Decisions are in the mail by Matt McGann '00
Decision letters are in the mail.
At 2:52pm today, the postman arrived to take away the decision letters.
Decisions will be posted tomorrow at decisions.mit.edu at 12 noon, Eastern Standard Time.
In the meantime, Evie the dog wishes you the luck o’ the Irish.
eeeeks! *hopes for admission letter* please?
Good luck, everyone (and wait with me for the post)!
cant believe a whole year has past!
I hope you guys (applicants.. and adcomms too perhaps) can sleep well tonight.. though its not too likely, anyways good luck everyone..
When I got my decision last year, it was afternoon.. I didnt tell anyone and went with my friends to play cricket! what are you guys going to do?
Here we go…the big wait.
I await my letter.
Good luck all of you.
What about DHL envelopes?
I’m getting ready to F5 like mad tomorrow morning. Who’s with me!
You need to change the “luck o’the Irish” link – someone has “messed” with it!
Is that my name I see on one of those big packages? Yes it is!!! Praise God!!! Best of luck to all.
It’s been fixed, Anonymous. Wikipedia editors to the rescue!
you guys rock!!!!
Tomorrow is our day! I am so nervous! I can’t stop thinking what would I do if I am admited or what if i am rejected. This has really been an amizing time with you guys. This blogs are really cool. I have met many amazing peOple from everywhere in the world. The waiting is almost over. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE
weigh two goa gyes! gould luk too evriee1! wahoo. i no iam gunna git in dis plizace
guys you are making me more excited…
good luck to most of you,hence its nЯ±t possible to everyone…
3 hours and 19 minutes…
oh gosh.. i’m visibly shaking right now.. and its still 15 hours 21 minutes until ….
so i have decided to write
– j-hat + e^(kt) , where the first e is epsilon
on my profile if i get rejected.
woot woot. good luck everyone.
I waked up like 4 times last night, and today I was awake since 5 o’clock in the morning. I am really nervous and scared. I can’t believe I am scared to find out if I am admitted or not (Hoping for the best). I have been really waiting for this day, for on-line decisions and now I feel like I want to cry.
Good luck to everybody!
3 hours 5 minutes
3 hrs and 5 mins
Good luck to everyone, without forgetting MYSELF!!
I agree with the F5 comment, mine is going to be broken by the end of all of these online decisions.
waiting for you…
waiting for you…
waiting for you…
best of luck everyone and best wishes for the future!
Awww, this is really emotional for me… I’ll miss these blogs and how i used to visit them every morning before going to school. The admission committee and everyone else are amazing!!!! ILL MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I hope all of you get into the place of your dreams!
I think I’m going to barf.
I agree with the above post. Anxiety stinks!
Matt, can you put games on the decisions.mit.edu site?
When my parents went to MIT they used to give out Acceptance Tubes… ah* the good ol’ days… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IM SO NERVOUS..
2 and a half hours to go.chill out people….the admission decisions are round the corner.practise pranayama(controlling one’s life force)…..concentrate on the supreme self…have faith…. we’ve all given our very best to get into MIT…..i would suggest the lotus posture to anyone with a tension. luck to all. we’ve prepared for the worst, expect the best and accept what comes our way.
AHH… I live in Boston. Does this mean my mail will probably arrive before the online notification? That is quite scary. Well, best of luck, everyone!
This weekend’s hitting me like a neutron hitting a Uranium-235 nucleus (sorry for the stupid analogy; I, regrettably, am a nerd). I get my admissions decision tomorrow, I play bass at a show tomorrow night, and I need to cram before the state qualifiers for the science bowl monday and tuesday. If I don’t get accepted, I’ll probably bomb at state.
Okay everyone, I know it’s cliched but “THIS IS IT”…The past admissions year I’ve spent with everyone on these blogs…all the fellow applicants has truly been AMAZING for me!!! I mean it!! All of you are such inspiring people, have such inspiring personalities and are overall a motivation for me to excel in life!
