Landing by Afeefah K. '21
Your Aircraft Has Arrived at Gate '21
The very first blog post I published on the blogs was a play on the inflight passenger announcement that precedes take off. That first blog post was a witty combination of orientation information and MIT-related insights and expectations I had collected during my first few days at MIT. I did not know much at the time. I was absolutely terrified of what the next four years were to hold. I was anxious about living so far away from home. I was worried about the academic rigor that was to come. I didn’t know if I was going to make it. Today, I’m at the other end of the journey. This post is scheduled to go up on the day of the 2021 Virtual Graduation. I have managed to make it through. And it feels absolutely surreal. Just as surreal as it was to get my acceptance more than four years ago. And just as surreal as it was to hold my MIT ID card in hand, staring out at Killian Court. We did it, you guys!
When I first wrote Take Off, I knew that the very last post I wrote had to be Landing. So here it goes…
Blog readers, Blog fanatics, Blog scrollers, Blog Writers, welcome to the *Virtual* Killian Court Airport. Local time is 12 PM ET and the weather outside is a chilling 2021.
For your safety and comfort, please remember to eat your meals and hydrate, regardless of how crazy your life gets and how overwhelming your workload may seem. A well fed and well ‘drated mind is capable of tackling literally anything.
Please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the graduates have turned their rings and received their diplomas. You can join our virtual graduation here.
At this time, you should use your cellular phones to call and thank your village:
- Ammi, Abba, my little brother Ashar – thank you for being my number one support system that I can always turn to. We’ve been through a lot over the past few months, and you all have always reminded me that being happy and healthy is the most important thing in life.
- To my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, thank you for the countless Facetime calls and study breaks.
- To my friends at MIT and beyond, thank you for the most amazing of memories and for going on this crazy adventure with me. Y’all are a part of my forever family.
- To my blog family, thank you for giving me this platform to share my story and make my voice heard. Thank you for being my day-ones yall.
- To my mentors and professors, thank you for seeing the potential I sometimes didn’t see in myself and for supporting me over the past few years.
Please check around your seat for all photos, old psets, late night memories, La Verdes receipts, dining hall tales and precious memories you have discovered on board. Please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as baggage may have collected heavy emotions and nostalgia during the flight.
If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat for as long as you need. It is okay to sit and let yourself feel the feels. Addressing your emotions is healthy. In fact, many times we are so focused on the next big thing in our lives, that we don’t let ourselves fully sit in the present and soak in everything that is and everyone that is in this moment and in this time. So do that if you can.
One behalf of ‘Tute Airlines and the entire crew, I’d like to thank you for joining me on this incredible, once in a lifetime trip. It’s been an absolute dream and no words will make for a sufficient goodbye. Be well, be happy, dream big, and always strive to be your most authentic self!

photo creds: Amber Lu ’21