MIT Freshman Application: Live on Monday by Matt McGann '00
The MIT Freshman Application will go live tomorrow (Monday) on MyMIT.
The MIT Freshman Application will go live tomorrow (Monday) on MyMIT.
If you have not yet done so, you will need to register for a MyMIT account. The account provides a number of benefits, including:
- Access to the online application
- Contact information for your EC (interviewer)
- Application document tracking
- Financial aid document tracking
- Online decisions
- Registration for an overnight visit at MIT
- and more…
Here’s this year’s calendar of application-related dates:
Early Action
- October 20: Last day to contact your interviewer and set up an interview
- November 1: Deadline for Early Action application (postmark deadline for mailed materials)
- November: Last month to take standardized tests for Early Action application
- Mid-December: Early Action applicants notified of admission decision
- February 15: Receipt deadline for all Financial Aid materials
- April 1: All applicants notified of financial aid package
- May 1: Deadline for enrollment decision of accepted students
Regular Action
- December 10: Last day to contact your interviewer and set up an interview
- January 1: Deadline for Regular Action application (postmark deadline for mailed materials)
- January: Last month to take standardized tests for Regular Action application. If you take the January test, you must list MIT as a school to receive your scores when you take the test or we will not receive them in time for our review.
- February 15: Receipt deadline for all Financial Aid materials
- Mid to Late-March: Regular Action applicants notified of admission decision
- April 1: All applicants notified of financial aid package
- May 1: Postmark deadline for enrollment decision of accepted students
We’ll be talking more about the application in depth over the coming months. Stay tuned…
First non-spam bot post
Do you happen to have the time they will post it? You know, just to make the camper’s lives a little easier.
Yay! We have a release date!
Of course this does mean that I’m going to be checking MyMIT constantly at work tomorrow. Is there a release time yet?
OMG I can’t wait. Is there a release time?
ow its serious to me , i’ll check mymit maybe tomorrow but when do you send it exactly?
I’ve been constantly checking MYMIT since June, expecting some changes to the “back to your dashboard” note. But till today, nothing has happened on that site. Maybe MIT network was attacked by a super-alien hacker? Or the admission staff have just spent too much time enjoying their holidays?
4 days’ delay is not a big deal in numerical sense, anyway. But it reflects a certain kind of attitude.
God please, the number 13 is already bad enough. Why do we have to take more?
Yay!! I’m so happy that the anxiety ends(or begins?)
Thank you SOOOO much! You have no clue how much this blog post was! I was dying to know when the application came out. Because all the site was saying was that the application would be out “Late Summer” (very ambiguous).
sorry to intrude in but whats the time for the transfer application?
Yay!! Finally after long days of nervewracking wait it will be finally up!!
By the way? Will de downloadable PDF be available too? I know applying online is good but I feel more comfortable seeing my application on paper.
Yes!!! I’ve been checking the site religiously for the application.
Oh, thank you, now I can sleep at night.
What exactly is the time… of tomorrow?
since it’s an 24 hour time frame…
it is going to be the last nano second of Monday huh… xDDD
Hello, is there a problem for a future ’14 applicant (me) to register at MyMIT this time around, to get a look at the application and otherwise?
Much appreciated.
Yay :D
OOOH this is so exciting for the ’13s!
oh and, @ahana: begins. the anxiety is definitely only beginning.
YAY! Thanks for the update, Matt!
@Steven: I understand where you’re coming from, but keep in mind that the Admissions Office is currently going through two significant staffing changes: Stu Schmill officially taking the reins as Dean of Admissions, and Ben Jones leaving as Director of Communications. I know the delay is unfortunate, but if this reflects any attitude, I’d say it’s that MIT wants to make the application as perfect as possible for all you guys.
Best of luck to everyone!
Good luck everyone!
Yay! Thanks for the update.
Now expect hundreds of thousands of hits to the MyMIT portal in the next 24 hours…
Ok, guys, you do know that being the first to get the application has no impact on your chances for admission, right?
RELAX, you have 3 months to finish this thing.
See, my pleas were of truth fellow Americans.
So are the 2012’s kicked off by my.mit tomorrow?
So are the 2012’s kicked off by my.mit tomorrow?
Whoayo! Good luck ’13s!!
Also, second on Yuzhi’12’s question; I’ll miss my myMIT =S
Oh, come out already!
