Info for the Class of 2013 by Matt McGann '00
The "Next Big Mailing" is on its way out, and with it lots of goodies about starting MIT in the fall.
The Next Big Mailing (NBM) is on its way out the door. Formally known as the “A60” for historical reasons we can no longer remember, the NBM represents the transition of the newly admitted class from the Admissions Office to the Undergraduate Advising & Academic Programming (UAAP) office.
As you begin having more questions about life at MIT as a freshman, and fewer questions about admission, we encourage you to start reading and asking questions at the Orientation blog
The Orientation folks are super-excited to help answer your questions as you transition to MIT. Other helpful sites include the firstyear and Orientation sites.
So, what does this “NBM” include? Among other things:
- A cover letter from Stu, formally transitioning you to the UAAP.
- The Final School Report. This report tells the Admissions Office your final coursework and grades.
- Information from the UAAP.
- Information about housing and the housing lottery.
- A to-do list for the summer.
- For international students, information from the International Students Office (ISO).
- Instructions for obtaining your MIT computing (Athena/Kerberos) account, including your email address. [sample Account Coupon, PDF]
The last item is the one that generates the most excitement. For many students, it doesn’t really set in that they’re an MIT student until they send their first email from their MIT account. This day is almost here!
Because I care about you, here are some tips for choosing an email address:
- Once chosen, you cannot change your Kerberos account name.
- You must choose a username that is between 3 and 8 characters.
- Choose a username that you won’t be embarrassed sharing with your professors.
- In some circles on campus, you may become known by your username, so choose wisely.
- Feel free to choose something with some personality, if you like!
- A couple ways to check if your username is already taken: 1) put the username into the people search; 2) point your web browser to http://web.mit.edu/yourusername. Neither of these methods are foolproof, but they are good first checks.
- Good default usernames are your last name (if it is fairly unique and 8 letters or fewer); your first name (if it is fairly unique and 8 letters or fewer); your first and last names concatenated (good for people whose first & last names are short).
- Characteristics I don’t recommend: underscores (david_h), numbers (david789), unpronounceable terminations of long last names (hasselho).
- Note: you can, through Moira, request an email list, which, if you set your username as the only subscriber, can function as a second email address for you; this list name can be longer than 8 characters.
- Signing up for your account will give you storage space (an online “locker”) and a website at http://www.mit.edu/~yourusername.
- And, of course, once you have your MIT email address, you can be a part of the MIT network on Facebook.
Good luck choosing!
An additional note: there will be a few more people joining the MIT Class of 2013 as we do plan to use our waitlist this year. At this time, I don’t have any other information (e.g. how many, when, how) that I can provide, but I’ll update more when I can.
In the meantime, admissions questions are always welcome here, but start posting your Class of 2013 questions at the Orientation blog! We look forward to seeing you on campus…
or http://web.mit.edu/username/www/
I’m nearing the day when I can send my LAST email from and @mit.edu address. =(
Woo! I’m excited to hear that MIT is using their wait list this year as a wait listed student! Hopefully good news comes! =D
Waitlist :D
Agreed on waitlist
Good luck to all fellow waitlist-ees.
I can’t wait until I get the mailing!!!!!
and good luck to all waitlistees!
I got my MIT email account last summer at the MITES program, so I’ve been a member of the MIT Class of ’13 for several months now. Which would have been embarrassing if I hadn’t been accepted, but I was, so it worked out okay.
Good luck, everyone! I hope – though I know futilely – that good news will come in the mail for all of us waitlisted students in the near future.
I know that if it doesn’t though, we’d still have plenty of fun and opportunities at the schools we did get accepted to. Go MIT ’13!
So some of us have our MIT e-mail addresses from MITES, and I noticed during CPW that we could still use them in any athena cluster, but we were not allowed to print and stuff like that.. does that mean we need to re-activate them or something?
hey matt i have a question…
if international students are accepted to MIT and qualify for financial aid does it(fin. aid) also cover their expenses of travel from their homeland to U.S.(i mean to MIT)?
Question: I had a look at the final school report, it seems to require signatures from our school officials. I do the IB, so does this mean I get the report filled out even before the official IB results are released? Should my counselors base the grades on the mock exam results?
Haven’t lost hope on the waitlist……….
Also wait-listed – hoping for some good news in the near future!!!
thanks for the answer..
pardon me but one more question
if they are travelling from their homeland for the first time to U.S.(i mean as a freshmen newly accepted to MIT)then does MIT assist in their travel expenses or should they pay for it???
i just have to add a bit to the previous question.
i mean the travel expenses of those students whose parents cant afford anything towards their child’s education(or even travel)
Well AFAIK you’d need to pay for your first trip. And even after that if you plan to go back to your country for vacations you’d need to earn the money (like international ’13 said).
A question to you though, Have you already gotten into MIT or asking for the future? If so when are you applying and from which country are you?
no i’ve not gotten into MIT.
i am asking this for the future.
i am from India.
i will apply this year when applications release in august.
a question to you…
are you a student at MIT?????
if so contact me via this email id:[email protected]
i want to know more about MIT….
i have a lot of questions..
and i think a student from MIT can help me
@ navin
No I am not a student at MIT, but I plan to apply in 2011….. ya ya I know its a long time away, but still. I’m from india too, New Delhi. How about you, city?
PS: Please don’t post e-mail addresses or any other contact information on open forum.
one more question
if you are not a student of MIT
when are you applying???
i suppose you are from India
in either of the cases(whether you are student of MIT or not)
contact me through my mail id:)
if you like:)
sorry i was too excited to hear from an Indian
i will not post my contacts
i live in Visakhapatnam on the east coast
are you in 10th grade?
Ya well as I said i’ll be applying in 2011, I’m in 11th rite now, just gave my boards!!! I’m from New Delhi. And sure I can e-mail you, though are you on Facebook?
i am also in 11th but wait if you are in 11th you should apply this year right?
yeah i am on facebook but i dont use it often
rather i am in orkut…..
@ Navin,
Well i just got into 11th, my school DPS RK Puram, kindof dosen’t wait for the board results and allots streams on the basis of the pre-boards marks, therefore, i’m in 11th
And ya, I have sent you my e-mail address. Lets return Matt his blog back ok!!!
And you can e-mail me any questions that you have and hopefully i’d be able to help. Right now i’m in delhi, but I lived in Minneapolis for the whole of last year so i’d probably be able to help.
I heard classes in the past received a decal/bumper sticker thing with the NMB… I didn’t get one. :( What’s the deal?
@ Anonymous
Recession times mate!!!
huzzah! they are using the waitlist :D goodluck to everyone on the waitlist!
I think I can answer your question: financial aid for international students covers the travel costs in a way that you have no expected summer earnings that go for your contribution, in other words you pay for your travel from the money you earn over the summer (you are allowed to work on campus 40 hours per week over the summer as an international student I think)
Hi, I was wondering in which “circles” will you only be know by your kerberos username? also, why is numbers not recommended? Thanks!
Also, the best of luck to the waitlistees! I’m crossing my fingers for all of you even though I know not all of you can get in. :-(
hey matt, how many transfer students got in?
Hey Matt, how many transfer students got in ?
and how many international transfer ?
im about to die. any news from waitlist? its may 11
Hey Matt, what’s the percent yield for our class of 2013? Did we break previous year’s record again?!
It’s May 11th and my NBM has not arrived yet. OMG i cannot wait anymore!!!
its nice how no one ever answers any of the comments.
Its may 13th. When can I expect to receive the mail.
Should I call the office if I haven’t received my NBM packet yet? Thank you!