To the admissions staff, I would really like to give you a heartfelt thank you…Nobody has made me LOVE MIT other than you guys. Really, truly, the finest admissions team in the entire world. The admissions process can now be remembered by MIT applicants as not just some wall you talk to without getting replies. The admissions officers are friendly people who are the best of the best at what they do. Matt, Ben, Nance, everyone else…Thank you…really thank you!!!!
To all the fellow applicants…also a BIG thank you…for making this year special to us all
Whether we are accepted or not, I know that we will all go on with our lives (eventually :/ )…Please remember what an amazing group of applicants you were competing against when you get your decisions. 13% Admissions rate for domestic students…4% for internationals…Ridiculously low…so please don’t think you are useless or stupid or anything like that…You were JUST as good as those who got in…but their was a certain little thing that gave them that extra push, and at another university they might look at it the other way and you’d get the “push”…
We are all lucky to even have the grades and academic capability to allow us to apply to MIT…It’s been an experience I will cherish and never forget…
Now I was the one who started the first countdown to admissions decisions…so I will stay here until it is 1 Minute to 8 pm (12 EST)…Then I will go pray for the best and I might or might not return to these blogs…but thank you everyone for everything you’ve done…It’s been great!!!! Really!!!
And with only 1 Hour 18 Minutes to go I think I’m a nervous wreck!!!
Yours truly from Kuwait,
Abdulaziz (Aziz) Albahar
I began this day saying that I would wait for the snail mail, but everybody’s excitement is starting to rub off. Granted, I live about 20 miles from Cambridge, so the mail could very well reach me today… but that would involve an extra 3-4 hours of waiting :(. Besides, when I see the envelope, I will know.
Call me masochist, but I feel like I should experience the agony of waiting for the mailman at least once, just as my parents did, and (probably?) their parents before them.
Good luck to all, and congrats in advance to those lucky few!
* Correction to my above post…2 Hours not 1 *
Less than 3 hours to go and My.Mit says that my account is locked! :(
how much time to go?
Poor Mailman. T-T
I would hate being a mailman.
less then two hours to go :O
I’m feel pretty stupid asking, but what does F5 actually do?
Nevermind, i figured it out.
Hakuna Matata Everybody!
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
(it’s not working)
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
(ah bliss….i only feel the pain from typing using my shaky hands)
I’ve gotten really into this, and I didn’t even apply!
88 minutes to go…
13 hours 22 minutes
Does anyone else feel like cussing right now? Arrgggg…. The Agony.
anyone from Pakistan?
which city and high school?
This can not be good for your health…
I spy an all-nighter.
Well everyone, there is only 1 hour and 4 minutes to go…I can safely say that this is probably the most nervous I’ve ever been.
Well- sometime later we would be having ‘some’happy faces and many sorrowful hearts..this is reality… I wish all the regualr applicants the very best of their luck and wish myself amongst the happy ones…lolz
1 hour to go….. i think i might be travelling at the speed of light because it feels like time has stopped altogether….
49inutes left!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I might faint!
I advise you all to read the Ben’s latest entry in his blog. You will come to know how competitive and selection is the process. Nearly 10-12 people evaluate you…
its so close…44 min!
39 mins. to go
My indian friend is freaking out so bad lol, its funny. sigh, >.> gl to all.
hey, haha…even i am an indian
…best of luck to your indian friend and you (if you have applied
)…best of luck to all the applicants…
31 min to go…!
It feels funny… In 12 hrs 31 minutes I’ll know if my dreams will come true, if my life will change, if I’ll have the chance…
Guys, I am talking with myself:
“What do you think? What are your chances? Do you think you’ll get in?”
“I dont think at all… I CANT think at all.”
“How will you react?”
“Dunno. Pls. just stop asking questions”
T – 25 minutes till judgment day… I mean judgment moment :]
23 minutes
20 minutes left!!!
is it time? …is it time?….ohh…I don’t wanna check mine out /._. **cries
F5 refreshes the page – and that is true – i think i have a replacement keybord incase i destroy my F5 button. Wow – the anxiety is killing me – and the Games idea on the decision page is ingenious – i need something to do while i wait other then F5 all day long. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH – then again i’m not that smart – so what are my chances…….. its still nice to hope – i do want to get in though
I can’t stand the suspense!!!! It is so intense right now.
oh well
OMG…anyone got in yet???
