MIT ‘10: Another Fab Four by Matt McGann '00
Sarah Dupuis '10, Zachary Bjornson-Hooper '10 Emily Houston '10, and Renaldo Webb '10.
Class of 2010 Excels: from Rifle Champion to Water Quality Researcher
From the MIT Alumni Association's New & Noteworthy
When the 1,005-strong Class of 2010 steps on campus next fall, they will find a cohort of talented peers from 49 countries as partners in learning. Talent and accomplishment are already evident in the class:
- Sarah Dupuis of New Preston, Conn., is a successful singer-songwriter who has recorded 50 songs including a top download at a popular indie music Web site. Dupuis loves math and sees MIT -- and Cambridge/Boston -- as a dynamic confluence of her two passions.
- Zachary Bjornson-Hooper, who wants to study bioengineering to design fuel cells, was named by Teen People magazine as one of 20 teens who will change the world. Hailing from Moraga, Calif., Bjornson-Hooper is one of 20 teens worldwide who serves as a UN Environmental Programme advisor and his work on airplane water quality has appeared in more than 100 media stories.
- Emily Houston from Burke, Va., began shooting with her dad at the age of eight and now holds 20 national rifle championship titles. Her other interests include teaching younger kids math and science and investigating how math has affected the rise and fall of civilizations over time.
- Renaldo Webb, a Marrero, La., native who plans to study subatomic physics, is the first person in his family to attend college. A graduate of MIT's Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES) program, his work on neutrino mass earned a spot at the International Science and Engineering Fair.
Of 11,373 applicants, 13 percent were admitted and the yield, those who chose MIT, is 67 percent, the same as last year. When decisions come back from the thirty students accepted from the wait list, the class size is expected to hit the goal of 1,005. The class now includes 48 percent women and 16 percent underrepresented minorities. The class weighs in with a median SAT verbal score of 740, math, 780.
"The increase in the quantity and quality of applicants made for some really difficult decisions this year in selection committee, but it will also make this class as talented and as engaging as ever," says Stuart Schmill '86, senior associate director of admissions.
"Certainly this is true with regard to test scores and the other metrics, but it is also true of the less measurable but equally important qualities, such as leadership, curiosity, and creativity. It is a remarkable group who will bring a vibrant energy to this campus in the fall."
Hi, I have a general question:
I began to work on the online application (yeah I like to start things early), and I noticed that a space for AP scores weren’t provided. I self-studied 5 AP’s and did well; how do I report this?
God, how can I compete with that?
Also, Sarah Dupuis is pretty much the coolest girl ever.
I’m already humbled and I haven’t set foot on campus yet. Yikes! This is gonna be a fun ride.
Hi Matt
It s really depresing and daunting for me to see that the median scores are SOOOO high!!!!!!
I want to apply for the fall2007 semester and I ll be writing my AS exam in november2006. I ll be finished with the A level syllabus by the time MIT starts in aug/sep. However I won’t be able to write the A level exam in november 2007 IF i get acepted.
My SAT scores were as follows: 710-Math
I wanted to know if I have a chance of getting in, because I feel really depressed and heart broken looking at the median SAT scores and the profiles of students winning so many awards and scholorships, since it has been my dream to go MIT ( its true if it sounds cliche)
By the way I worked as a research assisant at the universtiy of Botswana in the Materials lab, will that help my chances??
Yours sincerely
Thanks, Matt! I actually met an MIT alum at a match this summer due to this article! It was pretty neat.