Birthday! (a.k.a my first video blog) by Chris M. '12
vlogging? MEAT CAKE!
Hallo blogger faithful! Undoubtedly you’ve noticed that the times, they are a changing. The air is crisp, the trees are ebbing into their autumn palette and just as winter comes every year, so too do birthdays.
Ok so after that needlessly artistic intro and akward awkward segue, I give you Snively’s 21st Birthday as seen on Conner 2! Watch and see how a birthday is meant to be celebrated! There’s everything you could want: jokes that died in transit, brownies, and most importantly- Steakon!
This is how I will be celebrating my next birthday.
Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed the song
The strangest part is the only part that resembles a cake…
Happy birthday Snively! Your service is greatly appreciated.
i think you mean awkward
Chris that picture is so different from your previous one, both in terms of your dressing and your looks

Haha, ‘GEEK-ness’ personified eh
buon compleanno snively!!! yummy cake!
Wishing Snively a belated Happy 21st Birthday~~
Let i be known that the steakon was delicious! It actually was finished well before the traditional birthday cakes
Happy Birthday!=)
I can’t imagine being 21~
Happy Birthday, Snively!!
Please tell me that was cooked?
Chris, your picture looks so different but I actually like this one better.
What is the background is this new one??
Don’t worry, it was cooked.
I’m glad you like it. To tell you the truth I’m not the biggest fan of either of them, but that’s not what you asked. It’s taken in Pappalardo labs in the basement of Building 3. That’s the shop where a lot of MechE classes are held, like 2.007
Was it really Snively’s birthday?
HA. Meat cake…
Oh, yes, and happy birthday man!
That’s brilliant. Reminds me of the “Tower of Meat” during a group dinner where someone ordered for another before he arrived…