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A head-and-shoulders illustration of Mikey. He has light skin, short black hair, and is wearing a blue collared shirt.

CPW 2011 Closing Remarks and Variety Show by Mikey Yang '05

Singing, dancing, juggling, and more!

CPW officially begins tomorrow! I’ve spent the past couple months planning the Closing Remarks and Variety Show taking place Saturday night – you should definitely come if you’re here for CPW. Details:

CPW Closing Remarks and Variety Show
Saturday, April 9, 2011
6:00-7:30pm (Doors open at 5:30pm)
Kresge Auditorium

Dean of Admissions Stu Schmill and the MIT Admissions Officers will give some closing thoughts, and there will be 7 really amazing acts at the show:

Chorallaries (a cappella, co-ed)
Jacob Sharpe (juggling)
Bhangra (dance, Punjabi)
– MIT Cheerleading Team (dance, cheerleading)
Logarhythms (a cappella, all-male)
– Ridonkulous (dance, hip-hop/modern)
Live Music Connection Guitar-off (electric guitars, shredding)

(For those that don’t know, “a cappella” is basically making music with only voices, no instruments. Rockapella is probably one of the most famous examples of a cappella.) Kim actually used to be in the Chorallaries, and I used to be in the Logs (back in our undergrad days).

These are, of course, just a sampling of the 60+ performing arts groups at MIT. There are also a lot of other cool performances going on throughout the weekend, like:
– Spring Greater Boston Invitational Songfest (all 10 MIT a cappella groups), Fri 6-8pm in 10-250
– Wind Ensemble and Festival Jazz Ensemble Concert, Fri 7-9pm in Killian Hall (14W-111)
– Steel Pan Jamboree, Sat 12-2pm on the Student Center Steps (W20)
– Next Act Presents The Scarlet Pimpernel, Fri and Sat 7:45-10pm at Next House (500 Memorial Drive)
– Battle of the Bands, sponsored by the Live Music Connection, Sat 8-10pm, Lobdell Dining Hall (2nd Floor of the Student Center)

(Click here for a full listing of the arts-tagged CPW events.)

Anyways, come to the Closing Variety Show, and say hi to me at the CPW Registration/Help Desk, Student Welcome, Meet the Bloggers, and other stuff throughout the weekend!

Have a safe trip, and we’ll see you soon. Less than 20 hours ’til CPW begins!

5 responses to “CPW 2011 Closing Remarks and Variety Show”

  1. Gina '14 says:

    Yes, come! It’ll be fun! We’ll throw people in the air!

    *semi-shameless plug for cheerleading*

  2. DanielG says:

    We promise to catch them too!

  3. Teresa says:

    ^lol. You guys are hilarious. I can’t wait until tomorrow!

  4. anon says:

    Do you still sing, Mikey?

  5. Mikey says:

    @anon – not really that much anymore. I do miss it, though; maybe one day if/when I have more free time I’ll get back into it!