It’s the PI-nal countdown! by Elizabeth Choe '13
Don't roll your eyes at me.
If you ask anyone at MIT what they were like days before decisions came out, chances are they’ll gloss over the ants-in-their-pants jitteriness they felt – we (and by “we” I mean “I”) try to maintain the little pride that we have (p-sets took most of it away). But rest assured that two years ago, I was distracting myself like no other, convincing myself not to get too attached to this school. I had the state Science Olympiad competition on pi day and didn’t get to check my MyMIT account until several hours after decisions had been released. Having discovered that three other kids from my school had gotten in (to have one would have been crazy enough… and despite being told otherwise I was convinced that the central-Missouri “quota” had been fulfilled) and doubting my own credentials, I’d accepted the fact that I hadn’t gotten in and only checked my account to confirm my suspicion with 100% certainty. I read Paul’s entry, was very much at peace with wherever I’d end up, and then opened a rather unexpected letter from Stu Schmill. And here I am.
The point is, we’ve been there – we all know feeling of anticipation right before decisions are released, what it feels like to be accepted into a school, what it feels like to get a rejection letter. And the best way I can think of to calm your nerves right now is to assure you that whatever happens in two days, you are going to do great things and you are going to have a wonderful college experience if you want to and if you work for it. Out of fear of sounding insincere or trite, I hesitate to use these tired cliches, but there’s nothing else I can really think to say. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and while you can debate the validity of that philosophy, what is absolutely unquestionable is that your applications were in amazing hands. You can read the quintessential MIT Blogs blog post and believe it, or you can take it from me and believe that the admissions officers here are some pretty-stinkin’-beautiful folks. To say “They care about you guys a lot” is a gross understatement. I’m sure in the coming days you’ll hear more from them, so I’ll let them take it from here.
In the meantime, I know you all are probably like, “What is this, serious-Elizabeth? Where are the doodles? Where are the videos? I want some mindless distraction!”
Okay, okay. You didn’t think I’d actually post a couple days before decisions without something fun, did you?? Well, I took a couple things into consideration when crafting this next video:
1. The pi video that was up on Mikey’s post.
2. The fact that pi day is TWO DAYS AWAY
3. The fact that I don’t have to study for exams this weekend
Without further ado, here is the Simmons 3AB musical interpretation of pi to 15 decimal places (yes yes, in honor of the class of 2015 because I love y’all that much), as a result of us farting around for an hour or so this afternoon. It won’t distract you too long, though – it’s only 3 minutes and 14 seconds. Har.
Sending peace and love your way,
Thanks for sharing this, Elizabeth !!!

I hope pi day will be sweet for all of us!
Best of luck everyone =)
Regardless of the admissions decision, I already feel a winner for coming this far. I remember a year ago when applying to MIT was a far dream that I had; people saying I was sticking my head out in the danger and that I should stay rational to later teach my children how to be rational. More than anything, MIT’s application taught me that things are all about perspective. Now this is something I will tell my children some day: I applied to the best institute of technology in the world.
Thank you a lot,Elizabeth.
smiling, no problem.
I feel more comfortable now. I cried out just now.
I know that MIT admissions officers are good people and there should be some reasons for rejection.
Thank you again. Hope that there will be someone who can encourage me on Pi day night.
I listened to “The Final Countdown” while imagining the entire band (Europe) as a group of singing slices of pie, all because of the title of this blog post. I think this blog post wins.
Thanks, Elizabeth!
Thanks a lot Elizabeth to share it with us..
It was a pretty difficult time for me but after reading your blog I have been relieved and I hope the best for everyone.
All the best to everyone!!!!
Thanks a lot Elizabeth to share it with us..
It was a pretty difficult time for me but after reading your blog I have been relieved and I hope the best for everyone.
All the best to everyone!!!!
Sweet post, sweet suit, and… sweet chair!
@Sandro Rodrigues – I think that your comment was the best comment that I read on this site so far, I almost completely share your point of view. Congratulations! =)
Considering that no one from my school ever got into MIT, I’m remaining hopeful, but I’ll be happy where ever I go. As long as I get to pursue my dreams, that’s all that really matters. I probably won’t check my admissions until post-Pi day since I will be busy doing something after or around 9:26 pm.
Good luck to everyone!
So who else got into Caltech?
my 3AB ‘floormates’ are adorableee
@Sandro-I think you summed it up perfectly for me too.
i didn’t get in Caltech…..not4me
@sandro I undoubtedly agree with you.Last year I didn’t even think in my dreams that I would ever apply to MIT.The only thing is always believe in yourself.
Do what you love and love what you do!!!!!!
@bhaskar Same here, until last year I hadn’t even remotely thought that I would be applying to MIT.
OMG… There are hell lotta Indians Applying for MIT… I wonder what happened to their IIT’s
@SandroRodrigues you are absolutely right. Last year I wasn’t even thinking of moving out of my home country, and now I’m waiting for an answer from MIT. Certainly a long journey, but an amazing one. As you said, I’m already proud of myself. Good luck everyone.
@Neha That’s really cool.These blogs are so good that I keep checking them once in an hour or so.I am getting crazy I think.Are you from New Delhi?
@Orange The problem with IIT’s is that they are not that much practical oriented as MIT is.You don’t have this much freedom to explore yourself,get confined to one branch only.I have a very good experience of it(no offense].Still they are the best in India.
Captcha- brother olsareat ????? What’s dat?
Wishing someone GOOD-LUCK is so mundane, yet so powerful.
It really made an impact.
Thanks Elizabeth & all others for this lovely video.
Wishing someone GOOD-LUCK is so mundane, yet so powerful.
It really made an impact.
Thanks Elizabeth & all others for this lovely video.
You inspired to try making my own Pi song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q1iu_mVezU.
Anyway great video Elizabeth, and thanks for the encouraging words to help us get through these nerve-wrecking times.
Best of luck to everyone tomorrow. I’m just happy I got a chance to apply to a school that posts homemade pi (videos) for their freshmen applicants. It’s been fun either way.
Like some other people over here, I come from India as well where IIT is considered the top in the country. MIT is far too practically orientated to be compared with a college that focussed so much on theory. MIT is the best institute and I’m proud that I applied to it knowing that a handful of students from my country did. Whatever letter may flash before my eyes on PI-day, I’m sure that it’s all for the best. (but I still want to get in! ^_^ )
Hopefully this PI-day will be something different for many of us!
Thank you very much! It helped me relax, especially now that I’m waiting to see the decision!
Congratulations to everybody on the video for proving the outstanding creativity and originality of MIT Students!
Wish you the best always!
The next years of my life are going to be recognized at 6:00 P.M.
Well guys, there is something special about the Pi day, among other things. it is Albert Einstein’s BD! Happy Birthday
@ Surya (’15?) :
I do agree. I am from Iran. I think there are 2 or 3 ppl applying this year! And I am proud of applying to MIT no matter what the results will be. None of my classmates even know that MIT exists!
That girl’s got a fail whale shirt! I’m so jealous
I feel like the bravest person ever! because I dared to apply to MIT despite my terrible notes. Now I’m waiting the decision announcement time with lots of excltement, proud and happiness although I know the result will be negatiive. But at the end of this thing, I can say it was the most amazing thing I’ve done. And also I think I gained the experience I needed. Next time will be much different.
Finally, good luck everyone! See you within the next 4 years.. (hopefully)
It’s historical event in my life, so the final decision will have great effects. Not negative or positive, but dramatic, or REAL DRAMATIC. I will be strong.
Yup, MIT or not, I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!