The MyMIT web site is down temporarily for an upgrade. It is scheduled to be back up shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience.
@Alex – if I remember correctly, there isn’t a specific blank application button, but if you don’t fill in any of the blanks and then do ‘preview application’ you should get a PDF with none of the spaces filled in.
Applying online is a LOT easier, though, so I definitely recommend transferring your responses from the paper to the internets afterwards. It is nice to know that once you’ve hit ‘submit’ the admissions office for sure has your application and there’s no chance that it got lost in the mail.
I wonder when it’ll be up again… *worries*
I am so excited!
oh finally!
looking forward to it..
my senior year is really getting to me now
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! FINALLY!! being told it would come out “the end of summer” or the ” end of July” has had me checking myMIT obsessively!! now i actually get to start applying…YES!
@ ’11 yes, we know we have 3 months, but if we start now we can perfect it, so maybe we can actually get in instead of just dreaming of getting in. and its so much better to be doing something than just sitting and waiting!
Hey….it’s nto out yet…the site’s getting updated….I’m so liveblogging this!
Hey….it’s not out yet…the site’s getting updated….I’m so liveblogging this!
Not working yet. Still being updated. Maybe I’ll check tomorrow (there’s not *that* much of a rush).
@Zack….it is!….I’ve been checking the site feverishly all day:in school at home…my folks think I’m nuts!(can’t blame ’em)
But soon…
@Alex: Yes, the application will be downloadable in PDF format, most likely from this page. As Karen said, though, applying online tends to be easier and is highly recommended.
Finally!! I’ve been checking nonstop since the last week in July. I’m seconding (or thirding, or fourthing…) the request for a timeframe. Let us know something, I beg of you!
Thanks a lot guys from MIT. So it time to get down to business, I think;) I feel relieved, though it just started. Good luck to all.
how long does it take to upload an application??!! i’m gonna wear out my mouse continuously checking!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HURRY UP BEFORE I LOSE MY SANITY!! ( oh wait, its already gone…)
Snap! This is going to be cool!
Thank you, I appreciate you for making this blog post, I’ve been waiting so long for this, finally the time has come to embark on the application!!
I support Senator Obama too. I’m just messing with the fake impostor :p. I seriously doubt that the real Obama would be here. LOL
Wouldn’t that be something.
The time frame specified has begin…
clock is ticking.
only 23 and a half hour left, soon… soon…
Yeah, it would be something. Hey, MIT, when are you releasing the application. I’m starting to get worried.
I’m trying to calm…Om!!!Lol..just get it out!
I’d call them if I had long distance sevice, but I don’t. :(
Good luck to all prospective ’13s!!!!
hey guys, stop worrying.
waiting a few hours for the application isn’t going to hurt you.
i’m sure MIT will take a class of 2013 and that you will all have time to do up your applications and check them over well and have your best possible chances at admission.
don’t get me wrong, i’ve refreshed a few times too, but i’m not letting it get to me… i have too much AP summer homework to focus on… and paintings to paint and ice cream to eat.
good luck, and stay calm!
I can’t help but think that it would be cool to see you all in the Admitted forum come December!
but I suppose I’m getting ahead of myself…haha.
and, @ Alex, haha, i wouldn’t call… harrassing admissions, i’m pretty sure, cannot help your chances of acceptance in any way.
go fix yourself something nice to eat, grab a good book, and enjoy the summer a bit instead
Amelia i hope so too! :D
Well, that just demonstrates how motivated we are about being admitted to MIT. Who knows maybe they’ll ask us for our IP adress to check how many times we’ve refreshed the page.
It has begun finally…….Lets hope I see your names alongwith mine in the “accepted list”.
Where???? I don’t see it anywhere.
It’s online now!
Best of luck, everyone!
Now it’s not working! Oh no!
Yeah,it’s not working…I guess there are way to many people out there!
I think they’re messing with our minds.
Wow! It’s crazy to think that just a year ago I was filling out the application, and now I am looking forward to moving across the country!
It’s also interesting that the next class (2013) is already applying, before the previous class (2012) has even arrived on campus.
Best of luck to all!
What if MIT is playing a prank on us? They’re probably here looking at all our posts an laughing their heads off.
