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Please note: MIT and the admissions office will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.

MIT student blogger Cam T. '13

I Love Lucy! by Cam T. '13

REALLY don't even think about bringing a car to MIT - sans elephants.

This post is sans elephants. Elephant Sans, however, would make for a wonderful font, if one of you readers or eager beavers already done with the EA application has such creative aspirations.

So, here’s another reason why you shouldn’t think about bringing a car to MIT!

Once upon a time, in a land far far away (from all you non-local blog readers), a young man fresh in college would drive 17 miles each way from his childhood home as an intern. Occasionally, this young man had a hard time staying awake while on the road, so he would stop at the Wellesley MA rest town around exit 16 to buy soft ice cream and mountain dew from the fridge at his dad’s house (yum, delicious). While this mountain dew drinking ice cream eating young man liked his internship, he secretly longed for the day when he would not have to spent 2.5 hours [every day] of his life driving to and from the internship that he liked.

As luck should have it, “the day” came on August 13th of 2010, and now that same (not as young) admissions blogger has a significantly reduced commute! Some days you can find him walking from his residence in East Campus to class which only takes him about 10 flights of stairs. Most days, you can catch him cruising through the dreams of his nights while sleeping in which only takes him about 2 hours (if there are no nightmares).

In case you are wondering, the admissions blogger of whom I speak is me. In the words of the incomprehensible pajamaman of Long Beach, Snoop Dogg, “He is I, and I am him…..”

This August, I was looking out over the streets of Cambridge……

Nobody was out…….

….and I’m out of time! I’m headed off for an hour or two, when I come back I’ll update this blogpost about keeping a car in the city and commuting to work this summer :)

I couldn’t resist.

Update number one: I am going to do my homework and resume this post in another few hours.

6 responses to “I Love Lucy!”

  1. Quinton says:


    Bravo Cam. I LOLed.

  2. Anonymous says:

    hahaha, nice, Cam.

  3. ayemwhy says:

    So I Googled “elephant sans” and your entry was the second result, not counting the “Did you mean ‘elephant sands'” results.

    The EC to class commute is fantastic. I can’t wait for the winter so I can laugh at my other dorm friends.

  4. Austin '15? says:

    Hey didn’t I just read this…lol
    I can hardly wait for your update!

  5. Ruslan'15 says:

    That’s very very funny)))
    Same thing about me…

  6. Banerjee says:

    Hi guys! I’m really sorry to change the topic, but do any of you have any idea what exactly happens in an interview (EC) if at all there is a fixed format? If there isn’t a standard interview structure, can I please get a vague idea of what to expect? Mine is coming up soon (-ish), so the nerves are kind of kicking in =)