Class of 2010: Wondering Where Everyone Is Living? by Ben Jones
Find orientation housemates/roommates.
From Star Simpson ’10:
Nando Paniagua ’10 manually created this database of housing info for at least half (so far) of the class of 2010, so that people can find other orientation housemates/roommates. Check it out! If anyone wants to add themselves, his email address is on the page.
The address is:
Note that you will need MIT certificates.
Hehe, when I first saw that I didn’t need my certificate to get in.
It’s pretty awesome.
I posted this in Matt’s blog, but I thought maybe you could help me out as well. MIT is by far my first choice university, so much so that I haven’t really considered any others. I know this is not a good plan because the acceptance rate is so low for international applicants, but I don’t really know of any other schools with good math/science reputations (besides Caltech). I am primarily interested in theoretical physics and computer science or maybe aeronautics, and I was wondering if you would mind giving me a list of other schools with good programs in these areas. I donТƒфt really have any preference about location (anywhere in North America is fine) and I am not too concerned with financial aid (I donТƒфt need to find a school that is need blind or that guarantees to meet financial requirements). Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated (the most help, of course, would be acceptance into MIT ; ) Thanks in advance, I know how great you are at answering questions!
Considering I’m in a double-sized room and haven’t found any roommate via Facebook yet…
*signs up*
Well, if nothing else, I know who my (temporary) neighbors are. I’m glad this is getting more attention.
Lol, Keri has stalkers who randomly add her to lists without her knowledge. ^^;
Nando got a bunch of the rooms and dorms from Facebook. So don’t worry, Keri.
I love stalking.
This thing is amazing. I’ve been trying to find my roomate since I found out where I was.
And don’t worry keri, I was already on there too.
Whoaaa this is awesome. Major props to Nando Paniagua!!!
Awesome site, LooL i’m afraid I have a secret admirer too (tsk tsk Nando ;p) I was about to send the email when i saw my name and was like wtf i’m already there! ;p Props to Nando, great script
Who’s Neal Miller? cause it seems to be my roommate!
I was there without knowing! So yeah… that’s random.
Hah, way cool. I was already there too. (creep.)
Can’t wait to meet my roomie.
Hey Ben,
Do you know when the HASS D lottery results come out?
According to the advising folder, tomorrow after 4pm EST.
this comment seems out of place but ne one in MIT(class of 2010) who got selected frm maharashtra in india??