Chocolate Tasting by Mitra L. '07
Nuts, olives, and 99% cocoa
In honor of some holiday, MIT’s Laboratory for Chocolate Science hosted chocolate tasting last night. I went to a similar event in IAP 2004, but this one was much more organized. We had four “flights” of dark chocolate, and cleansed our pallets with bread and water. (Chocolate, bread, and water = the 3 food groups?)
They encouraged us to rub and smell the chocolate, but I skipped that step. I did follow orders when it came to tasting, though; you’re supposed to let the chocolate piece melt on your tongue instead of chewing it.
We started out with a piece of Dove dark chocolate, which apparently is less than 55% cocoa — wimpy! We stayed mostly in the range of 60-75% cocoa, and had two insanely concentrated (85% and 99%) pieces.
Organization is key.
Like the characters in Sideways, we worked hard to find unusual flavors in the chocolate pieces. I found “seafood” in one piece that Sam thought tasted like “olives.” Unfortunately, my taste buds aren’t sophisticated enough to tell what kind of wood the chocolate was aged in, but maybe by next year…
From an LCS email: “Every year, the Laboratory for Chocolate Science makes truffles to sell for Valentines Day. Naturally, this year is no different! Please stop by our booth in the Student Center, Valentines day from 10am-7pm in the Student Center. There are nine different varieties of truffles in white, milk, and dark chocolate. The truffles are three dollars for two; come pick up a pair for your friends, your sweetheart, or even yourself!”
P.S. Does anyone watch Grey’s Anatomy? If so, do you think Meredith should wait around for McDreamy or move on with her life? And wasn’t the bomb squad guy totally perfect for her until he got blown up?
Happy Valentines Day! Hmmmmmm, Chhocollaatte.
I love Grey’s Anatomy! I think McDreamy should make up his mind and stop playing with Meredith’s heart. He seems to be choosing his wife, by principle, and in that case Meredith should stop wasting her time pining over him and making her life more depressing for nothing!
OMG Greys Anatomy was A MAZ ING on Sunday. MY friends and I had a party to watch it together. yeah crazy I know. Personally I think McDreamy needs to just fess up and admit he still loves meredith, why else would he go to her house to check on her after the bomb incident. I say give him two weeks and if he doesn’t come out Meredith go for george he’s so cute you just want to hug him.
I watch Grey’s Anatomy! The end of the bomb guy made me… well, sad. To put it lightly.
I just recently started watching the show, and already I’m really getting into it – but Sunday’s my Boondocks night, and can’t nuthin’ mess with that. ^_^
I LOVE Grey’s Anatomy and have watched it from the get go. I think last sundays episode was great. It had some insane suspense filled moments and culminated in an explosive ending. I think Dr. Sheperd should get over his “failed” marriage because he seems to be less interested in his “wife” than in Meredith. Especially evident after the explosion. He needs to realize that his marriage is over and he needs to move on to someone he actually cares for. Meredith as I percieve it is stuck in between right now and doesn’t know what’s right for her yet. Should she or shouldn’t she move on, I can’t say. Next weekend should answer more on that topic as it seems to involve Mrs. Sheperd and (I’m guessing here) the former best friend of Derek. I barely caught the preview, but it looks toned down on the death aspect of the show focusing rather on the relationship aspects. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. =D
Sup Mitra?!
I got your postcard!! I believe it’s from you, unless, of course, there is more than 1 Mitra at MIT. What a pleasant surprise, you guys are SO NICE. I don’t have any questions right now, I’m sure my parents will have a million very very soon, though. Well. Thanks a lot!
doves chocolates pwn. they are crazily creamy, so maybe i’m just not a cocoa person after all.
BUTTTTT why was there no nutella at event?????? tsk tsk
Hi Mitra! I got your postcard. I actually live near San Francisco, so it’s awesome that you’re coming out here this weekend
Are you actually from here, or are you just visiting?
And yes, I watch Grey’s Anatomy. It was AMAZING
I’m tempted to say that Meredith should just move on with her life, but I don’t think anyone’s as well-matched with her as McDreamy is, and he’s obviously in a horrible relationship. Unfortunately that would probably shatter George, who was SO adorable in that last episode, especially with Bailey!
Patrick Dempsey from Grey’s Anatomy is the coolest! I think Meredith should wait for McDreamy. They should definitely end up together. McDreamy and his wife totally do not match. And yeah, the bomb squad guy was pretty cool. =P