Dora the Explorer by Mitra L. '07
My long-lost twin has suspiciously wrinkly forearms.
Zaira, an 11th grade student from Brownsville, Texas (the tip of Texas, by the border), designed this banner. She is considering studying Course 16: Aerospace Engineering in college. Her hobbies and interests include Harry Potter (yes, she’s still mourning), graphic design, space, science, reading, and, yes, singing in the shower. Currently, she is trying to give her addiction to “papas adobadas,” a kind of mexican hot Lays, but she says it is not easy. Thanks for the great banner design, Zaira!!
(I totally felt like Pat Sajak as I wrote that.)
Thanks for all of the comments on my previous entry about PE classes! Another factor I’ll have to consider when selecting a class is whether they allow me to take photographs. I should ask my classmates sign photo releases, huh?
In other news, I have found my long-lost twin, Dora. You have to admit, the resemblance is uncanny.
Huge thanks to Phil ’07 for the invite to the Synopsys BBQ!
We were the wrong age for this event by about +/- 10 years. If you were to graph the BBQ’s population by age, you’d see a bimodal distribution, and we’d be smack in the middle of the central valley. (This central valley, not this central valley.)
Phil’s sister and I got matching flamingoes/flamingos painted on our faces.
We couldn’t get a photo with SpongeBob; I think he is an ageist.
Yes, these picture are brought to you courtesy of the science fair people.
Shocking observation: Sir Mix-A-Lot’s song Baby Got Back is featured in Target’s back-to-school ad campaign — oh, the horror!
I completely agree about the Target ad. The freakiest part is the fact that they still use the “whip” sound from the song. What the heck?
That’s one ugly Spongebob, too. He looks like he could stab you with that nose. But I guess most cartoons made manifest in 6-foot tall felt do end up being pretty ugly. I bet he’s a rice-ist too.
I can’t believe that he wouldn’t let you take a picture, though. One time at Hersheypark, I saw a giant Symphony Bar, and the Symphony Bar is totally my favorite Hershey product, so I went up to him and told him how delicious I found him and got a picture. No questions asked.
I’ll admit that I’ve watched Spongebob more than once, but what happened to old school Nickelodeon?
Salute Your Shorts and Wild and Crazy Kids were the highlights of the television I watched as a child.
Doug Funnie was my cartoon hero.
Totally, totally agree with you on the horrors of the Target ad! It’s destroying a perfectly, uh, well-known song…the first time I saw that thing I was in shock that they would dare to change such the song. Oh well.
As for old school Nickelodeon, I liked that summer show Camp Anawanna (spelt something like that) with that annoying camp counselor , Ug! I think the theme song goes in the same category of the song of “Hello Muddah” =)
Zaira did a GREAT job with the banner! Wonderful design. Mitra, you should use your massive influence and extensive connections to make sure she gets extra consideration for it when she applies for class of 2010!
Love your banner!
As for Spongebob and Dora…Spongebob looks really weird and Dora looks kinda like a muppet in that picture (no offense).
I loved old school nickelodeon!! Especially the old All That episodes, Kenan & Kel, Doug, and all those crazy little game shows (and more).
Has anyone seen the milkshake commercial where the guy is shaking the cow with that song by Sean Paul in the background (‘get busy’ is the song I think)?
Wow. Beaten yet again by someone 4 years younger than me.
Zaira’s banner beat the crap out of mine.
Good job, Zaira.
I hate dora the explorer, I wish I could stab her…those songs are so annoying! I do not know what people see in this show. Why not just watch Sesame Street? Dora is the devil, she is EVIL.