Liveblog from Apple Store by Snively '11
I copy Paul, 3 hours later.
Hello world. I too am at the new Apple store at Boylston street. Unlike Paul, who was probably using his own computer, I am using a fancy black macbook to write my entry. I, of course, have to add MIT content to this entry so here you go:
1) Housing results came out, yay!
2) The rooms you have right now are completely temporary and you do not have the power to decide whether you will stay in them or not. This does not necessarily apply to McCormick, I’m not sure exactly how that works.
3) Your current roommate is also temporary, although you will get a chance to keep them if you’d like.
4) Your final floor and room will be decided during REX and Orientation.
5) You were placed into your temporary dorm based on your preferences but the floor you were placed on (except for language halls) was completely random.
There’s going to be a concert here in the Mac store in about 40 minutes so I should leave before this place gets ridiculous.
Do you know if there is any way to find out who our temporary roommates are, or even whether we have a single, double, or triple? I suppose it doesn’t matter that much, but it seems like such knowledge could be useful.
Post your info on Facebook; your roommate might identify you or vice versa.
You should use the site Sara Itani made. It worked for a lot of people. It’s on the MiT’12 Group on FB.
Cool tip: you can go to whereis.mit.edu and look up the floor plans for your dorm to check out your room. A lot of upperclassmen actually use this a lot when choosing their own rooms for upcoming years. And this also serves as a general idea of how many people you’ll be sharing with.
Also, knowing which dorm you’ll be in helps a lot. For example, Senior House is mostly singles with a couple of doubles. Same for EC. Of course MacGregor is all singles. And, to the best of my knowledge, Baker is the only one with quads.
i think there’s a lottery held around registration day for people who don’t like their rooms in mccormick
Note on McCormick rooming: Frosh are assigned rooms which are then permanent for at least the semester unless someone reallyreallyreally wants a different room.
Just sayin’ =P
@Donald: I was actually trying to think of the opposite of “liveblog” earlier today (the reason for which will become clear later :D). I decided that “anti-liveblog” was probably more appropriate than “deadblog” though…
omg im so jealous haha. I’ve love apple stores.
Omar, you just love anything Mac-related. Your love is rather non-specific in that regard.
Snively, I don’t think this entry qualified for either a) use of the term liveblog or b) use of the term Apple Store .. tisk, tisk
I can forgive you though because a) black macbooks are awesome (I’m using the rev1 one I’ve had for a couple years) and b) I expect you will deadblog this concert after the fact, if it was, in fact, interesting
@ Lainers: You can email your Room Assignment Chairs (should be listed in the welcome letter) for your roommate.
@ Milena: Isn’t whereis.mit.edu just maps of campus? https://floorplans.mit.edu has the floorplans of every floor of every building on campus (except for NW35). Don’t forget the “s” at the end of “https” and you need certificates to view the site. Useful for hackers?
Thanks to all for the suggestions. Facebook isn’t really an option for me right now, so I think I’ll give Connie’s a try. Much appreciated, everyone.
I want to keep my room :(
Also , I I want to keep my room :(
Also , I <3 Apple.
ok, the ‘ love apple’ bit vanished.
dude, death gods only eat apples.
did you get a MacBook?
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