15 minutes left !!!! AHHH!!
you know it’s up right now, right? you can check.
The tention is murder!!!!!!!!!
13 Minutes Left people….hang in there!!!
Good Luck!!
Abdulaziz (Aziz) Albahar
The decisions are posted.. no more waiting
I dont want to!!!!! :(
Im not mentally or emotionally prepared yet ***listening to Tokio Hotel’s durch den monsun***
Decisions are online!!
Well, I’ve been rejected. I’ve already been admitted to Amherst, so the situation isn’t that tragic.
For those (like me) who are going to be sitting there refreshing constantly, I’d suggest using control+F5 instead of just F5. That flushes the cache of the page as well, so if your DNS server is lazy and only checks every certain number of minutes regardless of the number of refreshes, then flushing the cache and refreshing (control+F5) will get around that. It forces the a re-loading of the entire page despite DNS server normalities. Best of luck to everyone!
Well, it’s officially online decision day here on the east coast- 11 hours and 52 minutes. Good luck to everyone reading this (and bad luck to everyone not reading it!!!)
11 Hours… 43 Minutes
Wow I can’t believe it’s only 10 more hours to decision time. Thank you to all Admission officers; your dedication and efficiency have made the application process much less stressful for us. (Note about efficiency: MIT is the first school that lets me know of decision online. After tomorrow I’ll have to wait another 2 weeks for replies from 8 other schools.. sigh)
To all those waiting for decisions: Best luck to all of you!! You should be proud of yourselves for making the journey till here!
Goodluck everybody! I know EXACTLY how it feels… hard to believe its been a year since the BIG day..of course, every single day at MIT is a big day now
whoops, didn’t mean to bore you guys…get some sleep, and keep the faith!!!
I just realized that the decisoins are released at 12:00 pm Eastern time, not central time (my time zone). One less hour!
GAH. this sucks. I cant sleep and I feel sick even though I hardly ate. MIT is my last hope. Caltech, Harvey Mudd, Olin, all rejected me. I need MIT. NEED… I dont want to have to wait another 10 and a bit hours.
Yo people… only 9 more hours to go…
the admission results should have arrived 4 hours ago.
however, they have not arrived YET!
what is wrong with MIT!!!!!!
I’m at school right now….this isn’t pretty…8 Hours 15 Minutes!!!
Abdulaziz (Aziz) Albahar
Its the final countdown to the decisions.
The advantage for me is that I live in CA, so when I wake up, I get to see my decisions. I dont want to speculate, but if I get in, GREAT! If I dont, at least I have the satisfaction that I actually tried to get in. AND, if all else fails, there is always the opportunity for transfer in two years.
one more thing…
7 hours, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
about 6 hrs and 54 min left…i was going to go out to get my mind off things…but i’m still at home. I’ll probably just take a nap(i can sleep thru anything)…10:00 pm isnt so far away. Funnily enough, I’m not feeling as sick as i thought I would…maybe i will survive it after all:)
Oh ma … 6 more hours … ma heart is trembling … Ohm … Ohm …
i am just toooooooooooooooooo excited
in india it is already 12 on 18
the pulse rate is at its fullest
best of luck to all
and yes
only 5 more hours
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry
6 hours to go
5.5 hours now…
I have to go to IBM’s Honors Math and Science program, hopefully I’ll be back home before noon to start obsessively reloading.
I really, really hope MIT allocated a big enough pipe to the decisions server, because it’s going to be like a mini-Slashdotting.
less than 5 hourse to goooo…i havent been able to eat..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
less than 5 hourse to go …ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…does ne1 want to continure this…
argh, 4.5 hours to go
trying to pass the time by watching FF7 advent children, not working too well lol…longest day ever…good luck to all, hope we get some nice golden MIT envelopes soon.
F5 button? I just wrote a nice little VB program that has an IE window and it just keeps refreshing on a 5 second interval. I just saved myself the price of a new keyboard!
Wow, Evie looks EXHAUSTED. Haha!
4 hours 2 go !!!