@___@ *headdesk* I think I’ve lost my mind. They haven’t got anything to mess with now, though. o.o
Oh dear. So much people trying to get to MyMIT that it crashes = more applicants than MIT was prepared for = even lower admit rate this year.
I got all excited cuz I was starting to fill out Section 1 and then the site went down. *cries*
This is pure torture… I can’t bear it.
Maybe this is their way of lowering the number of people who apply this year; by seeing how many people die from anxiety while they wait for the application.
Good Luck everyone! There were supposed to be some quotes from current students to help you all out, but I don’t see any. Maybe they’ll still be released
I’d already had the details of my EC and was almost done with Section 1. I’m with you Bethan! It’s midnight here, but who’s complaining!(Though I do hope it’s not a hack)
If this is a hack the hackers at MIT went to far. How do they expect us to admire and presence their hacks at MIT , if they’re torturing us by putting up and down the application.
But who knows… Maybe we crashed the server or something.
Oh, Ahana, I know! I had the details of my EC too and I was all “*squee* Yay!”
I’ve been waiting all day for this! I drove my colleagues crazy checking this all the time.
Yeah, that’s more likely,I was just kidding about the hack. It’s time we be patient, having monkeyed around for 5 hours..lol..what am I saying?!
Well they only said it will be released today. Not when. Maybe the made a script randomly showing the application every 15 minutes and they’ll release it a minute before midnight.
Hey prospective students,
My name is Matt and I’m a rising junior at MIT. I couldn’t help but hear about all the commotion on the blogs about the online application. I would just like to suggest that anyone out there who’s checking every hour for the application to calm down. Your chances of getting in do not increase because you’re going to send your application 3 months early. I understand that MIT is probably one of your top choices and getting in would mean the world to you but you should enjoy relax and enjoy your summer. Please understand that people in the admissions office are working hard and any delays on their part have proper justification. Well…good luck and maybe I’ll see you in Sept. 2009.
Wow.. I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I started this gut-wrenching application (and waiting) process.
Good luck everyone, I wish you the best.
Heh, all I’m really curious to know is whether the essay questions have changed from last year.
The site says there are way too many people logging in. Oh well…
@JU – From what I saw earlier, they have not. That’s probably for the best too. I like MIT’s questions.
Okay, I have access to the MyMit page. But everytime I click on online application it draws a blank page. Thanks MIT :D
I still don’t..
Thanks for hogging the server,guys:P
I’ve been stalking this site since thursday just to find out hundreds are hogging the application…
“MyMIT is currently experiencing a very heavy load, and has exceeded its capacity for simultaneous users. The site is operating normally, but cannot accept any additional logins until other users have ended their sessions. Please retry your request in a few minutes. Thank you! “
Hurry up, foo!
Something to do while waiting: http://www.tilt.no/Pandemic2.htm
still upgrading!!!!
bite bite bite…
oh it hurts!!!
the flesh is out!!!
I was so excited to see i could get on… but it was all a joke! i had my EC info and everything, and then… no application! WHY!!??
Good luck!
So what is an “Interview Report” and what’s on it, anyway?
I, for one, support Barack and wish you would stop being so mean to him.
Coolness- I’m definitely working on this after I get my robots finished. ^_^
Oh, I feel so sorry, Paul. Maybe I’ve just been too cynical on this. Well, in my country, things almost all go like what I previously said, and I am so frustrated by that, you know.
Yeah, I understand there has also been a hard situation in MIT. But at least we should have been informed on the possible impact of the staff changes. A lot of guys like me are crazy about the Tute, and this admiration is not just being some kind of frenzy, it is a belief, that MIT is really sometwhere different, and a place where we could explore with fascination and excitement we’ve never experienced before.
You know I come from China. Of course, from my email address you could see that. And actually several days delay won’t significantly affect my application. But what you don’t know is that I’ve been striving 3 years to earn a pilgrimage to the Tute, for my parents could not even afford me to take a virtual trip to USA with a total family saving of 50,000 RMB or roughly $ 7,000 in US dollars. I know in the US applying to MIT is a pretty cool idea. But for a poor boy from China, it is a totally different thing. You may imagine how many sneers and obstacles I have received during 3 years, from both peers and teachers. But actually you can’t. Just as I could not have figured out the real attitude of you guys on a Chinese basis, you have a good chance to have no ideas about the ordeals in Chinese high schools as well.
