how (not?) to concentrate by Fiona M. '20
a quick guide
- Try to concentrate on assignment
- Fail
- Browse memes
- Try to concentrate on assignment again.
- Fail
- Browse memes
- Get hungry
- Eat all food; order more
- Wait for more food to come; browse memes
- They forgot the breadsticks; call back
- Eat food
- Wait for breadsticks; try to concentrate on assignment.
- Fail
- It is 2:34 am
- Eat breadsticks
- Try to concentrate; fail
- Google how to concentrate
- Wikihow how to concentrate
- Yahoo Answers how to concentrate
- Bing how to concentrate
- You are the most knowledgeable in the art of concentration
- Write blog post on how to concentrate
- Try to concentrate
- Fail
- Change name of blog post to how not to concentrate
- Revert to browsing memes
- Recall this assignment is worth 20% of your grade
- Panic
- You are a freshman this is literally nothing compared to the doom you face
- Cry or groan (choose one)
- Eat sour candy
- Decide to power through
- Change name of blog post to how (not?) to concentrate
- ????
- Profit