*jk we’re working real quick)
Fun Fact 2: We all have our tables near each other in the Gay corner of Activities Midway. Come join our gay cults! We will throw* rainbow candy and gay pins at you! (*jk that’s a safety hazard)
Anywaysssss…. Onto the EVENTS!!!*
*these are not all of them, but the ones I am involved in/plan on attending
Queer West and Simmons
Join Queer West and Simmons residents for an informal meet and greet! Snacks will be provided and we will also be screening a couple episodes of One Day at a Time!!
This is Queer West’s default event — playing gay content on a screen, serving snacks, and then chill convo after. We’re excited to be collabing with Simmons for this!
Queer Life @MIT Panel
Come listen to queer MIT students talk about their experiences! Ask questions about coming out to family, being out on campus, resources, queer groups at MIT, and more.
This is an awesome to way to get the TEA from current students.
Rainbow Lounge Open House
Join us in the newly renovated Rainbow Lounge for yummy food, a Queer Treasure Chest, music, dancing, and lots of great people…what a great way to spend a Friday afternoon! Please join us to celebrate and welcome new MIT pre-frosh into the LBGTQ community and their allies at MIT.
The Rainbow Lounge is a beautiful and amazing and welcoming place! Please go to this!
Coming Out Camping
Come out camping* with the members of Queer West to roast marshmallows, eat s’mores, and share your favorite coming out stories (if you want)! Everyone is welcome! *Disclaimer: Not real camping. Real s’mores, though.
Queer west hosts one of these every CPW and Freshman Orientation! This is THE FIRST gay event I went to ever, actually during orientation (because I wasn’t out during my cpw). So this event holds a VERY special place in my heart.
Family Dinner
Please join us to welcome pre-frosh into the LBGTQ and LBGTQ-friendly community at MIT! A found-family dinner with G@MIT!
FOOD!!! Also gayyyyyy!
Knit Your Own Pride Gear
Come make rainbow scarves, wristbands, arm warmers, and amorphous blobs of yarn with G@MIT! No yarn, needles, or knitting knowledge required. Everyone is welcome!
I will be helping teach people how to knit at this event!! So even if you’re a beginner, stop by!!!
Queer Ladies Movie Night
We’re all queer here! Come join the ladies of Loop to watch cheesy queer movies (happy ending guaranteed) and decorate pride flag cookies. People of all genders and sexualities welcome.
This will be wholesome and amazing and I hope they play D.E.B.S.!
There is another gay event, but it’s a secret….shhhhh don’t tell anyone