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Please note: MIT and the admissions office will be closed Monday, February 17, for Presidents’ Day, and will open on Tuesday, February 18.

MIT blogger Elizabeth C. '13

International students @ MIT (+life updates) by Elizabeth Choe '13

Just a hodge-podge of shtuff.

1. Watch this first:

2. Watch this second:
(Not much text today, because that is my cheap way of making you guys watch my videos instead!)

24 responses to “International students @ MIT (+life updates)”

  1. raghav says:

    that was great!

  2. Diego says:

    Elizabeth you are Awesome²!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hahaha!! you are adorable!
    I really hope I get to meet you someday smile
    and thanks for the info

  4. Stuff that I just wanted to see.
    International students!


  5. E Zheng says:

    Hello Elizabeth, hope you are able to tell me if an International High School Graduate still need to submit any Mid Year Report after submitted the Secondary Report with Final result included?

  6. E Zheng says:

    hello Elizabeth, hope you are able to tell me if an International High School Graduate still need to submit any Mid Year Report after submitted the Secondary Report with Final result included?

  7. Sherif says:

    “In my spare time I climb walls of ice, repair planes…” Cracked me up. On a more serious note, though, I’d say the best piece of advice was the one about removing the mental hurdle, very practical piece of advice!

  8. Gill says:

    A blog on international students- finally!! :D
    Thanks Elizabeth !! :D

  9. winni says:

    hello i’m an international student and kinda not expecting too much in the sat subject tests……….some 640-630 like score………….is it acceptable according to standards???…….coz only 650 is considered to be a comptetive score i guess…………..i had appeared for maths and physics

  10. Ehsan says:

    Elizabeth, That was really really great!

  11. lynn says:


  12. d’awwww no YOU GUYS are awesome!

    @E Zheng: I don’t think you do, if the secondary report covers your entire senior year. You might want to check with [email protected], though.

    Some general advice: if you’re an international student, please please please start here and read this page before e-mailing the admissions office:

    As for test scores, these are not a rule, as Chris, Matt and David have repeatedly stated, but will give you an idea of what this year’s incoming class looked like:

  13. E Zheng says:

    Elizabeth, thanks for your reminder. I realize I must be interviewed if an Interviewer is available at my area (Malaysia). The problem is I have not submitted my application yet. Does the registration of MIT only will enable an email from the EC pertaining the interview?

  14. thelittlerhoboatthatcould says:

    I’m probably going to be singing that song to myself in school tomorrow… and people will most likely look at me oddly but that’s alright.

    And that reminds me to update my own youtube ><

  15. Aanand N. says:

    Hey Elizabeth, how important are high school scores in the admission process at MIT?
    I vary in the top 5 – 30% in my class, I’m not really happy about that :c

    You’re gorgeous, by the way :p

  16. Spam bypasses Captcha :(

  17. Al-amin says:

    Hey, what are the chances of admission if you hit a 2000+ in the SAT… Or schorlaship????

  18. Rahul says:

    hey elizabeth ! that was awesome =D

  19. Daniel says:

    Elizabeth, regarding the biographical part of the application, I am unable to mark both the International and Latino boxes. At first I figured that if I say I live in Colombia they know I am also Latino, but that is not quite true. I could be a Russian living in Colombia, and that wouldn’t make me Latino. Is this normal? How can I indicate both things?

  20. Nikita says:

    both the videos are really gr8….thanx for all the info….hope to get admitted n meet u someday smile smile

  21. valart says:

    When is the Q&A admissions video and how can we view it?

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  23. Maher Kader says:

    Since I live in China, I can’t actually watch the videos! Thanks for the effort though :D Dying to know what it says if anyone wishes to summarize :p