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Please note: MIT and the admissions office will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.

MIT staff blogger Matt McGann '00

CPW Thursday liveblog by Matt McGann '00

Updated whenever I get a chance.

My approximate CPW schedule

6:36am: Alarm clock goes off. SNOOZE.

6:45am: I actually wake up. I look outside and see that the bad weather hasn’t yet arrived. Hmm.

7:35am: Nance picks me up; we head in to campus together.

8:10am: I drop off the CPW Festival programs at CopyTech (the campus copy center) to be copied — 1000 doubled-sided, folded copies are on their way for tonight’s event.

8:20am: Ben starts spreading the word about all of the airport delays and closings, including O’Hare in Chicago.

8:25am: CPW Registration opens; I take my post at the Help Desk.

8:50am: The first student I recognize arrives: Candice from Utah =)

9:42am: The 100th student arrives!

9:55am: Snively!

10:30am: It’s starting to get windy, but still no precipitation.

10:55am: Dean Marilee Jones has arrived!

11:13am: It has started to rain. Lots of umbrellas on the campus tour.

11:30am: Kevin ’11 quizzes me about his application. I say, “Did you design a pinball machine for a nursing home?” Kevin ’11: “No! I designed an arcade machine for a hospital.” D’oh! So close, yet so far.

11:45am: I talk to Steven’s mom on the phone from Tennessee. Hi!

1:10pm: Edmund says, “You really are good at the 45 minute conversations, Matt.” I’m tired from 90 straight minutes of talking, but it was great to talk to a family from Nebraska and our head Educational Counselor from South Korea. Now, my shift is over. Nearly half of the students have arrived. I have time for a quick break, then go talk to prospective members of the Classes of 2012 and 2013 (!).

3:31pm: I can’t walk more than 10 feet without getting stopped in the halls. It’s awesome, but I’m starting to lose my voice! I’m now getting ready for the Abroad Panel. It’s always a fun panel, so I’m looking forward to it =)

3:46pm: Almost all set for the MIT Abroad Panel! The Powerpoint is running off of this laptop, so no more liveblogging for the next hour or so…

5:24pm: Abroad Panel is over. Sam was a panelist, and did an awesome job talking about MISTI and his experiences in Germany.

5:56pm: Quick rest in the office. The weather hasn’t been quite as bad as I’d feared, but the rain is starting to pick up a bit now. At least there’s no more sleet.

6:05pm: I get a chance to upload some pictures from earlier today.

Tim the Beaver made an appearance, welcoming and hugging students:

Kevin ’11 shows off his nerd-tastic shirt:

Ben and Mollie register a student:

8:20pm: I’ve been running around getting the Student Welcome and the Festival all set. Now, with the Festival 10 minutes away, I’m taking time for a quick breather before things get started. The Welcome and Festival are two of my favorite CPW events, so I’m pretty excited. Students are filing into Rockwell Cage — the site of the Student Welcome — and I’m happy to see that most people are traveling in groups, having already made friends on campus. This is going to be a great way to cap off a great day.

12:59am: What a day! I have finally reached my bed. The Festival has ended, and I think people had a good time. The Welcome was awesome, too — I wish I could step like the A Phi As, and I wish I could sing like the Logs. My voice is shot now from talking so much, and while I’m exhausted, I fear I’m still too excited to sleep. Anyway, it’s time to sign off for the night. Happy CPW Thursday!

12 responses to “CPW Thursday liveblog”

  1. Gihan says:

    I wish I could be on campus by 12… I really want to hear Jack Welch speak! Looking forward to Senator Kennedy’s tomorrow, and I’m pysched about CPW!

  2. donaldGuy says:

    I wish I could be at CPW period. Of course, that would require I <ol> <li>was a senior </li> <li>had gotten into MIT</li></ol>

    I did just get back from visiting MIT, though (Tuesday and Wednesday), and even without all the festivities, it made me sure I want to go there.

    Anyway, I do have a couple friends who meet the criteria above and are up there today. If you see a Micheal C or a Sarah V from Virginia Beach, VA .. tell them I’m jealous.

    ~Donald Guy

  3. Anne says:

    I wish I could have made it …
    but to everyone there – HAVE FUN!!

    Hahaha it’s funny that there are only 2 comments on this post so far … usually there are 239487 by the time I look.

    oh yeah, it’s because everybody’s at campus …. baahhhh

  4. Anne says:

    I wish I could have made it …
    but to everyone there – HAVE FUN!!

    Hahaha it’s funny that there are only 2 comments on this post so far … usually there are 239487 by the time I look.

    oh yeah, it’s because everybody’s at campus …. baahhhh

  5. Anonymous says:

    2:19 am on the other side of the world: Karen decides to stop compulsively refreshing the page for updates and go to sleep.

  6. Anusuya says:

    ahh…I wish I was at CPW, meeting everyone else that got into MIT…anyway…hope the weekend is going great for all those who are there!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Yay !
    Snively, I got a comment posted before you did.

  8. Angela '11 says:

    Hi Matt, thanks sooo much for helping all of us prefrosh experience a part of CPW, even from home! I’ll be living on these blogs all weekend.. haha. Sounds like it’s already going great!

    (PS – If you can remember, I stayed overnight at MIT. I’m the girl who walked into your office around 10:00 last Monday morning with my host, carrying a Dunkin Donuts bag, to say hi!)

  9. Snively says:


    (Yay! –Yuki)

  10. Mandah '11 says:

    Completely wireless campus.


    I love you guys.


  11. You do not imagine how greatfull was for me to have find this kind of Blogs, Blogs of people from the MIT, the University of my dreams. Every post of You helps me to imagine the life in that appreciated campus.

  12. ERRATA: (of the last post)

    …how greatfull was for me to have found this kind of Blog…