Let’s Take a Walk by Snively '11
until orientation!Orientation is about to arrive and all of a sudden MIT will be flooded with eager beavers that want to eat free food, stay up late, and maybe even meet some new friends. Orientation is just like CPW all over again, only better, because now you have all your stuff here, can do laundry, and have a place to sleep. You’ll actually be living here and will be able to do whatever you want. Awesome, eh?
Well, I thought I’d take a walk through campus and show you some of the things you may run into. I only have a half hour left of battery so this can’t really be the liveblog I intended it to be, but I’ll throw up the first location on my journey and then post the rest tonight, so come back!
First, Stata’s newest (and, frankly, strangest) exhibit. I like to call it the “Four person naked house” but its real name is “Tuesday.” Mine makes more sense.
If you read the description you’ll see why I called it that. The PDF is just about 1.8 Mb and is totally worth it if you have dial-up, go for it!
I’m scared to sit in this house just because I know what’s been in there, so I’m going to move on now and take some pictures of some other things. They should be posted by 10 PM EST tonight. If not, well, I’m going to be tired at work tomorrow.
As I left the Stata Center I noticed two things. Thing number one: Prefrosh had been there. How could I tell? I saw this on the board:
If it had been an MIT student, well, it would have been the kind of math that causes a ringing in your ears and then makes you want to beat your head against the wall. The Pythagorean Theorem, however, is nice and pretty.
Thing Two: A giant paper butterfly!
Outside now, I wandered over to the site of the new Media Lab extension. They’ve started putting the glass in now, it’s looking pretty epic (yes, I’m one of those people that says “epic” a lot).
Trekking down Memorial Drive, away from East Campus and towards the Harvard Bridge, I spotted the Green Building and what almost looked like a giant game of Connect 4.
Walker Memorial was next, but there was a fence around the entrance. Peering through the fence I caught a glimpse of the brand new stairs they just installed.
Farther and farther towards the Harvard bridge I went and before I knew it I was at Killian Court. Postcard picture moment!
Onward still and I made it to the Harvard Bridge, with an excellent view of the Boston skyline.
I made it halfway away from Hell shortly thereafter, taking the opportunity to look back on campus, darker now.
Down Mass Ave, left on Newbury Street, and soon I was at Newbury Comics, my new all time favorite store.
Where I picked up a copy of:
Back to MIT I headed, stopping in Lobby Seven so I could point out some things. See these big silver things?
One of them has a mirror on it. Can you guess why? Up to the third floor and into building nine I headed. Exploring the twisty series of hallways I came upon a dead end. The coyote must have discovered it too.
Then it was time to head back. Now I’m sitting in my room, typing, getting to read a little bit and then head to bed. It’s 9:59 now, I’ll hit the submit button and it’ll be exactly 10 PM. Goodnight all!
That giant paper butterfly is really cute =^.^=
Hi snively
did you read what i had sent you ?OK if you have not. BUt if you have read it then you must be laughing all over the place.In that case let me in.THis is the certain someone speaking.
That is really bizarre.
“Tuesday” makes no sense, but then, neither does the exhibit.
Killian Court looks so amazing!
Nice clock! What happens 9 days later when orientation starts? What will it display?
Is it bad that “Tuesday” sort of makes sense to me?
Haha, not at all!
Would you care to explain? I’m intrigued…
a giant game of connect 4? isn’t it connect 5?
lol, idk
you know i hate those coyote & road runner cartoons, or the tom & jerry ones. i really want the mouse to die! seriously, it gets so unfunny after a while. anyone else agree with me here? jerry should die for once.
(nice post snively!)
I can’t wait to visit Newbury Comics and the new Apple store. Those are at the top of my to-do list.
(Watchment ftw!).
Awesome! the thing actually counts down! it thought it was just the time for when you posted it.
Cool counter. What will happen after it reaches time, though? Negative time for years and years to come?
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I’m so excited for orientation!!!!!! yet a little scared..
what’s the code for the counter?
NICE Killian Court shot!
yeah seriously, anyone mind to tell us how snively did the counter?
I’m scared to sit in it too. Sadly not many people read the description, and go straight to sitting down there.
having read the description, I am MORE excited to go sit in it. I wish I coulda been there performing that!
Maybe the artist observes the insect sabbath of Tuesday, like the death metal band in Scary Go Round.
why don’t you look at the Page Source… honestly MIT students are smart enough not to waste time making up a code that’s available online…
yeah, the killian court one is seriously pretty (:
@thenga kola
found the page source, ty
@ Snively
Great Post, I really liked the at Killian Court, maybe MIT could use that picture on its main admission page?
I have a question about how you(Snively) post your blogs online.
Do you
1. Type everything in scripts (xhtml, javascript and whatever else you may want to use).
2.Do you type everything on a different page and upload pictures on another page which get put together on the page that appears on MIT admission?
I hope that makes sense
Wow…that’s a little bizarre!
I wonder where the idea of naming it “Tuesday” came from. Your title makes MUCH more sense!
Hey Snively,
I can’t wait to get back to MIT! I’ll see you in a little more than a week.
-Danny ’12
P.S. I like the dynamic counter…javascript?
okay, so i had absolutely no idea what you guys were talking about with the whole counting down thing! i looked through the article like 3 times, before i looked over and finally saw it. maybe i dont belong at MIT!! =D
I am unbelievably excited for Orientation, but also a little scared…because I’m running out of space in my suitcase!!! O Noes!!!
I think the artist is trying to represent the relationship between the individual and the larger social institutions with which he/she interacts. The house is such an institution, be it a college, company, or state, and the people that sit in it are its constituents, or “cells” as the description says. The house encloses and protects them (the cavities were lined with fur) in exchange for service (the humans leave periodically to retrieve gold balls – tasks which don’t benefit them [the people] directly). The main issue is whether or not the structure is a positive force (providing protection, warmth, etc) or a repressive influence (note how the cavities look artificial and uncomfortable, and the fur could be construed as hot and suffocating). If you relate it to government, it’s a very Hobbes/Locke sort of dilemma – are social constructs necessary, evil, or both?
mm… javascript (too often confused with Java imho). Don’t know why the month has to be one less than the current month. The author at ricocheting.com could’ve just put a “month–;” somewhere in there instead of making the user do it manually.
I might actually get a tripod just so I can take nice pictures of Building 10.
Is that really the media lab extension? They built fast! Back during CPW, it barely had two floors.
Ivan: I’m pretty sure the MIT blogs use Movable Type.
Aw. I sat in the seat before reading the sign.
Oh well. I’m not dead.
mr snively,
did you get a Macbook at the Apple Store?
Nope, I use a Dell.
Are you sure you dont use a mac….
There’s one in your facebook pic.
Okay, I can’t figure out the mirror thing. I mean, I know which one has a mirror because I saw it in person, but I don’t know why. Am I just dull?
I am seaking for admission in MIT please, help me out as someone who is there before me.
From Tim