In China, it has long been a privilege to the rich families to design their kids to attend top universities in the US, even most of these institutes offer need-blind or need-based scholarship for international applicants. One reason is simple enough, that acquiring relative language training has to cost a considerable amount of money, let alone “international exchange students” programs. Students like me from poor families are initially deprived of these opportunities. Making it worse, since transcripts from Chinese high schools have long enjoyed a notorious reputation for not being reliable and veracious (maybe not the applicants’ fault, the mechanics is decided by the educational system and schools’ purposes), the only dependable academic standard left is SAT scores. But how could these students from poor families earn a decent score in SAT without having the opportunies I mentioned above in the first place? Also, flying to Hongkong to take a test is not a small expenditure. Such students are often daunted by the expense at first glance so they just decide never to go abroad.
Coming back to myself, I applied to MIT 2 years ago when I was 15. But because of my so-so grades and performance, I was denied. Then I came back to junior grade again to prepare for the application, in a different school. And I feel neither proud nor dejected to say that it has been my fourth year in high school now (Chinese high schools have 3 school years in total.) Yeah, it must have been a joke for my teachers when I told them that I was going to apply to MIT again.
Truely, my performance in the last year of my former high school had been awful, due to the fact that a large amount of time was spent on preparing for SAT. But they didn’t give me even a last piece of respectation or dignity. They knew I had no money and I hadn’t been doing very well on my grades in former years, so when I told them this, they bullied me with a possible expel from my new school for “messing around.”
Since last year, I’ve been working extremely hard and as result, I became top in the grade and ranked NO.1 in last final examination. But I know this will give me no advantage at all, because every applicant from my country is a “top student” in the school report, and a lot of Americans really believe in that! So I got to get down to the SAT again but certainly had no time. My teachers forbade any sort of “irregular activity” of me, and I even had to sneak to the music room to practice the piano at 4.30 in the morning simply because they thought it has nothing to do with my study (plus, I study in a boarding school, and we have lessons 7 days of a week, with a half-day break on Sundays)! This situation had last until this May, when my teachers and I finally reached an agreement that as long as I kept top in the grade, they wouldn’t interfere with my application. Therefore, I got a hectic month at last, and finally I received a score of 2,200 in June’s SAT I and 2,390 in May’s SAT II.
After all this, I am applying to the Tute now!
Paul, I am not trying to convince you and there is nothing for me to brag about if I applied on the first day. But this is how MIT means to me. If you really had known how much a boy from a normal Chinese family had endured in fighting a way here, you would have understood his disappointment when he missed the first day.
Good luck!
@^Alex, MIT may be finicky at times, but they’re not paranoid!
Now that the wait is (mostly?) over and I’ve seen the goods, I have some questions about the application itself. There’s an official email for questions, but I’d like to pass them by the mob first
Is it usual to get an EC you already know? Is that a good thing? Is it also a good thing to have an interview with someone interested in your field? I don’t know how the interviews go – would it be good to have someone you can “talk shop” with (which would be awesome :D) or does it not matter?
Also, do the teacher evaluations have to be on the forms on the application page? I’ve already got letters of recommendation on mostly-similar-but-not-exactly-the-same forms. Will the Admissions Ninjas hunt me down for this?
Hey Jonathan,
I’d for your EC, so long as they’re someone you can easily have a conversation with, you’re in good shape. The more you have to talk about and the more comfortable you are talking with them, the better! Though already knowing your EC may cause bias…
And for teacher evaluations — the checklists do have to be on those forms, but the free response questions can be replaced by a letter or your school’s own questions, I think. There are instructions about that on the page.
Good luck!
And, I doubt “admissions ninjas” have time to hunt anyone down (xD). If you do something wrong, it could just decrease your chances of admission.
But you probably knew that.
it’s the exact same as last year! disappointment..
Nice to know its coming out today! Next time around I suggest you guys get some of us involved in creating an alert system of some sort.
I’ve built an SMS platform before and I’m ready to offer it to MIT for use to alert prospective applicants when vital information is made ready!
Shut up, Barack. Fortunately MIT is private so nothing shou do shall ruin it…
AHHH! AHHH! I’ve been waiting for this for this moment for years.
Wow, I’m old, and excited.