IAP: A Quick Roundup by Chris M. '12
Snively and his homepage dominance must be stopped!
So you’re interested in MIT. (Why else would you be reading these blogs) You’ve heard from various sources that things are hard, that people don’t sleep, and perhaps that Chris M. is pretty smooth with the ladies. So why should you spend $50,000 dollars/yr to come here?( Seriously, admit it, that’s more money than you’ve ever seen in person)
While there a bunch of reasons like cutting edge research blah blah blah you all know that stuff from the pamphlets you read over and over again (I’m on to you.). There is one reason that wasn’t clearly explained beforehand to me, even all the way up until it was happening. That awesomeness, my friends, is IAP.
IAP stands for Independent Activities Period, but it may as well stand for “Introduction to Awesome, Pshhaw!” (Ok, that may not be as good.)
The point is, IAP is great, you get a chance to explore and do things you don’t have time to do during the normal semester. What do I mean by that exactly? Well since you asked, here is a list of things I’ve done thus far for IAP not necessarily in chronological order:
1. Moved rooms
2. Played SNES games
3. Played Rock Band
4. Eat new places in Boston (EDIT: an important “at” was omitted leaving it to appear as though I have consumed some local areas. That is incorrect. It should read “Eaten at new restaurants in Boston” to avoid confusion)
5. Seen lots of movies (prior to this, the last time I went to a theater was July….)
6.Traveled to New Hampshire
7.Participated in Mystery Hunt
8.Read some books.
9. Taken a Physics course
10. played in the snow.
11. Played in the snow.
12. Played in the snow.
13. Stayed up all night for fun.
14. Woken up at 2:00 p.m. (new record!)
15. Made .001% progress on my personal goal of trying every flavor combination of Frozen Yogurt
16. Hooked up a Bose Home Theater System in my room.
And still more to come, after my final on Thursday, I’m headed to New Hampshire/Canada to celebrate my birthday with skiing/snowboarding/sledding/snowmobiling/falling down in the snow and then to Montreal for La Fete des Neiges de Montreal, one of the largest winter festivals in the world!
IAP is awesome!
Actually, “Introduction to Awesome, Pshhaw!” is plenty good.
Great Post!
“…prior to this, the last time I went to a theater was July”
Oh and point no. 16 is :O (level of cool-ness)
Snively just instigated people to post more. Lol.
“…woke up at 2:00pm…” Now that’s something.
@Edem – no, that’s really not… waking up at 5 (pm), now that’s something.
4. Eat new places in Boston
You ate places in Boston?! D: I have loved ones up there, sir.
LOL don’t worry, your loved ones are safe. =)
(and I fixed it)
@Chris: It’d have been okay if you hadn’t fixed it, there are some places in Boston that could probably use eating.
You always write awesome blogs, Chris and this one is no exception. I only wish I will also be enjoying IAP next year. I am really very anxious about decisions. Anyway, your IAP list is super cool. By the way in which dorm do you live in ?Enjoy.
just a question out of curiosity…
how on earth do you find the time to actually write witty/informative/’increase my love for MIT every time I read them’ blog posts so frequently? *breathe*
I am a freshman applicant for fall 2009, really awaiting my decision!
I’m worried: Doesn’t anyone host a liquid nitrogen ice-cream booth during IAP? I mean, the ordinary mortals in Boston might be into it too.
And uhm, “smooth with the ladies”?
Simply Awesome!
great post
to bad i can only dream of IAP ='( LOL… hopefully i get admittted for class 2010
(MIT addict)
Hey Chris! IAP Seems to be really fun (hopefully, I’ll be able to live the experience :D ), and I hope you keep enjoying it.
I have a question. Is MIT open to the public (tours, guides, etc.) during Easter break? I need to know because I’m planning to visit the campus during that period.
PS: Also other MIT community people can clear my doubts
i want liquid nitrogen ice cream…
just pour salt into a bucket of ice. (and then make the ice cream)
There is not Easter Break (spring break is the end of March), so you should be fine.
Thank you Becca
That sounds awesome! I hope you have fun on your birthday. Also, how long would it take to get to New Hampshire and Montreal from MIT if you’re driving? Flying?
According to convertunits.com, the distance from Boston New Hampshire is 77 miles and it says that if you travel in a straight line (at a speed of 88 mph) you would need 1 hour and 24 minutes (traveling by car).
And for the distance between Boston and Montreal: 251 miles and it would take you 30 minutes flying and 4 hours and 34 minutes driving.
Of course, the results may be different with a different route,weather,speed,etc.
PS: You should check the website, just so you can clear all your doubts. convertunits.com
are you in 8.223?
Lol. So IAP is also the time to laze around for another few weeks. Awesome!
and don’t worry if you haven’t seen a movie theater since last July. I had gone for WHOLE FOUR years without watching a movie theater (but a friend finally took me to a movie theater last month). I bet you can’t beat that. lolz. :p
Was #2 on a SNES?
Waking up at 2pm is a personal best? For shame. I almost hit 4pm this year!
So true about Snively dominating the homepage ^ ^
And enjoy your birthday!
@ Chris
What are SNES games?
You watch Top Gear?! “Yayy!!!”
lol, cute. its pretty sunny in arizona. do you have alot of wet socks from playing in the snow?