I’m a believer by Mollie B. '06
Bikes! They're totally worth it.
OMG. Bikes are amazing.
So, I’ll admit it: I’m stubborn. I like to say that I’m “tenacious”, but what I really mean is that I am set in my ways and have trouble admitting that I’m wrong. Today, I found out that I was totally wrong about bikes on campus.
I’ve always walked to class and lab, which is really kind of stupid if you live on the far west end of west campus. Especially because Boston has stupid weather. But Adam’s dad insisted on buying me a cute blue bike with a pink stripe yesterday, and who am I to refuse free stuff?
First, it took me under 10 minutes to get to work today. And that included stopping at Laverde’s for Froot Loops and Mountain Dew. Then, after dinner, Adam and I rode to Newbury Street and got ice cream at JP Licks (where they sell cucumber ice cream). And it took under 10 minutes to get there. It takes less time to get ice cream and my feet don’t hurt? Hello, this is a no-brainer.
Answering some questions:
1. Mitra wanted to know where I got my shower curtain. I definitely got it at Bed Bath & Beyond. (This is actually a tradition — I’ve bought a shower curtain for every suite I’ve lived in. The A21 suite has a monkey shower curtain, the A32 suite has a goldfish shower curtain, and now the D22 suite has a duck shower curtain.)
2. Melda asked what kind of air conditioner I like. To be honest, I only know about window AC units — and ours had to be “custom configured” by Adam since Macgregor has unremovable window screens. (Engineers. I love them.) But our window unit works just fine.
3. Jessie answered Sara’s dining question for me, so read her exposition. :)
Come visit my suite in about a week to see your influence over our bathroom decor
I’ve had a bike on campus since freshman year and it’s really great, especially if I need to make a quick trip to the student center or Star Market. It’s not essential by any means because Boston and MIT public transportation is so good, but it’s definitely something to look into if you’re impatient like me. Glad you finally saw the light, and there’s not a trace of doubt in your mind.
Mollie, I know you work quite a few hours during the school year. I was wondering if they limit hours a week for freshman? Thanks!
Mollie, have you EVER heard of anyone who goes to MIT who rides BMX?