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Please note: MIT and the admissions office will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.

MIT student blogger Cam T. '13

Facebook. by Cam T. '13

Because social networking makes you cool.

Hey all,

I’m sorry you haven’t heard from me in a while; I’m working on passing the aforementioned 18.022 exam. Final in 8 hours, you’ll hear from me after that :)

However, in the meantime: Congratulations to all the accepted students!

Last year, a number of “MIT Class of 2013” groups started to form; however, there was one semi-official one that we linked to here on the blogs (although I wasn’t a part of the “we”, then). For your benefit, so you can all get to know each other in one central Mark Zuckerberg-approved location, I’ll suggest the group for this year:

MIT Class of 2014:

Congratulations again!

(Disclaimer: This group is in *no way* official. I’ll see if they guy who started it will make one of the bloggers an admin, though, so that there’s some modicum of admissions-based administration. I would’ve done that before posting this, but because of finals I forgot about decisions until right now. Whoops.)

17 responses to “Facebook.”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow, this is what MIT bloggers use to welcome students to MIT?

    I’m almost glad I was deferred…

  2. Cam says:

    I know, I know.

    I’m a jerk.

    And my method wasn’t at all subtle, I was just hoping all you eager beavers (pun most unfortunate… punfortunate?) would be so… eager as to click it right away.

    That being said, if you copy the text, it will still take you to the facebook group.

    Welcome to MIT!

  3. Anonymous says:

    nice attempt at a rickroll

  4. Tim says:

    Curse you and your awesome rick rolling and your making me want to get into MIT even more because MITers do awesome things like rick rolling. =(

  5. jenny '13 says:


    I was SO confused at first.
    great work, cam.

  6. Mike says:

    I do like a good rick roll. I was pumped to see rick again. and to be accepted to MIT!!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for my mean first post… actually if I got into MIT I know I would’ve thought that was hilarious! I’m just sad I was deferred haha

  8. STuang says:

    you fail though.
    i got admitted into EA….luv Beavers!!!

  9. That probably just made my night better. Congrats to all that got in! I was deferred, and I hope that I can join you guys come March. Good luck to all of the deferred and Regular Action applicants!

  10. Val'14? says:

    Deferred here too. TT
    @ Cam, I’ve been expecting your blogs!
    Something to cheer us up? (the link has done its job though, haha!)

  11. Anonymous says:

    Smooth, very smooth. smile

  12. NathanArce says:

    I posted the link to the actual group on the “Admitted” post ^_^

  13. Jay '14 says:

    I love that song! jk

  14. Evan '14 says:

    Hahahahahaha…got me for a second there

  15. ayse says:

    haha smile thats cool

  16. Camera says:

    One month one post, might as well don’t post…