Decisions Released TODAY @ 6:28 p.m. by Chris LaBounty
MIT Regular Action admissions decisions for the Class of 2017 will be available today at 6:28 p.m. (Deep breath)
Please don't be crazy and click refresh 200 times in a minute. You might get carpal tunnel! And you'll crush the server. And Labs will get fired. :-(
Ok, here's what you need to do: (Deep breath again)
At 6:28, or anytime thereafter, you can check your decision at:
Log in using the same username and password that you use to log into your MyMIT account. There are no interim screens, so you should be sure you are ready to receive your decision online before logging in to decisions.mit.edu
Other facts:
Almost 19,000 students applied for admission to MIT this year, the most in our history. (Again) As a result, our admit rate this year is very low; we had to turn away the vast majority of excellent, qualified, well-matched students who applied to us, something we don't take lightly.
Of those applicants, we admitted just over 1,500 students. They are all amazing individuals, from rich and varied backgrounds, perspectives, locations, and experiences: over 1,100 high schools are represented amongst our admits. Very cool.
By the way, don't write down these numbers or quote them somewhere on the internet because we still have 7 hours and a couple minor things may change. (This is also why I gave you round numbers and not exact ones.)
Obviously, a lot of the people reading this post will end up at other colleges next year. If you are one of the students to whom we were unable to offer admission, please remember that although MIT is awesome, those other schools you'll probably attend instead are also awesome. I know this because, like 99.99 percent of the rest of the world, I didn't attend MIT and I'm still definitely awesome. You are too. (Don't tell me you aren't because you're being self-deprecating – I read your applications so I know what I'm talking about.)
We, as always, will add a couple threads at 6:28 for people to communicate and talk. At that time, I'm going to close the comments on this blog so you will all use those forums.
Congratulations to the Class of 2017. I wish all of our applicants well. It's been great reading your applications and learning all about your lives.