Discovering Product Design through Photography by Kirsten L. '15
Beautiful photos taken by DPD 2013 freshmen
Although this blog probably would’ve been more appropriately posted at the beginning of the year, I think the photographs that our freshmen took deserve to be shared with the blogosphere!
Discover Product Design is a freshman preorientation program (FPOP) at MIT, which I participated in as a freshman…
and now help coordinate!
During the short five day program, we introduce the freshman to the world of product design through a variety of interactive lectures, awesome design projects, and some visits to firms like Eleven, THE MEME, and even a hardware accelerator called Bolt. They also get a chance to explore the city of Boston and learn about resources on campus where they can build things themselves!
I’d definitely share more details about the program on the blog, but I don’t want to ruin it for all you future prefrosh out there who might take the program when you come here! However, you can get a better idea of what we do in the program by taking a look at all the students’ photos online here!
Great job DPD 2013 students! Thanks for making it our best year yet :)