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Krystal L. '17

  • Course 20
MIT blogger


Hello there. My name is Krystal Lai and I hail from Orange County, CA, the land of eternal sunshine, sandy beaches, and some very real housewives. If you look at a map of the subdivided cities within the county (try to tap into your inner map enthusiast here), the city of Irvine looks kind of like a squiggly tiger’s head with a dislocated jaw.

That’s right. I may or may not be from the eye of the tiger.

Speaking of tigers, I love food, doodles, consecutive vowels, and irrelevant segues.

In all seriousness though, I hope to spend my days here at MIT pursuing my interest in biological engineering while still maintaining an appropriate level of sanity as a pre-med. And while being a part of the varsity tennis team is something I am very excited about, I also can’t wait to branch out and dip my toes into the metaphorical fire hose until they get all wrinkly and shriveled like tiny raisins.

So get comfy, grab a spoonful of peanut butter (in case you get the munchies) and feel free to witness yet another blogger hop, skip, and stumble her way through the wonderful world of MIT.

p.s. I like cats

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