at/around mit by Allan K. '17
i've been --
i’ve been spending a lot of time away from mit. i’ve been going to lincoln laboratory in lexington once or twice a week (running experiments for my aeroastro capstone). i’ve been going to wellesley a lot (for toons rehearsals and for the open fields and for the quietness of not-city sounds).
i’ve been spending a lot of time on buses.
i’ve been sick. i’ve been drinking a lot more tea: jasmine green if the sun is up, ginger turmeric if not.
i’ve been reading and writing a lot: about current debates in media, about wireless mesh networks. i’ve been reading the handmaid’s tale to go with the tea. i’ve been trying to stay caught up: bad news (congress voted to kill a bunch of internet privacy protections) and good (indian women engineers sent a rocket to mars). i’ve been feeling like it’s harder than it used to be.
i’ve been trying to take more pictures.