2.009 Final Presentations Live Webcast by Selam G. '18
Project Engineering Processes aka The Most Fun A Course 2 Major Can Have Without Their Own Startup
It's that time of year again! Final Projects Time! Finals Time! Sleep Deprivation Time! I'm using so many exclamation points because I'm so excited to work on my 6.005 final project for probably the next 5 hours or so! Well, not really! But hooray!
Sarcasm aside, I will say, the best part of final projects is when you are done with them–not because the work is finally over (ok, partially) but because you realize you've created something really cool, and gradually, those moments of I-made-the-thing have made some final projects almost worth all the work and stress that I put into them (almost). I hear it gets even better as you go along–which brings me to the 2.009 presentations! The Most Fun A Course 2 Major Can Have Without Their Own Startup!!!!!! (Note: this is not a general MIT nickname thing) (but it could be if y'all are into it) (I just call it that based on my perception of it as a sophomore)
From the brilliant minds of the MIT senior class come a lot of incredible ideas. I'm posting this post even as the event starts–watch them if you're free! The live stream is embedded below. These products are designed by MIT seniors (some of whom I am actually friends with, wow, celebrity status) and many are finished and polished prototypes that, in industry, could be ready to present, pitch, or develop into real products that are pretty cool!
You can also follow the Twitter feed here: @009minions
Here's an interesting blurb from the 2.009 course website:
"In 2.009, Product Engineering Processes, students work in large teams of approximately 15 to 19 individuals to design and build working alpha prototypes of new products. Students learn about creativity, product design, working within a budget, and gain unifying engineering experience.
The effort spans the early phases of product development, including: opportunity identification; generating ideas; gathering customer and market data; selecting ideas, devising concepts and building sketch models; building and testing mockups; customer evaluation of mockups; embodiment design; and construction of a high quality functioning alpha prototype.
The large teams must work effectively to realize this task, so students also learn about group dynamics, team roles and management, consensus building, and the value of communication.
Each year the teams work on projects unified by a theme (see the theme gallery for themes of previous years). At the end of the course, teams present their work to a live audience of ~1300 practicing product designers, entrepreneurs, academics, and classmates, as well as a very significant webcast audience."
I'm pretty stoked to eventually take this class when I'm a senior, and do this project…..but for now, 6.005 (sigh).
Enjoy the presentations! They're really incredible! I heard one time someone brought a live horse onstage :3