A Seemingly Stressful Survey by Stanley G.
The Tech publishes about stress at the institute
Now I get to mention something cool that I do with my life here!
It may have casually come up in the times that I’ve written here that I am a News Editor for our campus newspaper, The Tech. For me, that means one night a week in our office on the 4th floor of the student center reading through the news section, editing stories, making sure that content comes in on time, writing last minute stories, and essentially making sure that there’s stuff to go on the front page. It falls on the shoulders of me and the two other news editors to make sure that you get your bi-weekly (twice weekly) dose of news from reading our paper.
Over the past month or so, as me and the other news editors were a part of the survey committee, we had to make sure there this ENTIRE spread of stories was edited and ready to run in our latest feature.
If you haven’t checked it out yet, you should! http://tech.mit.edu/V132/N59/pressure/index.htm
It also includes an interview with fellow admissions blogger Lydia K! http://tech.mit.edu/V132/N59/lydiakinterview.html
This feature is all about the stress that students feel while being in school here at MIT. We ran a survey starting right before Thanksgiving and got responses from 3,191 undergrads and graduate students about what makes them stressed here at the institute. I’m sure you might have heard, but MIT IS HARD! There are always things going on, work to be done, and I feel, especially after this year, that it’s very easy to take on too much.
I’ll let the data and the stories speak for themselves, but remember, that even though we may feel stressed out, inadequate, even down right depressed sometimes, you don’t have to go it alone. There are a lot of resources here to help you get the support you need so you can be the best you can be during your time here.
In the end, it comes down to you recognizing that you’re still awesome people. MIT might throw you for a loop, but it’s ok to make mistakes. If we didn’t make mistakes and everything was easy, how would we learn?
Anyway, I spent A LOT of time in The Tech office and with Tech people getting this done. Putting it together has been a bit of a stressful process (see what I did there?), but I hope you like it.