MIT ISEF Reception by Matt McGann '00
MIT will be present at the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair in Albuquerque this week.
The MIT Office of Admissions will host a reception for participants in the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF) on Thursday, May 17th, from 3:00pm to 4:30pm at the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque. The Hyatt is located between 3rd & 4th Streets and Tijeras and Copper Avenues, right near the Convention Center. RSVP (requested but not required) to me (in the comments or via email). I hope you can join us!
MIT ISEF Reception
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
Fiesta Room (2nd floor)
330 Tijeras Avenue NW
Albuqerque, NM 87102
And for the international students at ISEF, I will be presenting a shoptalk:
Admission to US Universities for International ISEF Participants
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
4-5pm (rescheduled from 1pm)
Ruidoso Room
In a session designed specifically for ISEF’s international students, we will discuss admission to U.S. universities, providing advice and logistical details, including financial aid.
And for the MIT Class of 2011 at ISEF, we’ll be having a breakfast gathering on Thursday. Look for details in your email.
Here are some photos from ISEF 2006 in Indianapolis…
At left, the glass Artsgarden soaring above a busy city intersection; at right, the crowd at the reception.
Faye Faye ’10, Sukrit ’10, and Ian ’10 address the crowd.
On Wednesday night, I went out to dinner with a dozen of the 20+ MIT 2010s at Intel ISEF.
The table at dinner. In the first picture, Ethan, Desh, Matt, Maggie and Maysun (all ’10); in the second picture, Alice, faye Faye and Ploy (again, all ’10); and finally, Ian, Manuel, Zihao, and Reynaldo (MIT ’10s).
Intel ISEF is a huge fair, with nearly 1500 students from 40+ countries. On Thursday morning, I got to visit many of the finalists and their projects.
Anneke ’10 at her project, with her sign, which became a hit of the fair.
And some pictures from ISEF 2005 in Phoenix…
From top left: Amber ’09, Johann ’09, Mike ’09, Jackie ’09, and two photos of last year’s huge crowd.
If you’ll be at ISEF 2007 in Albuquerque, I hope to see you there!
First post! I think…
Insightful post, Farhad.
I look forward to an exciting week!
NTH POST!!!!11COS(o)!1!
tTo bad I didnt make isef lol, at least I got to post on the site concerning it I guess…
I love Anneke’s sign. I might have to steal that idea sometime, haha.
hey, quit stealing my identity
nevermind the above…….imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
Hey, that’s me
ISEF was so much fun.
i would to be there :(
Awesome blog postings!
Awesome blog postings!
MIT ISEF receptions were amazing – Glad to see you’re keeping up the tradition! I’m sure I’m in some of those photos…
Hey Matt, do you mean we international will get the details in our MIT email?? I’ve not even recevied the NBM, so how can i get the details??
ISEF = fun. didn’t get to see MIT reception last year, but I bet it makes ISEF all that much better!
Matt, just a question (this is reposted from your last blog entry). I read on the site somewhere that to send in art samples, undergrad applicants have to send it to the architecture department?! But isn’t that something for the admissions committee to consider?
If we do decide to send in music/art/any other supplementary materials we’d like to be considered, do we send it separately? Or can we send it in an envelope with teacher evaluations and official transcripts (to save postage money)?
Hi Lola,
Don’t worry! Most admission committees do not personally review the supplemental materials sent in by applications – they are sent out for evaluation my more qualified authorities (science departments for papers, music departments for music…and, at MIT, the architecture department for art). Sending your art to the architecture department directly cuts out the downtime it would take for the Admissions Office to physically transfer your materials to the Department of Architecture.
Since the art is supposed to go to a separate department, it should be in a separate envelope. As for sending it with transcripts and everything else, I would personally advise against it – but it probably would get to the right department in the end. (By the way, if you do decide to send anything extra in, it might be helpful to make a note of that – either somewhere on the application or as a separate remark with your transcripts.)
In a nutshell, the admissions committee certainly WILL take your additional materials into consideration, even though they’re sent somewhere else first.
Thank you so much for clarifying! Yeah, it would make sense to have specific departments review the material.
Oy vey, these shenanigans to apply to college are expensive. =)
Hi Matt.
I applied as a transfer student this year and I was wondering when the decisions are mailed. Since I don’t live in the U.S., I’d like to know what kind of mail is used.
Nice blog by the way.
Hey guys. This is Kumar talking…I think this is the 2007 ISEF blog..