Doonesbury and MIT by Chris S. '11
Meet Alex Doonesbury, MIT '10.
I skipped 4 days of school to go to Seattle and Vancouver to learn about US and Canadian healthcare. (SEATTLE AND VANCOUVER RESIDENTS: did people ever tell you how pretty your cities are?!?!) I have about 200 pages of reading to catch up on. The last thing I should be doing is blogging, but hey, we’re MIT students, right? :D
So you’ve probably heard of the comic strip Doonesbury. Basically, back in 2006, the author of the strip invited readers to decide which college the character Alex should attend. You can read about the history, which was chronicled by Matt, here, HeRe, and HERE!. Of course, pollhacking is not new, as demonstrated by the Victoria’s Secret hack that happened my sophomore fall.
Okay so all of this was the backstory of how Alex decided to go to MIT. Here’s some of the things that happened after she got here. (also – she’s “graduating” this year!)
A compilation:
September 10, 2006– On Orientation
September 11, 2006 – What AM I doing at MIT?
September 25, 2006– On the HASS-D Lottery (it’s not that bad)
October 14, 2006 – On Hacks
November 05, 2006 – On Being Hosed
October 15, 2006 – On Stata Center
January 08, 2008 – On Freshman P/NR (but it’s only for one term)
March 08, 2008 – On IAP (and Charm School)
May 20, 2008 – girls at MIT = trophy girlfriend?
April 08, 2009 – on nerds
January 24, 2010 – most recent installment
Got any more? :P
haha. I recently blogged about the last one when it was in the newspaper.
The one about the Stata Center is AWESOME! hahah
Hahahah the last one was reallyy cute.
The one on Building 32 was totally awesome too. :D
Awesome post!
and BTW thank you to all the bloggers for the autographed valentines day card! I feel quite special
@ Chris S. ’11: I hope I will have the life depicted. Perhaps by then I won’t like it. But now, it’s SO COOL.
@ Derek ’14: That card’s so special. You should scan and post a link here
I love these. I have the recent one nailed to the refrigerator.
There’s one that’s only one panel, called Playground at MIT. It’s a swing for little kids… except it’s a Netwon’s Cradle lol.
My Lit teacher always cuts out n gives me every MIT-related comic she spots =]
If this were Facebook, I would “like” it =) Nice find, Chris!!
reppin’ Seattle! =D
Heehee, personally, I think it would be totally awesome to get hit on like that… :D Awesome comics! I hadn’t even realized those existed; will have to check them out for sure and paper my binder cover and desk with them…