Journey back Home from PE Class by Yuliya K. '18
photodocumenting the trek across campus
It’s finally spring in Boston! And unlike the occasional t-shirt weather spurts in February and March, it seems like this streak of sunshine and relative warmth is here to stay.
In this final quarter of my time at MIT, I am taking not one, but two PE classes, back-to-back: Fitness & Meditation first, Yoga right after. Although having to take half of my PE requirement in the last 6 weeks of college makes me “that senior,” I’m pretty happy I doubled up. Saves me time not having to cross over to the West side of campus twice, even though it is only a 10-minute journey.
On Monday, the weather was so nice, and my mood was so good after all the exercise and meditation, I photodocumented my trip back home from PE class, for the blogs. Below are 29 photographs, with captions about culture and architecture.