Answers, and live updates by Matt McGann '00
Live from a lecture by architect Steven Holl.
Hi! I’m blogging live from a lecture by architect Steven Holl, the architect of Simmons Hall. I’ll update you on the lecture and also answer some pressing questions as the talk goes on…
First, some CPW answers.
I know that some of you have not heard from your host. Do not worry. I assure you that you have a host, and that you will be well taken care of while you’re at MIT.
Second, since everyone else is doing it, I guess I should tell you where I’ll be during CPW:
- CPW registration headquarters: Thursday, 8am-4pm.
- MIT Abroad Panel: Thursday, 5:15pm.
- CPW Welcome for Students: Thursday, 8:30pm.
- CPW Festival: Thursday, 9:30pm.
- UROP Panel: Friday, 10am.
- CPW registration headquarters: Friday, noon-2pm.
- Residence Panel for Students: Friday, 5pm.
- Bloggers Party: Friday, 8:30pm.
- Activities Fair: Saturday, 1-3pm.
- CPW Farewell: Saturday, 5pm (and probably Battle of the Bands, too).
The head of MIT’s Architecture department, Yung Ho Chang, has introduced Steven Holl.
Steven Holl has begun talking, and he’s reminding me why I first thought of majoring in Course 4: Architecture at MIT (as you know, I eventually received my degree in Management Science). Famous architects like Holl get to develop grand, often crazy, ideas; he started often with his designs for completely new cities in China.
Holl has begun talking about Simmons Hall (where some of you will be staying for CPW). He showed this (in)famous slide from the master planning process for MIT’s new dorms:
Yes, it’s quite dark in here. Anyway, in the slide above, Holl shows the 4 (!) new dorms he imagined for MIT on Vassar Street; Simmons is the second from the left. Originally, MIT tried to build the dorm on the right (the zig-zaggy one), but ran into zoning problems, among other things, but that’s a blog entry for another time.
Steven Holl discussing the Chapel of St. Ignatius at Seattle University.
Simmons Hall, in case you don’t already know what this crazy building looks like.
Holl, in answering a question, talks about the power of “the mind and the hand.” Very MIT.
The lecture has ended. It was an interesting talk. Luckily, I believe it was recorded to be viewed on MITWorld… look for it there in a few weeks.
I’m signing off for now. See you at CPW!
I’m so excited to meet you in person @ CPW!
note to all CPW attendees
: all events on MIT grounds during CPW can be viewed:
Hey, just wondering, do we sleep on the floor of our host’s dorm, or are we actually getting a bed?
I love funky architecture. Thanks for the update, Matt!
It depends on where/with whom you are staying. When I was a prefrosh, I stayed at ZBT and thus got a bed. Some students have futons in their rooms you can sleep in. I am in a double and as such, my prefrosh will be sleeping on the floor, heh.
Hi DJ! It will be good to meet you.
Probably the better schedule of events is the one on the CPW homepage (most of those aren’t listed on events.mit.edu). Also, we will be giving you a schedule book full of the 600+ events for the weekend when you check in.
See you soon!