Back to Boston by Mitra L. '07
Recommended Orientation events
I am flying back to Boston tonight (why do I always book redeyes?) and can’t wait to meet all the new ’10s. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been getting all sorts of rush/Orientation emails, so I am slightly aware of all of the fun I have been missing. I am involved in a couple of Orientation activities, so naturally I will plug them.
WHAT: Women’s Orientation panel
WHEN: Monday, August 28, sometime around 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM
WHERE: 20 Chimneys — 3rd floor of Student Center
WHAT: Something Orientation-getting-to-know-you-ish
WHEN: Thursday, August 31, sometime around 11:30 AM, 12:30 PM
WHERE: Kresge Auditorium
Not that any freshmen should be reading blogs (or sleeping more than an hour a night, or paying for any food at all) at this point during Orientation, but if you are, hope to meet you at an event this week.
hi mitra, i came across your blog in my search for information on the firetruck someone put on MIT’s great dome the other day. oddly enough one of your photos pops up when “mit firetruck” is googled. anyways… i started reading some of your posts and have to say, you’re an incredibly fascinating person. i especially enjoyed your likes and dislikes lists (i was also never a big fan of the spelling of vacuum.) here i go without even an introduction… ok well my name is andrew, i’m 22, and i’m not an MIT student. i actually just moved out of RI a little less than a year ago and now live in Chicago working as a helicopter technicain here. ok i have rambled on too long, i’ll keep enjoying your blog and good luck this year. are you excited about graduating in may? what are your post college plans?